Pain Management Dr. Around Nashville, Tn (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I just moved to Nashville and need a Dr. to continue writing my Oxycodone 30mg 4/day. I have medical records & MRI showing I actually need the medication. I can get a referral if needed. I appreciate ANY help. Thank you!

170 Replies (9 Pages)

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Jill, I just moved to Tn. L34, 45, s1 etc herniated. Don't want high dose of meds, afraid of dependency. But don't want someone looking at me strange. May I have the MD name you are talking about?

Thank you

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Do you still have name of pain mgt Md? I just moved here, I have records, cd of mri etc. Do not want any high powered drugs, just minimum for some relief. Feeling overwhelmed.
Thank you

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Hello John, can you give me the name and address or telephone number of MD you are referring to?
Thank you!

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Hello my name is Deborah I in need of finding a pain doctor also I'm in Nashville area I suffer with sciatica chronic pain looking for a good doctor that can treat my pain does he take cash no problem just need some one to concern for his patients could you just post something with my name Deborah I understand don't want no one to email you but I been looking ain't had any luck thanks.

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Re: kdog (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I have been reading your posts about some pain management doctors. Would love to see who you recommend. I have been going to the same clinic for a few years now, and although I have had several neck surgeries and carpal tunnel surgery on Both hands, they continue to keep my meds exactly the same as before the additional surgeries. I have got to find a different clinic, like NOW. Lol!!

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Re: kdog (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I need help searching for a Dr. I've been trying to find a Dr desperately.

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Re: Spyz (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Can you please tell me the name of the doctor that discharged you ??

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Re: John (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

I'll take your help .. I have been looking for a doctor to continue writing the same meds I've been on for 5 years now . I have severe back problems and finally found medicine to give me back my quality of life, I feel like a failure because I'm not able to be active with my children anymore. PLEASE HELP ME !!

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Re: Dereka (# 159) Expand Referenced Message

Pain Management Group in Antioch will help, and write Oxycodone. They will try several other meds along with it also.

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Re: Cook (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Good luck!! When they stopped taking my ins. I noticed my Fentanyl (which they shouldve never given me) was cut in half. I went back to inquire and nurse screamed "you pushed me! You pudhed me"! Anyhow I now 1 1/2 yrs later cant find any doc who isnt part of CPS! What a racket!

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Re: Amber (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Brad at IPC IN Hendersonville! He asked as if he was aware of oxy helping thyroid and how important thyroid health was, and then only wrote me 10mg...I explained that I had been on 30mgs for the past 6 or 7 years and he still wrote 10! He called me in for a pill count and when I arrived I explained that I thought I fired them already. (That was my intent) and they said, "oh no! You're not firing us! We're firing you!" And then wrote "reason-refused to turn up for pill count."

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Re: kdog (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Is this place in Nashville, Tn. Because I go to PMG and they are wanting to start putting shots in my back

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Re: Cook (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

Yep same here! When I took my 30mgs as I saw fit, I had a vibrant busy productive life .... I stopped taking Phenytoin, which is generic Dilantin, used for nerve pain in my had been causing me to hypermetabolize and overtake the oxy for four years!!! I did the research and found what was causing it.. my use dropped considerably after quitting phenytoin.... none of my doctors knew it did that!!! My tinnitis got so bad that I had to quit school and pain got bad again so I spent most of my time in bed when Im compliant.....

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Re: slt (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

I understand I'm in a bad way as well.I live daily in pain try sky line

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Re: John (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Hello. Can u please tell me the name of the dr.? I need to find me one. I've had two failed back surgeries.

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Hi Nashvillelady,

I may not have a PM doctor I can refer you to, but I can provide you with a couple links that may be of service to you in so far as finding pain management doctors within your general area...

Just input your city or zip code for narrowed results:
{link removed because site no longer exists}

I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if any are accepting new patients, as some aren't, but most usually are.

I hope this info helps and wish you good luck on finding the right doctor! :)

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What records do I need to take in? Thanks so very much!

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Call the Center for Spine & Muscular Rehabilitation Cener they also handle Pain Managent. The doctors and NP's are great make sure you bring your Medical records, and recent X-rays if you have them and / MRI reports. They have zero tolerance for doctor shopping. and they do there job. NOT a pill mill. Call (615) 872-9966 for appointments.

1605 Westgate Circle Suite 200
Brentwood, TN

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Whats the # and name & location for a Paim clinic that will give me same meds oxicodone 30 mg & oximorphone 15 mg and also valium Ive got recent mri

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Nashville pain and wellness center in brentwood,tn on corothers parkway.

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