Pantoprazole Substitute


I can not take pantoprazole now but have all day issues w/ my stomach. Is there anything I can do or take to help?

2 Replies

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Hi maggie,

Sorry to hear about your situation. From what I could gather, pantoprazole is used to treat symptoms of GERD & excess stomach acid.

What works for others may or may not work as well for you, however, I've had success with raw manuka honey and apple cider vinegar for eliminating excess acid and heartburn. My father also battles with esophagitis from time to time and has had very positive feedback with that regiment. Baking soda is extremely alkaline and in my experience may also be a nice addition to that arsenal of treatment. Other than that, drinking alkaline water daily (with a PH of 8-9.5), juicing raw veggies (such as a leafy greens, cucumbers, celery, apples, etc), and eating a clean diet could be beneficial as well in the near and long term.

I hope this helps and that you feel better soon!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

ty a friend suggested aloe cure but i cant find it except online but i did find aloe juice which i put in my drinking water and sip through out the day seems to help some

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