Pain Management Doctor Who Will Prescribe Oxycodone 30mgs In Philadelphia (Page 7) (Top voted first)
UpdatedSeeking a pain medicine doctor who will prescribe pain meds along the lines of Oxycodone/Roxicodone 30mgs in Philadelphia where i now reside.
I have recently in the last several months beginning with a slip and fall accident, prior to that years ago i had right knee surgery and last year had two surgeries on my right hand which lead to putting pins in and also out. Now my biggest issue is the chronic back and neck pain (which also i have a son who just turned two) i had an Orthopedic doctor in Philadelphia send me for MRI's that came to prove i have buldged/herniated discs in my neck/C3-C4,C4-C5 also lower lumbar/L5-S1, also two pinched nerves in lower back each side, a pinched nerve right side of neck down into my shoulder and they found carpel tunnel in my left arm/hand. (not to familiar with carpel tunnel, doing research now) i was living in new jersey and had prescribed pain medication from my Orthopedic doctor and was taking up to four 30 mg generic Roxicodone a day for my pain which has become chronic pain due to like i mentioned an accident.. Etc.
Can u please let me know what dr. You are talking about as my pain management doctor has cut me down by 75% and is actually recommending that I find a doctor who can actually give me the doses of medication that I need. I have had 3 failed back surgeries and have titanium screws and plates in my back I have spinal stenosis RSD failed back syndrome my spine is covered 98% and arthritis and two other diseases I can't even pronounce I have had a spinal stimulator put in my back which malfunctioned I have had so many shots I can't even begin to tell you and been through years and years of therapy. This was after I was in a car accident when I was 17 years old and I just recently turned 47. I started out on a regimen and ended up on a hundred and 80 milligrams of morphine a day and for 15 milligram Roxicodone today for breakthrough pain but I'm also on several medications like Diclofenac and Cymbalta and Tizanidine also for spasms and for the pain not to reach my brain so as to keep the pain signal down. I am not just on opiates. But because of these crazy new laws my doctor is paranoid and he has cut me down so far I'm basically bedridden. I have to use a scooter to get around. My doctor is willing to talk to any doctor that I find who would be willing to help me since he has cut me down to 2 30 milligram morphine pills and 3 10 milligram Roxicodone pills. He agrees I need a much higher dose but he is scared to write the script for me. He will comply with any doctor that I speak to and let them know I definitely need more medication he is just afraid to comply and hopefully I will find someone who is willing to help me maybe not go back as high up and dosages as I was before but we'll be able to prescribe more than he is willing to. I live in Philadelphia but I'm willing to go to Montgomery County adult care where I just need help I cannot live the rest of my life laying in bed everyday in excruciating pain crying all the time just waiting to die because that's what it feels like I'm doing. If you could give me any help and the doctor you were going to give to the other two people I would be forever grateful. I am on Medicare and Cigna as my other insurance to help with Medicare. Thank you so much for your kind help
Please help me I am in a lot of pain I need surgery on my neck currently I had 6 surgeries on my back and it is very difficult for me just to even get up in the morning please if you can help me to get a pain management doctor in the Philly area please let me know his name and I will look it up immediately thank you and God bless
you need to go to your Doctor and he needs to refer you to pain management nobody on here can help you.
if you have a family Doctor you need him to refer you to a pain management.
Good Luck! :-)
I need a doctor for oxycodone 30 milligrams in Philadelphia. I was in a bad car accident. My L1 through L5 is herniated by the accident. I was the passenger.
Hi I desperately need to find a PM Doc to keep me on my current dose regiment since my pcp can no longer prescribe in NJ. Can you help? In Philadelphia area. Thx
Best thing to do is look in a telephone book or look online. or ask your doctor to send a referral to one in Philidelphia Pa.
Good Luck!
Could you tell me that docs info please?
Email me {edited for privacy}.
