Please Help Find Oxycodone 30mg In Sarasota Florida Need To Fill Script Asap (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My husband has been relentlessly trying to fill my scripts for over a week, spending hrs on end daily, going from Parmacy to Pharmacy, with no luck. I've had CHRONIC pain for near 8 yrs from car accident, where I was sole survivor. I've never had a problem filling my medications until now. I can NOT function without them and have no hope of any quality of life without the assistance of these. My pain is unbearable and I can't stand that my children have to see me in pain. It's humiliating for my kids to see me cry, struggling to do simple tasks. I REALLY NEED FOR SOMEONE TO HELP ME find a Pharmacy that has in stock in Sarasota FL. I've even called my Dr to see if they could change my scripts, so I don't have to be in so much pain, and apparently he's out of the office until next Wednesday. Ug!!!! I feel absolutely useless. Please, if anyone can suggest to me where to go, I'd be grateful. I feel that the DEA is screwing with the "legitimate" patients lives!!! Instead of making it "unavailable", because of all the people that have been "abusing or mis-using" it , maybe they should take the time to do their due diligence on patient's medical records, and determine it on a "case-by-case" basis.
I'd really appreciate ANY help anyone can provide.

86 Replies (5 Pages)

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To the person above me

I disagreed with the fool up there that appears to have a non fuctional caps lock, but the person who you're calling judgemental, and a jerk, is actually telling you the truth.

I know it's hard to hear, but dependency is just a medical term for addiction.

I was addicted to heroin/any other opiate i could get my hands on for 10 years give or take a few months, and the WHOLE time my doctor kept the 15s coming. Some doctors ARE trying to make money off of your illness, and the sooner you realize this the sooner you can begin to rebuild your life.

No judging here, in my eyes all of us are just pieces of meat on a rock.

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To Jay Motz, you are a jerk. You have no business working in a pharmacy. People like you who pass judgement on others that you do not know should not be in a position of working with people that are sick and or in pain.

Take a walk dude.

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Hey, Joey, you moron, people can be dependent on the needs, without being an addict. Addict and dependency are two different things.

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I c the same old people on this post? I really thought there would be a lot more different people upset about this matter? Which makes me think the d.e.a. , the government, and who ever else involved in being responsible for this nightmare, .....will win the war on pain medicine patients being able to fill their scripts , with out all this bull crap!!

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Hi guys, may I suggest we all ignore joey matxaball bulls***! That's all he wants is attention, so let's just not give it to him. Trust me he will go away when no one speaks to or about him. We support & help oneanother. By by joey, may I suggest an acting class where you can get all the attention you so desperately crave.

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Hey Joey,
Take your aggression out in therapy. Something you learn in recovery is not to judge others. So sad.

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There is a group who is active, and went to Tallahassee to protest. It got a little media attention. It's only going to get worse. Forget about roxycodone, haven't been able to fill that in. 9 months. My pm Dr told me they're cracking down even harder the beginning if this yr. It's despicable, this whole situation. God bless and many prayers for legit cpp.

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But you said her dr. was a criminal, in another post...yours must be too...especially if you know he's going to leave you onthe drug indefinitely, low or not. That's hypocritical.

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You've probably already gotten this answered, but I couldn't find it. Roxicet almost certainly has tylenol (acetaminophen) in it, while Roxicodone doesn't.

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LOL@"JOEY THE JERK-OFF"!!! Sorry, but that WAS a rather heartless post..still snickering..... HOUSE

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Amen, either help out or get out. Good luck. Hope you found a place that won't gauge you like many do.

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I am 63 years old ,two&half years ago i was diognised for eppilepsy,the doctor has prescribed EPPILEX CHRONO 300MG.Which i am using two doses daily,since teiere is no attack of EPPILIPSY neither i have agin gone to doctor agin for prescripton,my home physician has told me to use it for about two years,is that right for me,i am also diabatic patient.kindly sugest i am going in the right direction,i execercise daily diabities remains under control.

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Most of these low lifes never even picked up a box over 20 lbs don't know what cronic pain does to your mind never being out of pain. well one day when they experience it and I hope they do than they will know.I would like to be there to here them whine

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I live in FL and up to now have had no problems getting MS-contin until a few months ago. I am on medicare and have part D with Aenta. It tooks a few weeks to get things going but now I am getting my meds though the mail. For those on medicare & part D we are in open season ( you can change who you currently have) so if you are having problems getting your pain meds in FL you might want to check a Part D insurer that has a mail pharmancy program for your meds you need daily. The pharmancy and pain meds problem will only get worse before it gets better so you may want to check it out.

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I have had a hard time finding MS-Contin in FL. Thank God that I have medicare and Part D. Now is open season for those who are on medicare and want to change there part D provider. I have aenta for my provider and is able to get my MS-Contin though there mail order pharmancy. It was a pain in the butt but know I will be able to get my pain medication each month and that is priceless.

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So today i took 2 hydromorphone dilaudid and a couple hours later i took 2 vicodin. I have a very nasty taste in my mouth is it from the medication? Or is something wrong with my teeth?

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Have you tried Wal-Mart?

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ignore that guy who claims the addict excuse - yes, you are addicted to the drug because the physician put you on it. Walgreens in no luck lately, try Sweet Bay or CVS or some of the independent pharmacies. You may have to pay cash for the scrip and then get reimbursed by insurance - good luck. I've been through it too, looking for 2 weeks at a time on a daily basis from pharmacy to pharmacy. You'll find someone and they will be nice and understand it's not your fault you have to have the opiate now. Yes, you can consider going to take the suboxone scrip but it is also addicting and also an opiate so what's the difference other than it is frustration that you cannot get what your body has become accustomed to to function on a daily basis. It is sad and very frustrating to have to have a little pill to have any energy to do daily tasks. I'm not fond of this either but it is what it is... good luck to you

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dependant/addicted to pain meds can not fill my meds oxycodone or morphine

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Disable999, You wrote your comment in June 2012 and I was wondering if you ever fould a pharmancy that would fill your perscriptions ?

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