Oxymorphone Er Generic By Global Pharmacy (Top voted first)
Since I heard that Impax finally got the green light to distribute Oxymorphone ER (Opana ER) generic through Global Pharmacy. I didn't hesitate to rush to my PM doc and he instantly had me switch to this new drug. He prescribed me 40 mg twice per day to treat my busted back & fibromyalgia.
I noticed the pill is round in shape with G74 on one side with nothing on the other. The color for the 40 mg ER tablet is an orangy/gold color. Ever since Endo ruined their product with the new TRF formulation. I promised myself to jump back on the bandwagon as soon as the generics were released.
Today is a great day for all who suffer chronic pain. Yay! 8-)
Has anyone been told the Globals oxymorphone isn't generic Opana by their pharmacy? Everywhere I have read it says its generic but I know of a pharmacy that is saying it isn't so when you ask for generic they say there isn't a generic that oxymorphone is a new drug which isn't true because its filed as a generic and it is listed at Global as a generic. Anyone having a hard time receiving the generic? Also, people don't put on this forum how to abuse drugs. That is why they are changing all of them. You are hurting the CPP that need something that works.
You are correct. These generic opana's ER don't need to be abused. They are strong enough to take by mouth and help your pain.
Are these Global generics coated with the same rock surface that Endo put on theirs? or do they actually break down? What strength is available?
Hello VERWON. You seem to be the most knowledgable person on this website, so maybe you can answer this for me. I have several spinal injuries and a severe knee injury. I was on oxycontin 80mg. ER's up until the first of this year. My insurance sent me a letter stating that they would no longer cover oxycontin but will now cover Opana. My pain management doctor started me out on 40mg. ER's every 12 hours, with 3-15mg. oxycodone for breakthrough pain. Getting thru January was hell. It seemed like i wan't getting any relief from the Opana. My doctor upped the dosage to 60mg.ER's twice a day with 3-10mg. oxymorphone a day for breakthrough pain. I get some relief when I take the 10mg., but none with the ER's. My doctor wrote a new script for the generics-oxymorphone 40 and 20mg.ER's every 12 hours along with the 3-10mg oxymorphone IR's. I have also noticed upon occasion that I can see 2 pills in my stool after a bowel movement in the morning. Is this due to the tamper resistant stuff they put in Opana to make it abuse-proof? Also, do you think that when I do get my new scripts for the generic that I should just try a 40mg. by itself in case they are really that much more effective then the reformulated Opana's that I'm taking now? I do not abuse my medications, and only take them orally. I'm sorry about all the questions, but I do not want to overdose. Thanks in advance for your help!!
does anyone have issues with the Fentnyl patch not staying adhered to the skin?
Oxymorphone 40 mg not brand is the best pain reliever generic seem to just work better period the brand name is just not the same i DONT care what the websites say i DONT iv or insufflate, just eat em but i do remove the orange coating or the moon 40 Oxymorphone brown just eat and the relief is instant an long lasting. DON'T SETTLE FOR ORIGINAL FORMULA RUBBER it's A DISASTER FOR ANYONE WHO IS I get CRONIC PAIN ALSO ENDO KNOWS PEOPLE WITH ANY SERIOUS DIGESTIVE problems THE PILLS DON'T METABOLIZE DOWN. I ACUALY PASSED the ENDO ONES THROUGH BOWEL MOVEMENT IN TACT I HAVE NO GALLBLADDER AND DIVETCULOSIS AND SOME OTHER SERIOUS GI TRACK PROBLEMS. I CALLED ENDO AND THEY SAID IT DOES HAPPEN tell YOUR DOCTOR SO IM STUCK WIT 1800.00 WORTH OF PILLS AND 30DAYS OF MISERY DUE TO ENDOS LACK OF TRANSPARENTCY WITH THERE FORMULA. April 2014 global pharma or activis Oxymorphone 40 er DON'T GET ORIGINAL new RUBBER Oxymorphone AND DIGESTIVE ISSUES extremely URGENT.