Re: kyle (# 20)
Can you please help me figure out who this is and in what city? I am having trouble following along. I feel broken like my limbs are going to start snapping off at any moment. Thx.
Re: Lee C (# 13)
I have terrible neck and back pain resulting from a sports injury I suffered as a young adult. Can someone please give me the name of a good doctor in Philly who will prescribe Perocet. Thanks guys!
Look at all the humans suffering in the Tri state area... This country is not the country my father & husband fought for & were injured... WE ARE DISPOSABLE!!!
Hello. I am looking for a PM doc in Philadelphia. Any help will be appreciated. I have cash but no insurance. I have neuropathy.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I'm looking for a Dr to write pain meds in Tupelo or around this area that is not associated with north Mississippi medical center..they are a joke. I'm from Tupelo, Mississippi.
Are you ppl seriously reading a one-Off post from *THREE YEARS AGO and thinking “Lee C” is going to reply and hook you up?? I say ‘hook you up’ cause if you had valid MRIs and Patient Records a PM doc would gladly take you and help you with options including Reasonable meds if needed. Not being able to provide current records showing why you can no longer get meds from a Valid Pain Mgmt Dr. is a huge problem. It’s You guys that can’t even type a concise message that are Ruining pain mgmt care for those of us with valid problems and valid dr. notes, etc. You guys need to check yourself and find a detox or a shrink!!
My doctor does Prescribed for my pain but he is pushing me to pain management
I found one my appointment is June 7 If this works out I’ll pass on the information
Re: UnderCareLegitimally (# 148)
That’s not true at all. I have several herniations, spinal fusions, etc. Countless MRI’s, x-ray’s, two decades of pain management prescription.
All of the PM doctors are caving to the DEA crackdown and crushing legitimate patients such as myself in the process. The junkies are costing countless individuals like myself quality of life via medication. I’ve been on opioids for PM for 22 years now. The dea and doctors think the physiologic damage to my body that’s warranted two decades of pain medication, is just going to suddenly go away? I went from 30mg oxycodone q6hr (120 a month) to 90, to 80, to 60. Now they’re pushing 15mg @ 60.
I can’t find a genuine PM a doctor who will prescribe as per my history regardless of the plethora of valid, documented medical history and imaging as old as 1995 to as recent as two months ago.
Re: Lee C (# 3)
Lee C (# 3) --
C.N. you pl
Looking for a pain doctor for oxycodone have been in pain management for 11 years and doctor office closed and a new doctor is only writing 10mg oxy 3 a day when I was prescribed 30 mg 300 a month. Do you know a doctor that could help me.
Re: Dag (# 151)
You won't find any doctors like that anymore - period. The DEA has literally prevented anyone from prescribing such MG totals per script or per month. The doctors are flushing out anyone who doesn't have substantially documented and proven pain management history with irrefutable imaging and recent imaging and they're even throttling down those patients.
I have four sets of discs fused in addition to degenerative disc disease and disc wedging. I have two herniated discs as well. I have substantial medical history and recent MRI's confirming everything else well as my surgical history. I was originally on oxycodone 30mg QID and 10mg TID. I've been to three dozen doctors, even the 'shady' ones, and two doctors who are family friends - the most I can get from ANYONE is 15mg 3x a day.
New Jersey is even worse, their DEA offices have been flexing HARD and raiding everyone.
Need a pain management doctor who will prescribe me 30 my oxycodone in or around Philadelphia. My Dr is retiring.
My friend has everything you described except carpal tunnel and takes ibuprofen. This is because she has children and doesn’t want to be caught up in addiction. I’m sorry your in pain but opioids side effect cause more pain. You sound young as you state you have a two year old...for your own sake find an alternative. Best to you.
Re: Mark (# 19)
Are you still helping people?
I had back fusion surgery, surgeon only gives 6wks worth and does not recommend or refer patients to pain clinics. PCP says go back to surgeon, PMclinics around here say no. Every day I feel like I need to go to Er.
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