Pain Management Doctors In Arkansas Who Have Own Office That Takes Medicaid (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have taken methadone for about 9 yrs. and other pain medicines before that. I have chronic pain post polio syndrome, Degenerative arthritis, Degenerative disc. in back due to severe Scoliosis. New laws passed , so my Doctor stopped doing pain management, not sure why. The pain management clinics are expensive and they do not take medicaid. I need a Doctor for pain management that can prescribe pain medication, but who takes medicaid patients. The Disable and poor are out of luck now. Need Doctor from south Arkansas

102 Replies (6 Pages)

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Working Strong, I thought about you when I read what is at the link below. I have no doubt that other companies will follow. The powers that be start out with making changes to Medicaid, then Medicare, then regular companies follow in their footsteps. Another thing that is bad is that very few, if any, insurance companies, Medicaid, Medicare, etc will pay for non medication forms of pain management.

Working Strong, Have A Safe Memorial Weekend!

Cigna plans to cut opioid use among U.S. customers by 25 pct-

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I have heard wonderful things about Columbus Brown. Have friends that have seen him. He doesn't treat you like a pill seeker. He can tell if you're in true pain.

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I will also say with Dr Columbus Brown, your drug panel better come up positive for the meds you're prescribed, and only those meds. And do NOT miss very many appts without calling ahead in the specified required time frame. He will dismiss you for that. Other than that, he prescribes pretty heavily. Honestly, I think a little too heavily. But hey, if those are the meds you need, you can always always save the extra for hard times. Just make sure not to have more than the correct amount with you when you go in case of a med count.

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Well, another Holiday is around the corner; July 4th! Wishing you and family a great and safe holiday weekend. Meanwhile, the battle for healthcare goes on even more furiously here in AR. July 1st we will start with Cigna's cuts to even more needed medical equipment and supplies. Rural areas will be the most hard hit. I am curious to know if anyone else has been following the DME and Insurance companies United Healthcare has been gobbling up? 50% total cuts in reimbursement from Cigna in 2016 PLUS the competitive bid reduction is going to close many faithful, Mom and Pop companies, many rural. Competitive Bid has limited choice of suppliers to only those that were awarded a bid. This is a nightmare about to happen. I have been advocating our 2 bills before the House and Senate to protect rural individuals and urban access to home care equipment, but as the deadline nears, it looks like nothing will get through. :( We were fortunate (or maybe not) to receive one of the bids for our area. The prices to reimburse certain equipment, are BELOW our dealer price! There is no way a business can remain viable losing money on every piece of equipment! Just to follow up, my CP client finally got into a pain management clinic that accepts Medicaid and is doing much better. For myself, I am working with my physician in substitution and am very happy to report to you I am off 75% of it. Thanks BL for all the info you share. :)

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Do you mind me asking who the Dr is?I looking for a cash paying clinic cause I have no ins.

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I've been on methadone for 12yrs. (pain), and Arkansas may suck but i promise you Kentucky is super hard also. At least the pain clinics take medicaid but you still have to pray u get a good dr. (2 out of 12) or they wont do s***, we suffer so they can cover their own ass!

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Where is Dr. Columbus Browns practice? .. Im now living in kentucky , ( a freakin nightmare !) trying to move to Alabama to be close to family, but am affraid i wont find ANY help w/pain. any help in northern Alabama ?
~ Wadester

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They kicked me out as I had surgery and took my surgeons prescribed meds. If you do not do exactly as they say, you'll be gone. The one in smokey lane in north lit rock also takes Medicaid. But same thing. One pill off and you're out. Surgery n take ur Drs meds. Ur gone. It's bull. You go monthly too and take drug panels, etc, which is fine but the surgeon meds thing is just wrong. I'm looking too. Ptcoa does not give meds out so skip them. In n lit rock. Or Conway or ft smith. Anywhere you know and they are willing to help. Let me know thx.

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I'm in bed most the time to after a 9 hr revision fusion. They seem to think I'm superman and I used to get meds before any surgeries but after 4 I can't get squat!! Tried 4 pain Dr's to no avail. I hope they pass med marijuana and soon or I'll be going to Colorado or somewhere else that has something that will help. Let me know if you find help. {edited for privacy}. I need some help and fast. I have twin seniors and a dancer n I can't do anything to help them. Ty.

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Try dr Hale or Mullins at Hamilton West on 70 west. I had Mullins n liked him n his nurse for the years that I went there. I moved to Russellville and have no Dr's here at all. I need pain mngmnt most of all as I recently had more back surgery n am in bed 22/24 hrs a day. I hate my life now. Hate it. Good luck.

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Where is dr C Brown located?? Need to try him. I'm always on count but mine kicked me for taking my surgeons meds when I had 9 hr back fusion . They knew I was having it and one dr said yes you take their meds, but they change Drs every 3 months. Rotate them and the the next one said no way!! Wth? I got a certified letter in the mail saying I wasn't even allowed on the grounds, not within 100 foot!!! Like a restraining order. Can't even get my records. That was ark back n spine on smokey lane in north little rock. I'd never made it thru surgery n recovery without the Liq morphine and other meds they gave me, but they added only one besides what I took when I left and kick... Out the door I went. I was n hosp a week!! They wanted me to use a diff neurosurgeon too. I'm going crazy staying in bed all day n no quality of life and a teen n dance that needs run everywhere. I'll try to find this dr. Thx.

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I have had spinal fusion, injections, physical therapy now they say I need more spinal surgery. I just battled cancer and I don't want more surgery. I have sciatica, degenerative disk disease, herniated disks. My pain doctor was Awesome, but he quit suddenly. I have nothing to help, I'm in Noth Central Arkansas. Can anyone help me find new pain management physician? Thanks, I sure appreciate any help. I have Medicaid but would pay out of pocket if necessary.

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Do Pain Management Doctors accept insurance if you want to remain on Suboxone? I've been in Little Rock now 2 years and these cash only suboxone drs are a joke!!! I tried to quit taking it & I felt worse than I did withdrawing from Hydros! I'd like to be weaned off all meds eventually 3 ring circus all of it!111

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Jaclyn, if you have been treated for drug addiction, a pain management dr isn't going to treat you, let alone prescribe you Suboxone.

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What is name address an number of this doctor. I have satanic nerve bad can't get help I'll pay, just need find doc. I don't care if I have to pay, I'm not sleeping stay agataigted

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If you call connect care the same place you call to get your primary care physician they have a list of pain management doctors that take Medicaid !

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I understand. My pain doctor is cutting my pain meds saying I can take inj's. to kill the nerves (temporarily) in my joints. I can't imagine having to take those painful inj's. every few months when I live in pain all the time. If this is not a statewide law, I am going to try to find another pain clinic. If it is a law, then I may need to find out if a lawyer could help me with this problem.

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My husband is going to the pain clinic in Southhaven Mississippi and he has Medicare so they take it

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Thank you for that information, I'm to give them a call at Connect Care

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Judy, most doctors accept Medicare but not Medicaid.

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