Oxycontin Op Not Working (Page 2)
Updated80 mg op received this month. What the heck is purdue doing to me my stomach hurts, my pain is almost all they way back. I'm in agony. Why don't they take whiskey off the shelves and make them put plastic in it. It takes 3 hours for it to work if it does? I've had a headache also. They lost my almost $1500 a month and need something for pain. Anyone have any ideas???
to: get a life practice what you preach you get a life, then step back and realize there are thousands and thousands of legitimate chronic pain patients out there, i need my meds and do take them right not all people that takes the meds abuse them ive had 13 surgeries and need mine. If you want to be foolish and suffer pain just cause your son has no self control and made you hateful, now you want to take it out on others, look to him look to yourself where did you go wrong.Pray to god you never suffer real pain, a couple sore knees dont qualify, shame on you for your attitude and you hateful disposition, now have a great evening.
Get a life:
I hope that some higher power reaches down and grabs hold of you and shows you love soon. This is not the place, in the presence of true chronic pain sufferers, to take out your hatred for other living beings. I wouldn't take advice from an enabler, which is what you are while you are supporting your addicted son...I think your thoughts and words of hate have become NULL AND VOID. I hope you can transform that negative energy into something good for you and your family, because ultimately, that is your concern - not innocent pain patients on a message board. I hope you are not supplying your son with those med's. Please pipe down and look at the bigger picture...hooray for you and your ability to manage your pain - why wouldn't you want to encourage someone else to do the same in a POSITIVE manner?? We are all human. Addiction is a disease. Diseases will ultimately kill a human. Do you get what I am saying? You're wasting your efforts here while your son is killing himself. I hate to be too harsh, but it doesn't come close to what you have displayed. May God grant you the knowledge, patience, intelligence, and love to fight your own battles.
THE MEDICINE IS THE SAME. YOU JUST DON'T GET THE BIG RUSH WHEN YOU COULD CHOP THEM UP AND SNORT OR SHOOT THEM. THEY aren't ffun anymore. More money for the heroin dealers, instead of Medicaid, who pays for all this bull crap in the first place. My sister just had her breasts cut off and she takes freakin' ALAVIL for her pain. You are a bunch of big babies, who got used to free dope that you could snort, shoot, or SELL. And the taxpayers paid for it all! Get over it. Take some tylenol (unless you already have hepatitis from using dirty needles). then you need to stick to the non-tylenol stuff. No more free or nearly free highs for you. If you can't chew, snort, or shoot them, they just aren't fun anymore. Drag your dead butts out of bed, and clean your house, take care of yourOWN kids, get a job. You are a bunch of whiners. I hurt every day-that is part of life. Better yet, try going to an N/A meeting.
I'm shocked at some of the negative responces that there are to chronic pain people. And to the person who said every body is in pain its not true, and certian kinds of pain nsaids work. What's the deal with bashing people who are suffering with chronic pain and even cancer? Do you like the feeling you get when other people are suffering and you call them names or liars? I think there are some bitter people out there that are sadists and have to make somebody already suffering feal worse. Don't listen to this idiot who's mad at the world I don't even know why somebody like you would even be on a chat for people that are really suffering. You like to feel big right?
To Get a life, Its people like you and your drugy son that has ruined the name of this medication! There is people, terminally ill people who need this medication simply to get through the day! Me included! So before you get on here running your dicksucker about other people learn the facts. Do you have cancer or any other terminal disease? I bet not, so dont tell us to DEAL WITH OUR PAIN when you have no idea what your talking about! I'd like to see you with the pain of spreading colon cancer and DEAL WITH THE PAIN! Garrantee you'd be begging Doctors for painkillers.If all your here to do is try to make the people who need this medicine feel bad about themselves then go to a different site!
Deal with it SAME GOES FOR YOU!!
To Deal with it and get a life: I am furious that you say such things about these people with very serious health problems just because they take a cetain kind of medication! To Get a life, yeah thats excactly what you need to do and concentrate on helping your addict son instead of enableing him. You 2 have no right to even betalking on this site.have one word for your son (SUBOXONE)
hey mikeeee! before you go judging people maybe you should go run around the block and think before you speak!!!!! I have RA and spinal corrd tumors that cannot be removed safely. I have taken oxycontin for years and it changed my life. It enables me to remain independant and work. a few years ago I had problems digesting one of the generic oc's. it had a waxy coating and my system just didnt like them. they would go through me so fast that the pills were still dry and powdery under the outer layer. gross, but that is what the lab at the hospital determined after picking the pills out of my poop! I have medical digestive problems and other people have had similar experiences. the new oc's have the same darn coating and go right through me too and they are not ghost pills.(a ghost pill is the official medical term for a pill that has been digested but maintains it's shape and is degraded on the inside). i am dealing with purdue and the fda about this problem. now mikeeeee why dont you go do something constructive. peace!
sorry i didnt mean to single you out mikeeee i included deal with it and get a life in my cosshairs as well. peace.
i have been on ocxycontin for 10 years,this month they have changed my meds to op/ i never knew it until i pick them up.! first day: confusion,palpatations,severe body aches, migraine, bad stomache cramping. second day: alot worse of all the above.we worked for two years(my doctor and I) to find something to aleviate the pain.OMG i'm back to the begining again...i don't abuse these med.I use percocet for brake thru meds.I try to go for ahile in between with the percocet as not to build up a bad tolerence..these new op oxycontin are bad..severe side effects..(pain)different pain too.!! I also had an allergic reaction to the dye in the generic forms of oxycontin they say, well its surely seems just like the same symptoms I'm having with these new op oxycontins..what the hell is the problem they can't find away to fix these so the damn drug users can't abuse them, and the people who really need them don't have to go thru all this bulls**t just to get what we need....
