Pain Medicine-new Formula
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I was recently prescribed Hydrocodone with Tylenol. It is a new formula per the pharmacist (5-325). I have had this drug in the past and found that it worked well. This new formula isn't helping my pain. Can you tell me why? I know I had Lortab before. Is this the same drug? Thanks

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That's simply the formula for the basic Vicodin (5mg/300mg). 25g of APAPA doesn't make much of a difference. You need t see a competent BC IM specialist or gastroenterologist. NOW!

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Hello, Kathleen! How are you?

This isn't a new formula, nor a new dosage.

There are several on the market that contain Acetaminophen and Hydrocodone, including Lortab, Norco, Vicodin and others.

As to why it's not helping, it just might not be the right dosage or the right medication for you. Just because it has worked in the past, doesn't always mean it will work again, since our bodies do change with time.

Learn more Vicodin details here.

Have you contacted your doctor about it?

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