Pain Medication Manufactured By Kvk Tech Inc
UpdatedVery interested if others out there have had problems with KVK Tech Inc. manufactured pain medications. I and several others I know, suffer with various chronic pain conditions. The pain medications prescribed by my doctor were effective and made my life tolerable and some days I was able to actually "function". Last year I started having a problem with my pain medication not relieving the pain. Then I started having other side effects. I asked the other chronic pain friends, and they were also having problems with their medication being effective. It took a little while and a lot of very slow logic on our parts, to put it together that the months that we were suffering and having side effects were the months that we were being sold KVK Tech Inc. products. I discussed this with the pharmacy at a Kroger store, and was initially told that "these pills are the same", no they are not, but was making no headway with getting a different manufacturer. I then discussed it with my doctor and changed pharmacies to Safeway, who assured me that they would be able to provide medications not manufactured by KVK Tech Inc. First several months they did provide effective medication, then suddenly they were only providing KVK Tech Inc. pills that along with not helping my pain were causing side effects. Safeway suggested that I check with Walgreens to see if they carried anything other than the KVK Tech Inc. product. I was told by Walgreens that they had purchased millions of the KVK Tech Inc. pain medication pills and "so sad, too bad, you are out of luck". As I had been filling all my prescriptions at Safeway, I went back to talk to them again, and offered to pay any additional cost if they would please order me pain medication manufactured by someone else. Safeway then told me that they, along with Walgreens and Kroger, know that the KVK Tech Inc. pills are not as effective as needed but that corporate had "gotten a good deal" on millions of the pills and that's all they were allowed to provide to their customers. Sorry that you are having side effects, there is nothing we can do to help you. It was a horrible sick month for me and I called Safeway five days in a row, asking them to please order another medication and that I would return all the pills I had not taken, and pay whatever the cost would be. Please replace these "poison pills" with something else. I was so sick, I didn't know how I could continue on. They were sorry I was sick, but nothing they could do for me. As anyone who takes a controlled pain medication knows, you can not just get another prescription for that medication and get it filled somewhere else. 30 days a very firm rule. One of the pharmacy employees suggested that I try a small independent pharmacy that wasn't governed by the corporate greed rule, which I did, and was able to purchase ZyGenerics manufactured pain medication the following month. The first day my pain was back under control, within three weeks the side effects had all but disappeared (except for another bladder infection that I get when I take KVK Tech Inc. medication). The bladder infection cost me for additional medication, lab work and office visit. Thank you very much KVK Tech Inc., and Safeway. My friends and I could not understand how Walgreens, Safeway, and Kroger were allowed to sell medication that they know isn't effective. It was explained to me that the FDA has a "effectiveness scale" and as long as your product hits on the scale it's legal. Just so happens that the product manufactured by KVK Tech Inc. hits very low on the "effectiveness scale". Could this be why Walgreens, Safeway and Kroger got such a "good deal" on the price of these millions of pills? It was also explained to me that the law governing the amount of "pain killer" included in a pill is a little stricter, but that the binder doesn't have to be effective in transmitting the pain killer to your central nervous system, so that's why you can take a pill and still be in pain. (Lately I've heard of several chronic pain patients over dosing on their medication (some died), which makes me wonder if these people were not getting any pain relief and took more pills, which still didn't help, so took another, and then they found they had taken too many. Were their pills manufactured by KVK Tech Inc.) The solution we have to our problem, was that each of us discussed it with our doctors, were provided prescriptions for alternative pain medication (that KVK Tech Inc. doesn't manufacture, so Walgreens, Safeway and Kroger can't push poison on us) and also found smaller independent pharmacies to fill all our prescriptions. Our final take was let Walgreens, Safeway and Kroger "eat" their "good deal" "poison pills". If no one buys them, it wasn't such a good deal to sell a bad product after all, was it? Pain medication isn't as simple as a gas purchase, cola and other products. You hand the pharmacy your prescription and you believe that they also have your health as a concern.
3 Replies
Hi Susie,
Hope all is well with you. I just finished reading your story, and I'm terribly sorry to hear about what you had to go through in order to obtain a working version of what should've worked the first time around. That's quite an ordeal you had with KVK Tech. It seems like a lot of these prophet driven companies have very little moral when it comes to the quality of their medicine.
I see you posted this back in May... are you still having success getting the proper prescriptions from that smaller independent pharmacy?
Oh my goodness!! The hits just keep on coming LOL I was able to get a brand other than KVK Tech for the months of May and June, then when I filled my prescription in July, they didn't have 120. So I received 102 good pills and 18 of the KVK Tech with cotton stuffed between the two types of pills. They said they may have another brand in September, don't know for sure. I still have the 18, can't take them. So next week is pill time again, so I'm going to check, if they only have KVK Tech, I will have to make the rounds of the pharmacies again.
Prescription "fill time". So the saga begins LOL. Let you know how it turns out.
My husband was complaining this morning about my attitude. As I had been given 18 of the KVK Tech when my last prescription was filled, I am 18 breakthrough pain pills short this month. 18 pills is five days of pills for me. Been doing the "suffer" cause I didn't want to be completely out of pills, as I refuse to take the KVK, just got over the last bladder infection, and don't want to start another again this soon LOL. SO pain does affect my attitude more than I realized (poor husband) LOL
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