Pain Medication Treatment And Doctors


I am at the mercy of the medical and insurance systems for any quality of life possible for me after a failed back surgery led to an unstable spine and 57 degree curve scoliosis. I also have spinal stenosis, severe nerve root impingement, hip replacements in both legs after I was misdiagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and placed on steroids that caused spinal and general bone degeneration. I am in severe pain without medication. I wake up every morning in pain and have to take MEDS to begin to function. My former pain management doctor was under- medicating me, and I suffered a fractured hip during this time my doctor refused to increase my MEDS. My primary increased my MEDS and the pain stopped robbing me of my life. I later reduced the MEDS to the lower dose when the fracture healed sufficiently. No doctor will take my case. I'm in too bad of shape, according to one doctor. What am I to do? I've tried many other modalities and properly titrated MEDS seem the only thing that makes the pain tolerable, Lately I have pondered suicide. My primary won't cover me forever. Please help if you have an idea or a referal.

Desperate in Philly

3 Replies

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Hello! I am very sorry about the problems that you're having.

Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, you'll need to see a pain management specialist, again.

Have you asked your PCP if they can refer you to someone? That would likely be the easiest to get in with a new doctor.

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There are no new regulations that state only a pain dr can treat chronic pain.

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Can someone refer me to a pain docter in phoenix. I only have enough for this month.. I am from Tenn. I was getting 120 30's. And 90. 15's and 90 blue valeiums.. Any help would be thank full.

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