Perscription Drug
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light green says Watson 503 on it

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Extreme pain to neck,old fractures.C and get relief except some years CV ago I was in these and they worked.

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Rebecca, I will gladly look something up for you anytime you make a post, or if you want to reach me faster you can always feel free to email me at [email protected], I am disabled so sometimes unable to be sitting here on the PC for a long time, but I do, always, check my email several times a day.

I always double check my information to make sure that my IDs are correct, I have several resources that I use to make sure, and if possible I post images to confirm.

Thanks for the compliments, and yes, please feel free to ask anytime.

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zippysgoddness, ive went though
and read a lot of these sites here, you always seems to be correct i work with older people taking meds and a lot of people call me asking me what things are i hope wen i come on and post something youll answer for me. Thanks you Rebecca

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Pill Image

Acetaminophen 650mgs and Hydrocodone 10mgs, a narcotic pain med, generic for Lortab or Vicodin.

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