By the way, they are amazingly better than the TRFS!!! I take 2 30's a day and they work better than anything I have tried in years! However, they seem to give me pretty severe hangovers in the morning. I tend to be very stiff in the morning and it seems as though it has gotten worse since starting these generics about 2 weeks ago. One theory I have is that since they are working incredibly well I find my self doing a lot more activities during the day, laundry, chasing kids, and a renewed sex life... Thank god! ;). I guess I shouldn't complain. Only other drawback is the cost, with insurance it was still over $400 which is a small price to pay for pain relief but is still hard to come by.
i just got the generics in Canada and they don't work 1/10 as good as the originals and i pay cash cause the Neos didn't work-these are called Oxycodone hcl er
As of June 28th,2016 Here's Activas comments on the Oxymorphone "The Oxymorphone HCL is currently unavailable until further notice go to the litigation with the brand manufacturer. The item has not been discontinued, however it is on a long-term backorder. At this time Activas does not have a release date for this item. Thank you Activas Pharmaceutical Company. " , I love the way they use long-term, backorder ,and not discontinued . All in the same message this is really give me some info hot LOL
Nothing. Globals and Activas.. I'm up a ladder without any steps. Just got a life back and DEA rips her out from under me. 3 years suffering and searching for what I can take and still manage my life as originally. Unseen pain is the worst thing that any one can go through. No two people are same and no medication affects any two the same so it takes adjustments and physicians that understand you. I really don't want know one to judge this statement "but Dea is the capital one issue for opioid addicts. It's cheap and available. "I myself will not go there. But I can see why some people have too. They are judged and no one can see what happens inside the body other than the facts but the pain is worse than natural birth and I can say that bc I gave natural birth in a 42 hour labor pregnancy. No meds at all and it wasn't intentional. Long story. Anyway. My Pharmacist said he"ll keep pushing but it's a long time away. At least 3 mths or more.
I heard from a good friend who lived in Florida and is in chronic pain like me. She was always complaining about one problem or another. I think Florida has passed some pretty strict new rules about narcotic prescriptions after they shut down all those pill mills. But I think your issue is exactly like you said a pharmacist playing God and abusing their power because they have a personal opinion about people who use narcotics. I was a pharmacist in Georgia and we filled narcotic scripts all the time no big deal. We kept pretty much every drug that could be prescribed even if we had no patients on it just in case someone was going to need it. We didn't care what you were prescribed we were pharmacists and we did our job filling medications, period simple as that. But the company hired a new pharmacist that had a really bad opinion about people who were given narcotics. We always clashed because she was actually cruel to patients. Holding their prescriptions, not answering their questions, making them wait a ridiculous amount of time. We argued constantly, but the company we worked for refused to do anything because a pharmacist is considered an asset that is too expensive to replace. You rarely see a pharmacist fired unless they do something completely terrible. I'm sorry to say this behavior exists so everyone out there thinking they must be imagining it don't second guess yourself. Some pharmacists really do believe everyone on narcotics is abusing them and are treating you badly because they can. Immediately take your prescription somewhere else. She hated me too not just because we had different viewpoints on everything, but because I too have chronic pain and I was filling my oxycodone prescription at the pharmacy we both worked at so she could see that. I can no longer work because of my chronic illness but I still know all the same information including inside info. I moved to Tennessee, but I let pharmacies know that I know what crap they are pulling and either they fill my script without giving me issues or I take my script back. And give them an ass chewing letting them know I am a pharmacist and I know they are lying. This is just a story about behind the scenes to help pain patients. Pharmacists are not Gods by a long shot and you deserve to be treated with dignity. Screw the ones who won't do their jobs unbiasedly!!!!
Re: Rawdog (# 157)
I live in PA & in regard to my situation only it has been a nightmare. They dropped me down from 40mg opana back in march, then 30 next month, then was switched to oxymorphone er 30mg due 2 an allergic rx to either fillers or the red dye in the opana 30mg er, when opana was pulled they refused to prescribe oxymorphone er as they said to comply wth CDC which I believe was not to put any redflags up as I knw 4 a fact they were getting "kickbacks" from drug company as I received a gift card years ago from PM that had opana on it as compensation 4 somethg they did wrong regarding my rx. Even though I had a documented allergy to morphine they placed me on morphine 30 mg er 3X a day & didn't tell me as I was in the hospital & my son picked them up & pharmacist did not want to release them due to allergy but I tried to get a hold of PM & they denied that anything was on my chart abt allergy & was told that is what the dr ordered. I took them 4 3 days wth Benadryl & had welts everywhere so called PM 4 an emergency appt. went in & the dr basically only had a dialogue wth medical assistant & said why is she on morphine when it states on her chart she has had anaphylaxis, no reply from med asst. he did state that he wld place me on OxyContin 30mg er 3 times a day & I told him my insurance wld not cover them & he said don't worry they will. Then went pharmacy after living on my breakthrough meds 4 5 days as they supposedly working on authorization only to find out they were OxyContin 20 mg 2 times a day. I thgt well I will call, too bad basically that's what he ordered. In a nutshell only been on them 2 weeks & they do not cover 24 hrs I am in withdrawal daily, it's not pretty. I just got out of the hospital again 4 a blood clot & their records revealed that I was on opana er 40mg 3X a day so they were still using them in the hospital as of the beginning of August. I hav no clue if oxymorphone is still going to exist 4 pain patients as yourself as in my experience it's basically up to the doctor 4 now. I am hoping there is an end in sight to suffering as my friend has found another dr who is not PM 4 me but I need to switch insurance companies as he does not take upmc. Hv to wait 4 open enrollment. Just wanted to add what I hav only heard about zohydro & that it is frowned on by physicians & insurance rarely covers. As far as OxyContin I don't know if it is dose related as I only hav 20mg 2x daily with breakthrough med of oxymorphone 10mg ir 2x daily but definitely doesn't even come close to covering the pain. After being on opana 40mg er 4 3X daily the most part of 7 yrs I am suffering but will say the clinidine patch my FMD gave me does help the leg pain. For now no social life but remain hopeful wth a new physician.
