Pain Management Doctors In And Around The Baton Rouge Area That Prescribe Meds To People Who Really Need Them & Accepts Medicaid (Page 14) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know of a doctor in and around the Baton Rouge Louisiana area that will prescribe pain meds that takes Medicaid? I'm seeing a doctor now in Maryland but I really need to move back to Louisiana very sad that your pain keeps you from moving. I have a sister that is terminally ill and sad to say dying...and meds are keeping me from going to take care of her in her final days. Please help

287 Replies (15 Pages)

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Hi there So Much Thank you for your Reply so sorry I have not been online in little over a
Month so my Apologies for replying so Late. If you can tell me the Name of this Slidell PM Doctor so I can make an appointment I have all my records if you can Please let me
Know the Doctors Name & phone number I would Truly Appreciate it! :-)
Sincerely, Alexis B. :)
Thank you for you help!

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As I stated earlier there are a number of medical services that Louisiana Medicaid and other state Medicaid programs do not provide and they don't have to. They must provide Essential Services and pain management is not considered an Essential Service.

I have given honest and correct answers and info. Those that receive SSI also receive Medicaid. I have never said that I agree with Louisiana Medicaid.

For those that actually live in Louisiana and receive Medicaid, if you want to make a complaint you will have to start with your Bayou Health Plan first. The reason I said filing a complaint like this won't make any difference is because I know several people who have and nothing came of them. They are receiving SSI for physical disabilities that their medical records state are severe.

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Federal and state laws only require you see a Dr once every 90 days for chronic pain meds. But, very few drs will only see their chronic pain patients once every 90 days, The vast majority require their patients to be seen once every 30 days. Medicaid pays drs very little. Also due to stats that indicate Medicaid patients are more likely to abuse and/or divert pain meds than non Medicaid patients. it is strongly recommended that drs that write prescriptions for pain meds for chronic pain patients that are Medicaid recipients see least once every 30 days.

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P450, He sees patients, from La. and Miss. He is licensed in both states. Slidell is right across the line, from Mississippi. About 20 miles. I understand about the repercussions, of running out of meds, with certain medical conditions. I, too can't go through WD, as my Drs highly expressed this importance, as it could also kill me, due to my other health issues. I always keep something on hand, in the case of something happening (theft), as to not be left in this dangerous territory.. Actually I see the Dr, this next Tuesday. Good luck! Wishing you the best!

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Latricia. Louisiana Medicaid won't pay for a Pain Management Dr for chronic pain. You may be able to find a pcp or other Dr that will prescribe them but it will be difficult if not impossible. You will have to find a pain Dr that accepts cash and pay that out of pocket every month.

Who has been prescribing your pain meds in the past? Are you new to Louisiana Medicaid?

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Destin, but it is up to the dr is he wants to see the patient more than once every 90 days. Although most drs do see their patients every 30 days that is the drs choice and it isn't required by law, only once every 90 days is if you're taking a Schedule II med for chronic pain.

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I thought I had a few leads over here, you know it's 280 miles one way to Slidell and with the low amount of medication left I'm not sure Id make it or if worse they make up excuses because I'm complex. I am ready to give up and take myself out.

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Hey dude Suboxone is NOT for pain like I have-chronic pain! It is only used for drug addicts who can't get/afford pain meds( narcotics). But it serves no use-purpose for pain relief so people like me that have real legit chronic pain have to have our real pain meds and not something like Suboxone which serves only people who are coming off opiates (Dt's)!!!!

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Pain clients, I thought the DEA shut all that down years ago.

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Misty, if you have Louisiana Medicaid, it will Not pay for pain management. If you don't have Louisiana Medicaid have you seen any drs ? What do they say ? Your MRI's need to show that there is a reason for you to need pain meds.

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Britt, not many pain management drs accept cash. Where in Louisiana do you live ? Often you just have to call the ones that are in your area. It may be difficult, if not impossible, to find another pain dr if your previous dr was arrested for overprescribing, A new dr will want a copy of your medical records from your previous dr.

