Pain Management Doctors In And Around The Baton Rouge Area That Prescribe Meds To People Who Really Need Them & Accepts Medicaid (Page 5)
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Does anyone know of a doctor in and around the Baton Rouge Louisiana area that will prescribe pain meds that takes Medicaid? I'm seeing a doctor now in Maryland but I really need to move back to Louisiana very sad that your pain keeps you from moving. I have a sister that is terminally ill and sad to say dying...and meds are keeping me from going to take care of her in her final days. Please help

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#206 leeann,

The only other thing I can think of you possibly to try is finding a new Dr., who just started practicing, possibly specializing in Sports Medicine, but also as a PCP. Usually they will accept Medicaid for only a short period of time, as to build patients. But will lock you in with your medicaid, after they quit accepting other patients with it. Normally they will be in a Physicians office associated with a Hospital and their office is normally beside a hospital. They will be practicing in a Clinic, with other long time established Dr.s. Once you find one you have to get in quickly, as when others find out they take medicaid they rapidly fill up and no longer take new medicaid patients. If you need some help researching some of this, as to try to find one I could possibly help with that. Good Luck!

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thanks. i cannot get disability because i did not work enough in the last 10 years. i do not have enough quarters in. even though i have djd and spinal stenosis, i do not qualify for medicare.

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Sunshine , in order to be eligible for Medicare a person has ot be found disabled by SSA and have enough work credits for SSDI. If they receive SSI, they also receive Medicaid. The Medicaid someone recivdes when they receive SSI is the same as regular Medicaid. The only changes coming to Louisiana for those that already have Medicaid. The services that those who are eligible through Medicaid Expansion will receive do not apply to those already on Medicaid. I seriously doubt that Pain Management will be available to those that are eligible through Medicaid Expansion due to costs. You need to look at the cuts that the Louisiana Legislature will be considering in the Special Session.

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lee Ann can you not get disability, too, given the DJD and spinal stenosis, since that will only progress? Also I see you've had 2 back surgeries. I'm asking, as you know, since your husband is disabled, this entitles him to Medicare, which is worth its weight in gold, when it comes to the difference, in choices of Specialists, Dr.s, treatment, all health care.
Sad we have a broken system!
I know a great pain mgmt. Doc in Slidell, but he doesn't take medicaid either, only Medicare.
Good Luck! I don't think you're going to find any that will take Medicaid. What BL said in their post pretty much sums it up, in La., as it is now.

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Hello Coleen what's up with you? Remember me from awhile back?? I had asked you to please just let me know who that doctor is in Hammond who takes the Medicaid program?? Please help me out and let me know. Thanks!! {edited for privacy}

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could you please let me know who the doctor is in hammond that will take medicaid as i am having no luck with finding one either. once they find out you have medicaid and no other insurance then they tell you that they don't accept it. it was a pain management clinic in kenner that told me that louisiana medicaid does not pay for pain management. as my husband and i are both disabled we do not have the money to pay out of pocket. he has medicare and medicaid both so he can go to a pain clinic and get his meds

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lee ann, those that need pain management and have Louisiana Medicaid have to pay out of pocket for it. A pcp can write prescriptions for pain meds. But, very few, if any, will write pain meds for Louisiana Medicaid patients.

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i just found that out today. i have been a month without my pain medication. i have djd and spinal stenosis. i have undergone two back surgeries with the second one being a lumbar fusion. called numerous pain clinics and no one takes medicaid as a primary insurance. the one i called today advised me that louisiana medicaid does not pay for pain management. that stinks

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Hey Collen, I just wanted to remind you to please help out my fiance with a dr. in Hammond. She suffers from major/all kinds of pain issues for over 25 years.

{edited for privacy}

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P450 sorry to hear you're still having problems. They always fight what they know they must give in the end. Always. I know. I also had a 4 1/2 year battle, with WC a few years ago. Thankfully, I won. Best of luck!

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Richard, the vast majority of doctors that are listed as taking Medicaid in the BayouHealth Plans will only accept Medicaid if you also have Medicare. Unfortunately, the database that Medicaid has that the health plans use don't distiniguish between the two. It is very misleading from appearances because it appears that there are many, many private providers that accept Louisiana Medicaid, when in reality it is very few. A PCP's, neurologists, ect can prescribe pain meds for chronic pain, but they are far less likely to do so if the patient has Medicaid. It is always best to call and verify that a provider accepts Medicaid and your health plan. Even though they say you can change your health plan if you have a good reason, they will seldom allow it just because a dr you want to see isn't in your health plan. There is Open Enrollment every year, but it just closed Nov 6 2016 for 2016.

