Oxymorphone Er Generic By Global Pharmacy (Page 3)
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Since I heard that Impax finally got the green light to distribute Oxymorphone ER (Opana ER) generic through Global Pharmacy. I didn't hesitate to rush to my PM doc and he instantly had me switch to this new drug. He prescribed me 40 mg twice per day to treat my busted back & fibromyalgia.

I noticed the pill is round in shape with G74 on one side with nothing on the other. The color for the 40 mg ER tablet is an orangy/gold color. Ever since Endo ruined their product with the new TRF formulation. I promised myself to jump back on the bandwagon as soon as the generics were released.

Today is a great day for all who suffer chronic pain. Yay! 8-)


230 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: Eileen (# 189) Expand Referenced Message

Yup still available and still getting the oxymorphone 30mg ER's no problems and no word from anyone about them being pulled I refill on the 17th of This month and see no problems in my near future. N as far as the IR oxymorphone they suck the oxycodone 30mg is the best IR they make so I'd switch to that instead of the crappy IR 10mg oxymorphone good luck

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Re: RAWDOG (# 188) Expand Referenced Message

So oxymorphone is still available as of dec2017? I am on the oxymorphone ir but my p mgmt says they won't write 4 it, it makes no sense as oxymorphone ir is nt abuse deterrent. They hav no idea what they r doing. The OxyContin 20 is ineffective 4 me!

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Re: RAWDOG (# 185) Expand Referenced Message

This is for Pablo, you ask if MS Contin is worth a try n i say to that sure why not try it to see if it works for you since everything else seems to make you sick. Bit if you want an equivalent to the 20mg oxymorphone id say you need the 100mg MS like i said thats the only mg that worked for me the 60's were garbage but for some reason the 100mg did the job. I even ate 4 60's and didn't get the relief i did from 2 100's!!! I wouldn't even bother with the Xtampza heard its horrible so I'd give the Zohydro ER a shot or the 12.5 mcg of Fentynal a try i know they only last 2 days but talk to your doc and I've heard of people getting prescribed 2 every 2 days for that exact reason just have to talk to your doc and tell him exactly that(they only last 2 days) and if he's a good doc he should be willing to write for that amount. Especially if its only the 12.5 mcg think it would be harder to get him to write it if you were on the 50 or 75 mcg dose. And last but not least you cam always try methadone let me know what ypu think. Bit im still getting my 30mg oxymorphone by Impax/Global with no problems thank god for my awesome girls at my pharmacy

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Re: Pablo (# 184) Expand Referenced Message

That's a bulls*** government rouse to take 1 opana drug off the market. It has never happened before. It is the start of the end to chronic pain patients relief! I call bulls*** on the FDA/DEA. It should be a scandal but all the cry baby parents & family members who balled to their congressmen/senators about their dopefiend kid's deaths/overdoses got this ball rolling!

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Re: No Name (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

How are you paying for them? I could never afford out of pocket.

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Re: Pablo (# 184) Expand Referenced Message

Well let me first say that everyone reacts differently to each drug. And that the oxymorphone 20mg Ers are SUPER strong. You said the oxycontin makes you sick and the Fentanyl is to much(have you tried the 12mcg) it's the lowest dose they make. And my opinion on the MS Contin(morphine sulfate) is just garbage the only one of those that works for me personally is the 100mg ones. So it dosent leave much on the table to try as far,as ER meds. Their is Zohydro ER, Nuncynta ER and Xtampza ER witch is just like oxycontin but haven't heard anything good about them. It's all trial by error your just gonna have to go down the list and hope your doctor is willing to help you find what drug works best for you. Their is also something called a Buse-patch witch lasts 7 days but once again haven't heard anything good about them. Personally I love my oxymorphone 30mg ERS They work very very well for me. I hope this helps you and PLEASE feel free to ask me anything else you have questions about and keep me posted to let me know what your trying and what is working best for you.. Good luck

