Pain Management For Restless Leg Syndrome In Northern Ca (Page 2)
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My father is 84 years old and he is a very “tough man” that has an extremely high tolerance to pain. Over the years he’s had different medical conditions that would require pain medication is like Norco or Percocet whatever and he was given them but he rarely took them and now he has been given restless leg syndrome diagnosis and he is in excruciating pain. I mean excruciating to the point where he is screaming in pain crying and just can’t take it and now he’s thinks that he can’t live his life the rest of his life in this excruciating pain. And he has been on Norco 5/325 for over 20 years one twice a day is the directions because he has a couple of chronic conditions that caused him pain but the amount of Norco he’s been given over the last 20 years has been sufficient and he hasn’t taken it every day - only when he has a flareup.
Well we’ve had a miserable two months where my we’ve had to call the paramedics 911 four different times in a three month period and the only thing that they do for him at the emergency room is give him one Norco 10/325 pain pill while he is literally in the emergency room and they do not send him home with any medication and it’s a waste of time and money because it cost $300 every single time we have to call the ambulance and $100 for co-pay for the emergency room visit.. We are at our wits end and do not know what to do. He is suffering so much and he’s getting to the point where I think he wants to die because he can’t take it and the medical community is not doing anything to control his pain adequately.
This is all because of these schmucks who are falsely claiming they have pain so they can obtain narcotic pain prescriptions because they want to get high or loaded or whatever they feel euphoric when they take this medication and then there’s people like my dad who is in excruciating pain who cannot get an adequate amount of pain medication to control his excruciating pain and I just don’t know what to do anymore I don’t know what to do to help him.
I have tried every single type of home method therapy that I can think of and that I have researched and googled like putting him into a really hot bath so his legs will try to relax while he’s in the hot water, I massage him his legs up and down and I can feel the zap zap zap of shocks of his nerves going down his legs and he says that every time he feels the zap zap zap he feels like he’s being stabbed repeatedly and it is extremely disheartening and upsetting for me as a daughter feeling helpless because there’s nothing I can do to help him. I seriously have no idea what to do to get his doctor to prescribe a stronger pain medication that is adequate and that will control his pain.
I am a chronic pain patient myself so I know that people who have chronic pain never have an absolute pain free day ever.. all that we can wish for is that he is on or given a medication that makes the pain tolerable because he will never have an absolute pain-free day when your truly in chronic pain the most you can hope for is to get the level of pain to where you still have some quality of life some sort of relief. I don’t know what to do and how to get him the medication he needs and I also wanna get a second diagnosis or second opinion whatever because I’ve researched it, and people with “Restless Leg Syndrome” do not scream in pain the way he is screaming in pain on a daily basis and it becomes much worse at night. So now it’s like I’m having to spend you know hours and hours on end in the middle of the night sitting with him doing anything I can possibly do to try to alleviate and help lessen his pain but I’m at a loss because there’s only so much you can do at home especially when I’m not a doctor and I don’t have the ability to prescribe him a pain medication that will be adequate that can control his pain to a level to where he can function and still have some quality of life because he has absolutely no quality of life at this point whatsoever..
He’s mentioned several times in the last week that he thinks he’d rather be dead than live with this and I am very scared and afraid he’s going to kill himself or something because he just can’t take it anymore he can’t take living in this excruciating pain and I completely and totally understand exactly where he’s coming from because again I am a chronic pain patient from a motorcycle accident that happened when I was 19 years old ever since then my life changed forever.
I’m 52 years old now and I still suffer the effects from that motorcycle accident so many decades ago.. I have just learned to live with it and I fortunately I am on medication daily that controls it to the point to where I can still have some enjoyment in life and where I can function.. for years I was taking Dilaudid and Fentanyl, Demerol, Morphine - all schedule II narcotics that made me not be able to function whatsoever.. I couldn’t drive a car, I couldn’t cook dinner because I was so sedated I might burn the house down. I mean a myriad of things that I was unable to do and my pain management doctor about 15 years ago switched me to methadone which was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because ever since then I have not had to take any of the narcotics mentioned above that I had been forced to take. And yes, I do get breakthrough acute pain from time to time and I have immediate relief oxycodone pills for when that does happen but it is rare and I don’t have to take them hardly ever at all because again the milligrams of methadone that I am on which is very high (213 mg a day) controls my pain very very well. I can function normally, I can drive, I can cook, I can work, I can clean house- I can do everything that a normal person can do and I know that methadone is probably not the type of medication that my father should be on. I believe he should be on maybe OxyContin 20 mg one twice a day some thing that is extended release and that he only has to take one every 12 hours.
We live in Rio Vista California which is right outside of the San Francisco Bay Area. My father Is a Kaiser patient and they are useless helping him. I believe what we need is a pain management doctor with deals with this type of thing and knows the truth from people that are really truly in pain and they have serious condition versus people that are making it up things saying they have this pain or back pain just to obtain strong narcotics which is in my book completely 150% wrong wrong..
I'm praying that someone that reads this post will have some helpful advice for me for anything that I can do to help my dad because we are at our wits end and I’m afraid my dad‘s going to give up and just die. and I need my dad I need him to live.. We lost my mom on. April 6, 2020 in the beginning of the pandemic after a long battle with Alzheimer’s and dementia and ever since mommy died my daddy is gone completely downhill..
He was her 24/7 caregiver and they were married for 60 years and he used to say that he only has to live long enough to make sure that he can take care of mommy after that it doesn’t matter. Well mom is gone now and he’s at the point where I think he’s ready to go as well.. Please help with any information or knowledge or wisdom that you think might be helpful to me because I’m desperate absolutely desperate to find something to help him and to make his quality of life better.
Thank you for any and all support
Re: Beth (# 1)
Gabapentin is a useless drug made up to try and stop giving opioids to patients tell the truth doc
Hi - A couple of questions. Was he evaluated by a neurologist and/or a neurosurgeon? Has he ever been prescribed Gabapentin for this issue?
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