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Collend hey sweetie look my fiance is on disability as she is really messed up with so many health problems. She suffers first with a broken back, needs a hip replacement, spinal stenosis, disc deterioration, narrowing spurring bulging disc. She is on Medicaid and her doctor she's used for many years retired as the doctor was like 85 years old. So she's been having absolute hell/problems trying to find a doctor who takes Medicaid but hasn't had any luck because as everybody knows no and/or pretty much no doctors accept Medicaid. So could you please just send to me the doctors in Hammond who can help her? We would greatly appreciate it Correne as she really is in bad shape without her meds. Incidentally I went to Southeastern Louisiana University back in 1988-1992 and graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Business Management with a Minor in Marketing. So I love Hammond and always have. {edited for privacy}. Thanks so much! Richard

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colleend, Cancer patients and patients with non cancer related chronic pain are Not the same. Any dr can write prescriptions for chronic pain patients. There are other specialists that will write pain meds for chronic pain patients that also take Louisiana Medicaid but they are very few. Louisiana Medicaid won't pay for the management of chronic pain. And even if they did, no pain management dr is going to accept what little Louisiana Medicaid will pay when they can be paid close to $200 or more in cash. Not to mention the additional hassles and cost of Medicaid when it comes to paperwork and prior authorizations. University Health will not write opiates for chronic pain. They will for acute pain, but not chronic pain. Louisiana Medicaid will pay for pain meds when you pay a pain dr or any other dr cash, as long as they would have paid for it if you had gone to a Medicaid Provider, because the prescriptions and provider care are handled differently.

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I do see a dr for pain management and I am on medicaid. I pay for my visit but the medicaid WILL pay for your pain meds, all of them. There's a few drs I can recommend. There is 1 dr in Hammond that WILL take medicaid for pain management but I have to get his info for you. I'm happy with my dr and live a bit further out. Do not believe all the people that say medicaid won't pay. THEY DO. Even charity, like former EKL or the new LSU health care will write you pain meds if needed. Do you think they will let people with Cancer etc suffer..

{edited for privacy}

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BL is correct that other chemical has to do with birth and hormonal induction of labor.

Serotonin type hormones are released from the brain but not when we are on opioids, they take a long time to recover post withdrawal.

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My comp award is the issue the GP here is lovely wrote me 10 days of patches only 20 but $2,000 they are refusing to pay saying his office only is doing MVA. Well I am a professional nurse and helped his practice manager when I was done cleaning up a nursing home her mom was dying in hospice and took my usual interest in coordinating humane care. She got me in. He does not take WC but is taking me. So I ran over and got a note and sent it to the jerk adjuster.

I am afraid to ask this lovely GP to fill out J and J paperwork for free patches but if they have not paid for 10 months and I do not have part D will get it in 2016 but need brand so had this 100% medical award for life you see, now I am still running hypertension bad for over 12 days without the medication filled. Already reported it to the comp court which I won and appeal cannot affect medical award.

I do need help and have not gotten the damn LA ID, been too ill to do so.

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Anais, Oxycontin and Oxytocin have nothing to do with each other.

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I think you mean OxyContin. Although it's interesting: oxytocin is the "Feel good" hormone released when we cuddle a loved one. Touch is a very important pain reliever.

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I'm glad you at least got some temporary help! And Yes Suboxone will destroy a person's chances of any pain management ever again! However, the poster originally said he is taking it and does not want to take opiates, but I see where he has discussed perhaps differently, in more recent post. I recently had a much younger friend go through Suboxone WD and it was BRUTAL! Much worse, than the opiate WD, he would have suffered from. You are right, about the $$ and the greed, of these Dr.s. They should also be informing these Sub patients, of this also, but of course that wouldn't earn them any $$$$. I've seen where a certain Dr. in BR has been mentioned, for Pain Mgmt. I'd be very careful of him!!! He loves to force people, under the knife. I know!! From my own personal experience with him! Anytime a Dr. states "You will let me do surgery, or I won't treat you." makes me wonder???? Also the comments, from the Dr. to me, verbatim: "The Doctors you've seen in the past are Chevrolets and I'm a Cadillac. What would you rather drive?" I know, it seems crazy, but these EXACT comments were made to me, by this Dr. which I got rid of, after 3 months. Thankfully. I only tried him, because my treating Dr. had retired. Kind of left me, in a position, somewhat, that you are, with Dr. Famous. Talk about a wake-up call.

Had I listened to him and let him do his surgeries he tried to FORCE me into by bribery, or terror tactics [Thankfully I was not a patient that had addiction problems or I may have fell for it, as he told me he would withhold all pain meds, if I didn't allow him to do surgery] I would definitely be in a wheelchair and paralyzed, from the neck down today. Immediately upon firing him I saw Dr. Isaza, who helped invent the Disc implants and was told by Dr. Isaza [whom I trust much more] that these surgeries would be a fatal mistake!! I also got other opinions, than Dr. Isaza, by reputable surgeons, who agreed, with Dr Isaza's opinion 100%. My battle is hard enough, without these type of Dr.s working against me, or anyone. Just for the $$$$$. I hope no one goes to this DR. I saw his name mentioned in these post. I'm sorry you're housebound and praying for you and sending positive vibes your way. Hoping that you can find someone soon, to help you out. Just as you I received my 100% disability and benefits long before Obama thought about office and as you said this system is lumping us all together.

BTW: I'm having Rt.knee replacement Dec. 21st. Merry Christmas to me!!! Also trying to figure out how to financially afford Stem Cell Treatment, as the Dr, who does it in Miss. called me this past week and talked to me about it and thinks he can help me, on so many levels, with the Stem Cell Treatment. So do I. It would be amazing to have some real, natural treatment and remedies and not so much poison!!!

Please keep in touch!! If you ever make it this way you have a friend indeed, if you're a friend in need!!

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The United States has countless laws and regulations that governs everyones Medical care. We can't pick and choose. In Washington State when they put all of the Medicaid Receipents that were receiving pain management on Methadone due to cost the deaths soared. Unfortunately, not all medical professionals are equally trained and educated.

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