Pqt Chloride?
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white,round,pill with black letters,USL 10
5 Replies
white,round,pill with letters on 1 side USL10
Is the potassium bought over the counter in vitamin section the same as the Potassium 20MEQ the same
Does the Potassium CL 10MEQ sodium in it ? And would this hurt me to take it since i am used to being on the Potassium 20MEQ ? Which i have run out of and of is...All i have is the Potassium CL 10MEQ which belonged to my mom.I am very low on potassium and i am cramping very badly,very dizzy having all the symptoms when put in hospital and no money to get refill of mine own
What is the difference between Potassium CL 10MEQ and Potassium 20MEQ ?
This is Potassium Chloride SR Extended Release 750mgs.
Pill Image
A generic for K-Lor. This is a supplement for people lacking in Potassium.
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