Please Help Find Oxycodone 30mg In Sarasota Florida Need To Fill Script Asap (Page 5)
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My husband has been relentlessly trying to fill my scripts for over a week, spending hrs on end daily, going from Parmacy to Pharmacy, with no luck. I've had CHRONIC pain for near 8 yrs from car accident, where I was sole survivor. I've never had a problem filling my medications until now. I can NOT function without them and have no hope of any quality of life without the assistance of these. My pain is unbearable and I can't stand that my children have to see me in pain. It's humiliating for my kids to see me cry, struggling to do simple tasks. I REALLY NEED FOR SOMEONE TO HELP ME find a Pharmacy that has in stock in Sarasota FL. I've even called my Dr to see if they could change my scripts, so I don't have to be in so much pain, and apparently he's out of the office until next Wednesday. Ug!!!! I feel absolutely useless. Please, if anyone can suggest to me where to go, I'd be grateful. I feel that the DEA is screwing with the "legitimate" patients lives!!! Instead of making it "unavailable", because of all the people that have been "abusing or mis-using" it , maybe they should take the time to do their due diligence on patient's medical records, and determine it on a "case-by-case" basis.
I'd really appreciate ANY help anyone can provide.
By your own words you're an addict. You should've exercised your brain more. You work in a pharmacy, so I'm sure you have no problem getting your meds. A junkie who works in a pharmacy, how ironic! You seem to know a lot about snorting pills. By your own words, you should be off the opioid by now. What a hypocrite.,
Lol you're all funny... I'm prescribed oxycodone... and I work in a pharmacy... I know all about the "pain" you're going through... Like I said its called WITHDRAWAL... I injured my neck in a weightlifting accident last year... I have been on 30s ever since... I am addicted to the medication so don't tell me about your pain... At least have the balls to admit you're an addict... Thats my only argument
You accuse in both posts of them crunching and snorting their meds. How dare you! None if us should be subjected to someone like this person. Best ignored, because he's a fool. It makes me angry someone like this is enjoying other's suffering, and assume people are snorting meds.Ignorance is all around us, but I will stand up for those in chronic pain, and will respond to an ignorant a** hole. Most are here to support one another, but a few post to try and make us feel worse. To those, I wish they could suffer 1 day, and they would cry like a baby and beg for medication. You'd be the first 1 sniffing your pill. Now leave these people alone.
I have never been in intractable pain, but my sisters have a genetic disease that causes them terrible pain that is often not helped with drugs. You have no idea of what you are talking about. Chronic pain is a terrible ordeal and to have to endure it day after day is unbearable. Try to have a little compassion, dude.
Joey the jerk o**, I see your judgemental posts on 2 threads in here. You're an arrogant nasty unsympathetic being. Who made you judge and jury? DONT judge when you know nothing about people or pain. Go harass: other people, obviously, you have no life or you wouldn't be :upsetting,:people in these forums. Take a hike you jerk.
Your pain is unbearable because your body is addicted... You have been on oxy for 8 years straight... The only way you will have a decent life is if you are cold turkey off the drug... Nobody who was in a car accident would be in chronic pain for 8 years if they weren't hooked on opiates... Please don't try to call yourself a legitimate patient and talk bad about all the people who misuse the drug... You are one of the people who misuse them... First of all if your doctor wasn't a crooked thief, you would never be prescribed to oxy for 8 years straight... You aren't supposed to be on any opiate for that long... Too bad your doctor is a criminal and is just milking your insurance company to line his own pockets... Obviously he doesn't give a crap about his patients. I am not trying to judge you, just wish you wouldn't try to give this board a sob story to make it seem like you are a legit pain patient... Nobody with legit pain and a legit doctor would be on oxy for 8 years...
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