Pain Medicine Reactions
UpdatedI am 58 yrs old. I am in the final stage of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis. With this disorder I also have killer nerve pain, and numbness. In the past I have been on all of the oxy drugs. Took Methdone 40 4x a day for about 4 yrs. worked at first, but then declined. Next I was put on Opana 40mg. Twice a day. Did great on that until they changed the makeup of it, and it started to cause vomiting. I told my Dr. about it so he changed my meds to Morphine Sulfate 60mg twice a day. I started to take it, and 6 hours after I took it, it made me vomit horribly for 3 hours. This went on for 4 days. I called my Dr. and now he wants me to find another pain clinic Dr. He pretty much was my last option, for my area, and he is close to 2 hours away. Does this drug continue to cause this reaction, or if taken continually will that aspect disappear? I really need to know. So I can continue to take it, and he won't show me the door.
1 Reply
I actually had the same problem, when I took Morphine, though not quite as bad as what you're experiencing. That's quite awful and I'm very sorry.
Most side effects do taper off, after your body adjusts to a medication, but it can take about 4 to 6 weeks.
Learn more Morphine details here.
An alternative option would be to try something for the nausea, as long as your doctor says it's okay to do so. I used Meclizine, which is sold over the counter as Bonine and it worked very well.
Learn more Meclizine details here.
And I think one of the biggest tips I can give you is not to take it on an empty stomach, make sure to take it with at least a small meal and a full, 8 ounce, glass of water, that should also help.
Did your doctor make any other suggestions?
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