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Re: Rawdog (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Do you know the story behind the FDA pull of Opana "hockey pucks", which does not make sense since the generic is easier to abuse (no "plastic" technology")? Well, 150 so junkies liquefied the brand name Opana ER drug, inj. it, and ended up contracting HIV, so the FDA puts the 95% of us that use the medication legitimately after junkies that will just move on to something else. I find it strange they did not target the generic versions, which do not employ the new, anti-abuse technology. To tell you the truth, they make me so sick to my stomach, I need to get an alternate ER medication that does not make me so sick. Norco 10/325 (for BT Pain), does not bother my stomach, OxyContin (made me very sick), Opana (makes me not as sick) bother me. Is it worth a try with MS Contin? What dose would be equivalent to Oxymorphone ER 20 mg? Issues: L5S1 disc herniation, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuropathic Pain, Lyrica useless, as are all the anticonvulsants (make me a zombie) and tricyclic antis. Fentanyl patch is too much, puts me to sleep, and only lasts 1.5 days.

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Re: Vin (# 179) Expand Referenced Message

Should Have Them Call Janssen Pharmaceuticals. I Had A Problem With The Patches Coming Off Before The 3 Days Were Finished. So I Called Their 1-800 Number And An R.N. Answered Directly And Overnighted Me Those Clear Adhesive Large Patches {Which Was Mentioned Here} To Cover The Fentanyl Patch Completely And Then Some. It Didn't Cost Me A Cent And This Dear R.N. Ever Said That She Would Ship Another 50 To Me At No Charge... Sure Hope That Helps You Out There Who Use The Patch ? Peace-Will

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Re: Long range radioman (# 177) Expand Referenced Message

No I've had no problems filling and no one has even mentioned anything about them going away anytime soon. Either I'm extremely lucky or your pharmacist is messing with you. Either way I'm sorry to hear that. If I ever face that problem I don't know what id do either switch to OP 80s or morphine 100's and worst case scenario Fentynal 75 good luck man

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There was something on one of the news threads that said there were over 33,000 deaths due to opana overdoses. The junkies are putting the pills through a solvent extraction process to make the oxymorphone inj... Oxymorphone is a potent drug. It dosesn't take too much to put someone new to opioids in a bad way. EMS and even police have started carrying Narcan in their patrol vehicles and a lot of cops were surprised that many of them actually used the Narcan. Henceforth the ban on a drug that gave me a fair level of comfort. I had degenerative disc disease in my lumbar and several other bulging disc's higher up. The neurologist fused s1, L5, L4 about 10 years ago. What was to be a 4 hour surgery went 12 hours on the table. I did not get anywhere near the level of pain relief that I was promised. Btw, I also have an artificial right knee that doesnt work properly and no cartilage in the left knee. The pm dr. changed me from 20 mg of oxymorphone er every 12 hrs. to 13.5 mg of xtampza which is a BIG cut in dosage if you look at the equivalency charts. That put me onto withdrawals. I ended up in the er after 16 hours on the new med on a Saturday night. Fortunately, the er dr. was a good compassionate dr. He popped me in the butt with a shot of Dilaudid on the spot and tried to call my pm dr. He looked around on the narcotic exchange/equivalence charts and the xtampza dose was about a third of my old oxymorphone dose. Not near enough to stave off the DT's. He told me to double up on the extampza and call my pm dr. first thing Monday morning. He promised he would call my pm dr. Monday morning and back me up so the pm dr. Would be getting the story straight from him too. My bp when they took it in the er was 198/80! Stroke territory. I called in Monday morning and got the "drug seeker" treatment on the phone from a nurse. I told her what happened over the weekend and asked her to have the dr. or my pa that I see every month to call me and advise me as to what to do. Closing time came around and no call back so I called in again. They said that the best they could do was an appointment that Wednesday morning so I said I'd take it. Wednesday morning rolled around and I was still in considerable pain and was expecting to get kicked out of his office for letting them give me the shot Saturday night. Suprise!!!

