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i am currently taking the above for strong pain relief. can you send details of side effects at your earliest convenience??

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Yes. I had to move to Tramidol, which was ineffective as pain control of chemotherapy- induced myalgia. After some time, about a year, I think, my pharmacy told me that if my doctor (normal GP) would give me a prescription for paradex it could be supplied. That is what happened, but I have to pay for it, but it is not expensive.

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How safe is this drug and should it be the cost of a prescription

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Is it still possible to access Paradex in NZ through a specialist prescription? I have tried many other pain killers but not are as effective as paradex for me.

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Paradex contains Paracetamol 325 mg + Dextropropoxyphene 50 mg.

Possible side effects may include: dizziness, sedation, nausea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, skin rashes, lightheadedness, headache, weakness, euphoria, dysphoria, hallucinations, and minor visual disturbances.

For more details and warnings about Propoxyphene, please see:

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Does this drug affect your mood

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