Re: Pablo (# 184)
That's a bulls*** government rouse to take 1 opana drug off the market. It has never happened before. It is the start of the end to chronic pain patients relief! I call bulls*** on the FDA/DEA. It should be a scandal but all the cry baby parents & family members who balled to their congressmen/senators about their dopefiend kid's deaths/overdoses got this ball rolling!
Amen! I miss opana. I have had 8 spine surgeries and I've been on 180mg a day of morphine. Well, I will call my pharmacy tomorrow and I see my PM next week. I knew it wouldn't be long, reminds me of when coke was taken off the market and they came up with a new coke! Lol. If you have them or need them, lock them up, so we don't get blamed when things get into the wrong hands. Thank you for the good news.
Re: Eileen (# 204)
Hello everyone, I have to really wonder why all you pain sufferers get Drs to give you pain meds being your really suffering from debilitating pain as i live with 24 hrs a day. Currently I have to be driven 221 miles to a Pain Management that will give me my pain meds. I have many illnesses, and do indeed suffer every hour a day unless i am in the horizontal position and that is keeping me awake at night. I have to take a mild sleep medication for me to get well needed sleep. I wish i could just be fixed and be pain free but my body is what it is, BEAT UP from all the jobs i did as a working women. I finally had to go on disability as my company thought i was a liability. Plus had 3 specialists put me on meds for my illnesses, and went with the company agreeing I should not be working due to many illnesses. I went out a fighter. But now in my 60's and live in such pain, and the Dr's where i live are too scared to help me with my pain. Why cant they do their jobs and help me? I have awesome insurance, great referrals and not an addict, take as directed, even though the meds are barely working for me anymore. I have such a will to live and be happy, but that PAIN is really getting to be unbearable. What do i do? Those Dr's that put me on those meds didn't even think what would lie ahead. The people that just used them recreationally are making the real PAIN sufferers get the axe. It is so wrong. In every way. Doctors here are all wimps. I hope they never have what i have to live with, they would all cut their throats. Pain makes a person do really crazy things, God Help Us ALL.
Re: Cathy (# 210)
There were two that i found on medicare website, the one that i chose was Aetna Rx Select. They Cover Oxymorphone ER And Ir So It Should be helpful for you to look into it.
I am very glad that it's helping you so well.
Yes, the generics are available now, but it may be a bit before they can easily be found in most pharmacies, due to the monthly limits that have been placed on how much they can stock of any particular controlled substance.
So, if anyone else is looking for it, you may have to be patient for just a few more weeks.
Learn more Oxymorphone details here.
Are there any comments or questions?
They break down incredibly easy but still gel up when exposed to water.
Lucky: tamper resistant formula (TRF)
Due to lack of coverage with my insurance, I was switched from Oxycontin 80mg. ER's to Opana as of January 1st. My pain management doctor prescribed me 60mg. Opana ER's (1-40mg and 1-20mg.) to be taken at 8am., and again at 8pm. I am also prescribed generic oxymorphone 10mg.x3 for breakthrough pain. I am getting very little relief from these new Opana's. Is it because of the timerx that's been formulated? How much more pain relief would I expect to get from the generic 60mg. ER oxymorphone? Would it be a noticeable difference? Please advise. Any information would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you.
The generic version of Opana are incredible!! I had never been prescribed the original Opana before the company made them tamper-proof. I was prescribed the reformulated Opana in November of 2012, and got no pain relief from them. In fact, the entire pill was showing up in my stool pretty much undigested. The generics are made by Impax/Global Pharmaceuticals, and are working incredibly well. My pain is now controlled by taking 1-40mg, and 1-20mg pill every 12 hours, with 3-10mg oxymorphone every 8 hours for breakthrough pain. Most days I don't even need to take my breakthroughs because the ER's are doing their job! Good luck!! We finally have a winner back!!
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