Phenphedrine Rxn (Top voted first)


Has anyone heard of this diet pill or used it - was it any good?

3 Replies

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Phenphenidrine is a supplement, they claim it helps with weight loss, but this is, of course, not proven.

This product contains:

Caffeine, Hops, Raspberry, Ginger, Phenylethylamine, Synephrine, Evodiamine, Sclareolide, Dimethylamylamine and Yohimbine.

Has anyone actually tried this product?

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I bought this product from a seller on ebay. The label on the bottle looks like something that was printed up on a home computer and the label was affixed by hand because it was crooked. Also, the label says liqui-caps and these were NOT liquicaps but caps filled with a tan looking herby powder. That being said, it was an effective product, after using one bottle. I took 2 pills before a workout and I could definitely feel a lift within about 40 min. I like to do a 5k three times a week and this pill would keep me on track and not dragging ass after mile one. My goal when I got the pills in May was to lose 30 lbs by the end of the year. It took 8 years to put on the weight so I didn't want to lose it too quickly. I have lost 15 pounds so far. I have just finished my first bottle of 120 pills and would be willing to buy another bottle. The only bad side effect that I have noticed is it seems to make me a little constipated after using the pills. I only took the pills 3x a week before the run and would not have constipation symptoms on the off days.

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I got a bottle off of Ebay, the red label with black lettering. RXN.. well its a diff formula than the red label with white lettering. I took 2 pills of the RXN and did not notice a boost. I expected a boost i would get from Ephedra, instead I got nothing. Maybe I will take 3 and see what happens. Definately would not buy this product again. Waste of $60

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