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Britt , your best bet is going to be to call the Pain Management drs in the areas you mentioned and ask if they accept self pay patients. There is no way that anyone can say if a dr will or won't prescribe certain meds. A new dr will want a copy of your medical records from your previous dr.

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I have a question regarding neck pain and numbness in my right hand, the thumb and first 2 fingers, I already have lower back & neck pain but numbness nonstop is new for past 2 weeks, in December I slip and fell down on the right side of my back on tile flooring pain Management doctor suggested a steroid inj. when ever I can afford it. Since insurance will not cover EMG tests or other imaging testing I can't afford those I'm not sure if this inj. will help it's an odd irritating feeling I'm using a heating pack and some at home stretching of neck muscles, I'm just looking for help, maybe going to a chiropractor ? Will help relive the pain in my neck and numbness in fingers, it feels like I need to loosen up or crack my back to relive this irritating pain, thank you for your advice in advance...

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If your Louisiana Medicaid Healthcare Plan is with one of the two Sahared Saving Plans, you need to check and see if your current dr will still be covered after the changes kick in Feb 2015. Be sure and call your drs office and ask them as well as calling your health plan.

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If you receive Louisiana Medicaid you need to be sure your current dr will still be in that plan effective February 2015. The Shared Savings Plans, United Healthcare and Louisiana Health Care Solutions will not longer have plans where you can see any dr who accepts Medicaid. The dr has to be in your plan for Medicaid to pay for it. There will be no plans where you can go to any dr who accepts Medicaid effective February 2015. You must change your plan by Tuesday January 20 at 6pm. If you don't change your plan you will have to stay with that plan until open enrollment again, even if that means you have to change drs.

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You won't find a Pain Management Dr who will accept Louisiana Medicaid.You may or may not be able to find a dr in another speciality who will rx you pain meds. You can go to United's website and see what drs accept United or you can go to BayouHealth website and go to the Choose A Provider Page, or you can call United and ask them for a dr. The dr has to accept Louisiana Medicaid and be a member of United's network. The majority of Medicaid patients in Louisiana who need pain managment have to pay out of pocket for it.

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Go to your Medicaid Health Plans website. Or you can call your Medicaid Health Plan and ask them for dr that accept your plan. You can also go to the BayouHealth website and locate your Medicaid Health Plans website if you don't already have it.

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UnitedHealth Care no longer has their Community Plan. The person told you it would pay for a Pain Management Dr didn't know what they were talking about. Drs are dropping out of Medicaid right and left, not joining it. Look in your phone book under Pain Management and call the drs and ask if they accept Medicaid Only and be sure and tell them that you are with UnitedHealthCare. When someone has Medicare and Medicaid, that is not the same thing as having Medicaid only. You can't buy a health plan in addiction to Medicaid, at least not in Louisiana. Your best bet will be to try and find a PCP who will rx the pain meds, but they are few and far between and most won't do it for new patients. In Louisiana if you have Medicaid and need pain management, you pretty much have to pay out of pocket and it is very expensive.

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United doesn't have any pain managements drs that accept Louisiana Medicaid for chronic pain listed. The ones that are listed work in hospitals with surgery patients. Although I do believe the listing are misleading.because it makes it look like they treat chronic pain. The drs that are listed, United got from the state Medicaid office in Baton Rouge and it is not up to date. Some of the drs only take Medicaid when you're in the hospital and they treat you there, some dropped out of Medicaid a long time ago. It is always best to call a office and verify yourself that a dr accepts Medicaid as well as that they belong to Unted. Your phone book won't tell you what drs accept Medicaid and it also won't tell you what drs are with United, but you can go down the list of names and call and ask. Be sure you tell them that you have Medicaid Only and UnitedHealthCare is your Medicaid Health Plan. Medicaid is your primary, not your secondary.

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Ann, if you have Louisiana Medicaid it will not pay for a Pain Management Dr for chronic pain. If you are self pay or have private insurance look in the phone book. If you have private insurance, you can also call your insurance plan and ask who accepts your insurance. If you have Medicare, you can go to the Medicare Physicians Compare website to find a Pain Management Dr who accepts Medicare.

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