The new OP pills are not good...I've had 3 surgey's and I get them wrote to me and the OC actually helped my pain, not because I snort them..I take mine and the new OP's dont help...I dont know whats different but there not helping....
Keep the coments coming guys well the positive ones anyway. My son has cancer and these OP's aren't helping him at all! It breaks my heart to watch him lay in agony and there is nothing I can do for him. This wasn't the case with the OC's, he was fine and could live normally and, now he's almost bed ridden! PLEASE PLEASE lets try to get something about this, for my son and others.
My husband has ben taking oc for several years now and these new op brand do not help him at all either. i dont understand why they have to punish the people whoget the scripts for these. there are im sure people out there who snort or sell them, but this hurts the people out there that get them and need them for real
Perdue pharmaceuticals is trying to get a patent so people can't get high, so that messes up chronic pain patient. Uncle Sam doesn't help the people caught in financial delema. They may get $5 to much to get help with living cost & their Dr. Prescribes meds to them, but instead they sell them. That was an article printed in our local newspaper about a year ago. Then we have the FDA who doesn't due all the research, just reads what is given to them. Then you have A few Drs. That make their money by have a full schedule of people, who say they have Fibromyalgia, that they write out scripts and hand them out like coupons so they get any easy buck without doing any work. 1 Dr locally, actually told me my pain was too complicated for him to take me on as a patient but didn't know were to send me. I sat in his office over an hour crying in pain while other younger people, a few couples sat there laughing & joking, & after seeing Dr. Walked out with scripts in hand. They all talked on what they took. Believe me, for what they said was wrong & what the meds were..I couldn't believe it. So I guess what I am saying is there r a lot of people here to blame for the ingredients in oc's to change. I feel more research should be done on these op's. They should be pulled & originals put back at least until all research is done..How many of us have to suffer due to love of money..and the Love of getting high.. Come on FDA & Perdue. Please help the real pain patients have some type of live with dignity...and a special note to FDA, it was you that ok'd silastic sheeting, let medical community do what they wanted with it that messes me up for the rest of my life..Have some sympathy!!!
All the arguing going on seems to be in the spirit of accusatory and not helping anyone. I am prescribed 80 mg Oxy 3x per day and 30mg Roxi 4x per day for break through pain.I experienced horrific stomach pain with the new formulation as well as very little pain relief. I take them as directed and always have. I contacted my Dr,pharmacist and Purdue. They are all overwhelmed with complaints. It is clear that the re-formulation has caused more problems than solutions.I, like many others are concerned about having to change to a new medication that might not relieve their pain as the old Oxy's did. It is no different than finally finding an antidepressant that works and then having it taken off the market due to misuse. Further, the stigma around patients taking pain medication makes it rather difficult to have needs met without having some judgment imposed. Tolerance occurs with everyone; some more than others, some quickly, some slowly and also varies with different medication. It makes perfect sense that people with FREAK OUT when they are experiencing debilitating pain that they had been able to manage only days before. So, with this in mind, if there are others who have had recent success with a replacement for Oxy, please share with us who have not yet found a solution to our very serious problem of controlling our pain. I will see my Dr tomorrow. I hope there will be some feedback on the success or failure of substitute medications other may have tried. Thanx people. A closing note: Do your best to treat others with compassion, as you would want to be treated...because you never know, you could be faced with a similar or worse situation in a blink of an eye.
I feel sorry for all of you. The ones who take them for real pain and the person who thinks up pain to get the scripts, then abuses it. I went to my son's Dr. directly and told them that he is abusing them, taking all of the months pills in 3 days. He told me to mind my own business, that he was the Dr and knew what he was doing? So for me I don't take them but as for the person who is abusing them, it may save those lives, but when you think about it, they don't care if they are saved or not. They are mad about the intert ingredients. The Drs. don't know who is for real and who isnt but when somebody points it out to them, they should do blood work at least. I would not want to have CA but I do have a lot of pain from my joints being worn out completely. I think as long as they are taken as prescribed by the Dr, they are okay. But the abusers have ruined it for anyone. What about morphine? Can that be prescribed to patients who need it or does it help?
try see the movie and internalize The Passion of Christ.
Yes you can get morphine prescribed but, for someone who has been on oxycontin its not the same. I was on 100mg morphine tablets and it was not helping at all not to mention the stomach pain they were causing and my old Dr. suggested that I double my dose when needed! 200mgs a a time is crazy I Don't want to be a walking zombie I just want my pain releived.So to answer your question Sympathy yes u can get morphine prescribed but no they dont work.
Thanks Oxyman 101! You have f-ed up chronic pain patients even more...we are not here for addicts..We are writing to try to get help for pain. I know addicts are hurting bit they need to get help for the emotional help that they need. If u can open up and get admit that you hurt emotionally or psychologically then .maybe you will stop abusing meds that r used for chronic pain or terminal patients..
Well Oxyman, noone here is talking about crushing, shooting, or smoking Oxcontin! You and the people like you are the reason why me and other people with a serious illness are suffering right now because of the formula change! Did you even read these comments people have left on here? I pray that you get some help and go to a Methadone or Suboxone Clinic. Please don't right anything like that on here again! God Bless You!!!
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