The pm dr. said that the er dr. had called as promised and he was very sympathetic to my plight. He has since increased my dose and changed me to the generic oxycontin er at 40mg which is the equivalent according to the chart. I feel better, but not as good as when I was on the oxymorphone. The oxycontin doesn't seem to be as effective as the oxymorphone. So, I say all that to express this: The abusers, junkies, and fools of the world have caused a major problem for me. I watch a LOT of cop shows on tv. Isn't it amazing how many people get pulled over for a license plate light out and end up going to jail because they have something illegal in the car. There are a lot of laws that need to be changed where controlled substances are come in to play. Prohibition is not working. There are a lot of people in jail who could be working a job and be productive instead of being a tax burden to house and feed them. I'm not saying that we need to kick the doors down and let everyone have everything they want, but marijuana needs to be sold and taxed in dispensaries in all 50 states. Thay would be a good start. The government needs to get off of the backs of legitimate pm dr's like mine that are trying to help people that have been injured and have documentable, verifiable reasons that they have chronic pain. There are "pill mills" out there where crooked dr's will give out anything you want but these guys NEED to be jailed. Btw, I personally would not use marijuana. I don't like to be high or get a buzz. It interferes with my clarity of thought and keeps me from being able to play with my hobbies. I refuse to operate any power tool or drive if I have a buzz. It's just not safe, and if I get another injury I'll have more chronic pain than I have now and I don't need or want that! Pity is that most politicians have never had much chronic pain and do not understand the need for effective chronic pain treatment. Most dr's and police officers are in the same boat. These people cannot grasp the concept of a person that awakens with pain, endures the day with constant pain, and then ends their day in pain, then tries to sleep IF sleep will come still in pain. I once read a science fiction story of an inventor that built a machine that would cause one person to feel what the other was feeling. It worked with all sensations good or bad. He and his wife used it during intercourse with amazing results! It would be so useful in making one person understand the plight of another! The wife was about to go into labor to give birth to the child that was the result of their physical lovemaking. She had him bring it to the birthing suite and told him " hook it up".

Thanks for reading my rambling rant. Those of us that endure chronic pain have to stand up for our rights to receive appropriate medications and treatment. It is becoming way too difficult to get treated due to the "seekers" who abuse drugs looking for a high. I don't like being addicted to narcotics. They have been used for thousands of years to treat pain and have a legitimate use. The "WAR ON DRUGS" has demonized all narcotics in the eyes of the politicians and the general public to the point that those of us that need narcotics just to make living tolerable seem like evildoers in their eyes. I don't know what the solution to this problem is, but it seems to keep my life in the state of crisis all of the time. I feel blessed to have a compassionate pm dr. I hope he is able to keep the government and law enforcement off his back at least for the rest of my life.

Best regards to all. And good luck!

Long range radioman out!!!

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Re: Eileen (# 159) Expand Referenced Message

Just an update for anyone interested: They (my pharmacy) gave me the oxymorphone ir for breakthrough pain (a whopping 2 a day), but they put me on OxyContin 20 mg bid. But I tell u, unless you're opioid naive they are absolutely worthless. He offered to put me on fentanyl first (that may have been a trick?) but I told him I didn't want to be on it bc of the stigma. I would rather be on like 6 oxymorphone ir daily, forget the long-acting s***, as I read that oxymorphone ir lasts like 6 hours & personally I agree, but they r soon going to pull this!

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Go to Walgreens & ask for tegaderm. They are a clear waterproof adhesive that covers the patch completely. They have a few different sizes & worked great when I was taking it.

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Re: Chiefbondaka (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I think the hangover is due to it leaving the body faster than the opana, in my opinion. I think the yellow opana 40 lasted longer than the generic orange ones and they're compound, l think that's why they don't last as long but I get five 10 mg red generic i/r for breakthrough pain with the two 40mg now all generic since they stopped the opana which doesn't make too much sense to me if it was for safety. The generic formula is more dangerous & can be abused if they aren't made like opana so l don't know what that was all about & l wonder what's going to happen if anything with this opioid epidemic being a hot topic now.

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Re: Rawdog (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

For some reason unknown to me, the supply of oxymorphone er generic has also dried up in my area. The pharmacy says that when they try to order their computer says that it is no longer available. I know that Opana, the name brand was kicked by the FDA. I don't know why. There are other just as dangerous drugs out there for *****s to kill themselves with so why pick on Opana? Has anyone else had trouble filling their oxymorphone er prescriptions?

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Will anything work like oxymorphone for 3 herniated discs, 2 collapsed discs, scoliosis, 1 bulging disc, sciatica, RA and Osteoarthritis? It's the only thing that worked.

