Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 9) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!
Anyhow didn't he just go on extended vaca after getting arrested for domestic assault? I just tried to look him up and read horrible reviews
Try Hope Health on Thompson Ln in South Nashville....They are The Very Best N.P.'s and Doctors in Pain Management in Nashville. You need a Recent (Less than 18 Month Old MRI and NO TYPE of ANY Drug Charges on Your Record). Carolyn Snider is the Owner and One of the N.P. and She is One of the MOST Compassionate people I have Ever met. They do not accept Insurance but it's only 200.00 Monthly and They will get Your Pain under Control....
Moving back to Alaska!..Any one know of pain clinic that will prescribe medication and take United Health Care insurance !..please help!!!!
you will find it he is 1 of the most compassionate living room pain management doctors.
I need a new doctor. lower tabs don't work. can you help me with a new doctor?
Where did Dr. Opaleke move to? His Nashville office closed back in June/July and I would like to see him or a Dr. similar to him asap.
It doesn't matter since hardly no pharmacies around the Nashville area will fill the Oakpees scripts.
Have you been able to find a decent pain management doctor? I just relocated to Nashville for work from Birmingham and am having to leave my pain management doctor there who I absolutely love. Like you I've had a spinal fusion but still suffer a lot of pain from it and pain from additional degenerative discs. I have been on 5-6 Lortab 10mg per day for years along with steroid and RF procedures which has been a very effective treatment plan.
Have you found any help yet? I am female 57 and have been going to a great place for 6 years. They are also taking new patients. I'd like to get to chat with you though if it's ok. I don't want to post my email because I would get a barrage of email.
Junkies all of you the faster you all admit it the easier it will be. I love how you all say that you need a "good doctor" which is just one that will give you all the meds you request. That's a good doctor to you. I love how oxy is the only thing that works and no NSAIDS if you could read what you all post you would realize how you are all addicted and use your pain as an excuse and justification. God forbid your dose be cut down. You all sound like whiny children grow up get help bc this is no way to live bc you are slaves. To either pills or your pain which you just have a competition to show how yours is worse than the next guys. And no one can possibly understand you bc you are so unique and complicated. Grow up! You need doctors to judge you bc you are just children.
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