Pain Clinic Or Dr In Ma Or Ri That Will Write Opiods !
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I had a Dr that was was suspended , SO STUPID!!! Now I am looking for a DR that will write for what I was on, Morphine 39 mgs 4x day and methadone 60 mg daily. He was going to up my meds at the next visit, but there was no next visit, I am desperate to find a Dr. I will go to NH if I have to, DOES ANYONE know of a clinc or Dr. in my area that is compassionate and gives aa crap about the patient in pain? My back is a mess, sciatica, frac.discs no cartiledge, spondilosis etc thanks

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I have had 12 back surgeries an my Dr. wats me down to 0 mg. on MS contain. I also have bad rotator cuff o left shoulder, where the bone rubs together. I can't stand the pain. I take 30 mg 3 times a day and I live in agony. I have been working with Physical Therapist, but he can't help no more! Help!

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Hello, Joanne! How are you? Sorry about the situation that you're in, that's terrible.

Due to the new regulations that were put in place this year, you'll need to stick with a doctor in your home state, as well as using a pharmacy there.

And unfortunately, there is no listing of doctors according to what they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to for you. You really just need to set up an appointment with a new doctor, make sure they get a full copy of your medical records and then keep the appointment to discuss your treatment options. If you don't like what they offer, then you try a different doctor.

Do you currently have a PCP that could refer you to someone?

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