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Re: ROCKY (# 174) Expand Referenced Message

I been hearing a lot about this Xztampza drug guess a lot of people are going to that since as a,week ago Opana ER got ripped off the shelves so tons of people are scrambling around to find their replacement ER med. Luckily I get the generic oxymorphone ER'S and I've been hearing that their taking those away to even tho my PM place is telling me I have nothing to worry about. Guess I'll have to wait and see on Oct 2 if when I go to fill they either tell me no or I go get it changed to.....what ER med is as good as oxymorphone 30mg I'll tell you- nothing is not even close these things are soooooo STRONG it's crazy I've tried just about everything out there and maybe the 2 closest things would be oxycontin 80mg and Fentynel 75mcg I know cause I've tried them both but 2 problems with each drug first is the oxycontin 80's are not easily written most docs won't write for that high of a mg so I'd be lucky to get the 60's then theirs the problem with getting my insurance to cover it. Then the Fentynl is just a road I don't want to go down it's the strongest thing out there and it's been highly criticized for people abusing and OD'ing off of plus i know it does not last a full 3 days 2 at most and you get 10 a month so if I had to wait a full 10 days to get my new script the withdraws off of those are the HANDS DOWN WORST!!! And once again having the doc write for that is so hard and I wouldn't want anything but the 75mcg. and that's just not gonna happen plus highly doubt insurance will cover it. So what is a person to do???? Please any and all suggestions are welcome

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Today isn't a good day for me! I'm happy that your doing well and pain free!! But some of us do not have on relief. I am 64 ,clean 12 yrs. and used 42 yrs. you name It I did it.. Those days are far behind me. ..today I suffer from many physical problems and pain, every time I start up taking opiates....there is never enough. My tolerances hits the roof. So I put myself on suboxone trying to get away from the merry go round of opiates. Suboxone isn't touching my pain, so I'm looking for something new. Does anybody have any suggestions?

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Re: Dee (# 172) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in south Florida, but no matter where you live finding a,New PM, is going to be tough there are so many bad ones out there you just have to keep looking untill your comfortable with one that treats you right listens to you and makes you feel like your not just another number to them. It's always good to Google a place and read the comments left by people. Well good luck and let us know how it turns out for you

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Re: Rawdog (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Rawdog, where is your PM? Which state/city. I haven't been on this update about ER medications. We are new to our state and city and can't even get a PM appt. Help please.

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Re: Rawdog (# 170) Expand Referenced Message

Sounds like good news & it makes me ?? As way too many ppl are or will be affected by this if pulled. My feeling is that the PM ppl who have something to hide are strictly adhering 2 these so called guidelines, as to not throw up red flags. Also, does anyone ? why Endo "caved" in 2 the directive of the CDC request/demand 2 pull the opana, as it doesn't appear that they put up too much resistance. I also ? why the oxymorphone ir was not pulled as it is not even tamper resistant. I am not complaining as 4 this month mine were ordered & the pharmacy was able to obtain them as the pharmacist told me a few days ago that he wasn't sure he could still have access to them (mom & pop pharmacy but goes by the book no early refills on anything even BP meds). Mine are generic made by "aurolife" but one x I got a script made by Endo & they were HORRIBLE so I asked for a generic. I wonder if they were now pulled meaning Endo brand??? This is so convoluted to me & is it just me that has to live month to month wondering what med I am going to be maintained on for that month as it plays havoc with lives. I am also on Coumadin & any switch in meds definitely affects the INR value. Beings I just got out of the hospital with a blood clot is the other or main reason I intend on switching to an FMD as to prevent all this chaos in constantly switching meds every month. I swear if they would put me on a Cracker Jack I wouldn't be surprised lol. My big fear is some1 will put me on tramadol 4 a breakthrough med as I have read they are now using this a lot as needed due to the low dose of opiate in them, but I also converse with quite a few chronic pain pts & they have told me that they have daily withdrawal from them when they wake up in the AM so it is not an innocent medication. I know I took it a couple days years ago & I swear it made me so damn depressed I stopped immediately. Good luck to you & hang in there.

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