Prolia Should Be Banned By Fda For Osteoporosis !!!!!
UpdatedI had a shot about 4-5 months ago(due for another one), doubt I'll put that into my system again ! I now am havin bi-lateral hip pain that awakes me every night, and when I walk, I'm stiff !!! Never had these things before, so it seems to me, that the longer it's in your body, the worse off you are ! JMHO. Sent a letter to MD that gace it to me w/black box warning and it said "druge not to take". I have not heard fromher on that note. She probably has nothing else to offer me. She stopped RECLAST after 4 doses,b/c she was getting lomg bone crumbling fractures in some of her patients. So we shall see what the next round of "poison" people will think of for us !!! Good Luck to you all
4 Replies
Hello, Antonette! Sorry about the pain that you're experiencing.
You are not the first person to report such issues from Prolia and I am fairly certain you won't be the last.
Are these the only 2 medications that you've tried?
I have to admit that I'd be pretty reluctant to try any of them myself, I tend to be very sensitive to medications.
Learn more Prolia details here.
thank you for your comment, I don't know what thet'll try next !!!
I just Had my first shot of prolia on monday September 15 Thursday sept 18 I was in hospital with sever dizzy and nausea. They told me I had vertigo. I told doctor
I had a shot on Monday prolia I ask if that could be aside affect he look it
up and said yes. I now have a headache and little nausea and tired. I did check out the side affect before I got the shot. I told my dr I didn't want it and she said I had to go on it that my bone are bad . she said . that most people don't get it or the side affect are mild. It in your body for 6 month and you can get side affect at anytime.I will not take it again. I have to find something safe.
Two different ways to go -- natural with calcium/Vitamin D and Magnesium. LIGHT weight bearing exercises. Second is to take Calcitonin Salmon. Remember: The body can only absorb 600 mg of calcium at a time so do it twice a day. Sunshine is the best source of Vitamin D. Evista is also supposed to help build bones as it gives us back the estrogen we stopped making.
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