Please Help Find Oxycodone 30mg In Sarasota Florida Need To Fill Script Asap (Page 5)
UpdatedMy husband has been relentlessly trying to fill my scripts for over a week, spending hrs on end daily, going from Parmacy to Pharmacy, with no luck. I've had CHRONIC pain for near 8 yrs from car accident, where I was sole survivor. I've never had a problem filling my medications until now. I can NOT function without them and have no hope of any quality of life without the assistance of these. My pain is unbearable and I can't stand that my children have to see me in pain. It's humiliating for my kids to see me cry, struggling to do simple tasks. I REALLY NEED FOR SOMEONE TO HELP ME find a Pharmacy that has in stock in Sarasota FL. I've even called my Dr to see if they could change my scripts, so I don't have to be in so much pain, and apparently he's out of the office until next Wednesday. Ug!!!! I feel absolutely useless. Please, if anyone can suggest to me where to go, I'd be grateful. I feel that the DEA is screwing with the "legitimate" patients lives!!! Instead of making it "unavailable", because of all the people that have been "abusing or mis-using" it , maybe they should take the time to do their due diligence on patient's medical records, and determine it on a "case-by-case" basis.
I'd really appreciate ANY help anyone can provide.
LOL@"JOEY THE JERK-OFF"!!! Sorry, but that WAS a rather heartless post..still snickering..... HOUSE
Amen, either help out or get out. Good luck. Hope you found a place that won't gauge you like many do.
wow I broke my neck 25 yrs ago, had knee surgery, dislocated my hip. I'm 54 now. spent all those yrs in pain using mind over matter, talked myself out of the pain and went thru it. I have severe nerve damage so some parts of my body I feel nothing and some are heightened times 15 when you go to a dr and he says on a scale of 1 to 10 your pain so you say 10 my pain is 40 in my hyper areas. The parts I cant feel if I feel pain are more than anyone alive can stand. I take 100mg nortriptyline once a day, 10 mg percs 4 times a day and one 10mg valium to sleep at night before bed. All this helps, doesnt take all the pain away, just enough for me not to be in massive pain. I lived 25 yrs in severe pain, just cant do it no more. been to a lot of drs in 25 yrs, all want me to take something different that they told the pharm rep they would push. All just a waste of my $, filling scripts. I broke my ribs. took 9 months to heal. emergency dr said here is tylenol and told me they would heal in 4 months. I went back told him I still was in severe pain. he said they were healed. my dr had me x-rayed again. The outside of my ribs healed, inside took another 4 months to heal. 5 months of pain because he's a dr and knows it all....tylenol, motrin, asprin all make my stomach sick with severe stomach problems but they don't care....fell on ice, twisted leg behind shoulder. dr asked how many dr's and hospitals I went to that day. I told him are you f***ing for real. I'm a cdl lic owner operater. he said I'm giving you a script for motrin. I told him didn't come in for pills. I want to know what I did to my leg. he said he was going to take a $600 xray of my knee to make sure it wasn't broke. I told him usually if your knee is broke you don't walk into a hospital yourself. I had no med coverage at the time, all charity help. papers laying on exam table, he knew damn well I had no primary dr. He told me it wasn't broke. I told him duh, I told you I walked in. wasn't broke then, didn't break while I was sitting here....more pain to go thru, wouldn't take the script then, not driving now. now I really cant stand the pain. it's ok with what I take but my dr told me they're going to give me a hard time in fla filling the script if the dr gives them to me .....i'm happy just getting some relief with what I get, id probably feel nothing with 8 30mg percs a day.
Joey is correct, we ARE ALL physically addicted to our pain meds. Even if we take it exactly as prescribed, we're addicted.
What happens if you don't have your pain meds for 24-36 hours? Sweats, diarrhea, body aches, can't sleep and body jerks. Addicted.
We just have a legal addiction. After starting on Oxy, I had 5 more surgeries. I finally stopped and started Suboxone for pain. It's amazing how much pain I had on Oxy, and how much it lowered on Suboxone.
Excuse me , she is not addicted.
Dependant but not addicted. I have been on pain meds for 20 yrs and am not addicted.
NEVER tell anyone to go off their meds cold turkey. They could die.
Re: Joey Motz (# 8)
I agree with Joey. I was once addicted to Oxy 30's also. My doctor was giving me 150 a mo. and yes, I have very legitimate pain issues with the MRI's and so forth. I was totally addicted and honest to God, the more I took the worse my pain got. I would be literally crying with terrible pain in my back, it felt like back labor, as in child delivery. I'd take another pill and with each one I took the more it would hurt, like a nerve kicking the living crap out of my spine. This is a scientific fact too. Thank God this doctor stopped taking my ins. or I probably wouldn't be here right now. It is legal heroin and so is morphine. There is someone I know who has been on morphine & methadone, very high doses, for over 25 yrs, and they say "Oh, I can't even move w/o my medicine when I wake up." I'm like, of course you can't, you couldn't possibly function w/o it at this point, 25 years they've been on it! They'll also complain about itching or nerve pain and blame it on illnesses that don't exist, it's coming from the pills!
NO one could possibly be in so much pain for over 25 years, not freaking possible. The body heals itself for the most part and this person I know has had numerous surgeries for so many different things and it was all so they could keep getting their fix. If one had corrective back surgery 20 years ago why in the hell would they still be in pain today? Also, another one (person), had a bad knee so they were on these meds too, got a new knee, guess what? STILL claiming to be in pain/ AKA, addicted. Years ago when I was on the Oxy 30's, I started counting them and the first time I did I was 20 short. The pharmacist himself stole them. I called and there were no questions asked, he told me to come right up and get them. I would advise anyone to count their pills because believe it or not some pharmacists are addicts too. I know that some people do have very painful diseases and conditions but for the most part we all know that 75% of the people on here can live w/o pain medications today. Life is so much better when you're clear headed and not in a stupor. Try an antidepressant if you're mentally addicted to the euphoric high you get from some of these meds., as opiates are not the way to go to beat depression. You will never be as depressed as you'll be when the opiates run out and you're in withdraw, trust me. The people I know that are still on heavy duty meds are not good people, they used to be before they got addicted but now they're antisocial, rude, and trouble making liars. Just my opinion, folks. Please don't yell at me!
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