Ozempic Appetite Loss And Fatigue


I just started .5 Ozempic and I have no appetite. I also have no energy. Having a hard time focusing. Is this common at the start?

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This is from Medline Plus:

"Semaglutide injection is in a class of medications called incretin mimetics. It works by helping the pancreas to release the right amount of insulin when blood sugar levels are high. Insulin helps move sugar from the blood into other body tissues where it is used for energy. Semaglutide injection also works by slowing the movement of food through the stomach and may decrease appetite and cause weight loss."

The appetite loss seems like a typical thing but I would check with your doc about the fatigue. It could be your body adjusting, especially if you're not digesting food at a normal rate.

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I have been on Ozempic for 4 days and have no appetite. Trying to eat but only managing 800 cal. Is that ok?

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