Pain Medication That Is Strong
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I've been on pain medications by mouth and patch for some years now and they don't help my back pain any longer. Does anyone know of a good medication for pain and inflammation? I'm currently on 20mg of methadone 3X a day.
4 Replies
David, those are great suggestions ! And they don't have the side effects that NSAIDS and opiate meds can have.
Hi Donna,
I see that you have a couple questions pending from others already... but in regards to fighting inflammation, I would encourage you to research herbal supplements like turmeric + black pepper combinations; black pepper significantly increases turmeric's efficacy.
The reason I even mention something natural like this is because my understanding is that it may have a direct healing effect on the underlying cause of your pain, as opposed to simply masking it. This is not to say that you'll experience instant relief, but long term adjunctive therapy utilizing things that actually possess healing attributes sounds to me like it would make for a nice addition to what you already use for masking pain through your doctor.
Something else to add is that THC/CBD tincture combinations also tend to illicit positive feedback from chronic pain patients (including my mom who had neck surgery as a result of degenerative disc disease). She's prescribed pain killers like oxycodone and lyrica, but finds that cannabis concentrates (psychoactive or not) allow her to take less pharmaceutical drugs.
Juicing fresh dark leafy greens is another adjunctive option that contains many healing compounds and in my opinion should be more of a lifestyle implementation for best results.
Just wanted to share this info in hopes that you're able to try things outside of the norm.
Donna in pain, what does your dr say ? Does he not want to increase your Methadone ?
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