Oxycontin Formula Change Stomach Issues
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I have been on oxycontin for years...I have terminal illness and suffer every day...only relief i had was from oxycontin and now that they changed the formula my stomach constantly kills me ...i want to just yell....u aren't protecting anyone, you are hurting the ones that need help...junkies will be junkies....thanks for making me have to take roxicodone 4 times a day...
17 Replies
Re: Heffy (# 2)
I agree with you. Here’s the problem though-the doctors who push the plastic contins do it on purpose, so they’re not likely to let someone switch. The pain management office I went to before my current one insisted I switch to 10 mg oxycontin from 5 mg oxycodone (increase in dose!) when I was fine where I was. They were pushing the old purdue lies that they copped to fraud for pushing-that these are less addictive because it’s a steady supply not up and down, and the whole “only certain patients get addicted”. They never had any reason to suspect I was abusing my meds. So they forced me to switch and increase my dose by 5 mg. Around that same time I developed symptoms of cyclic vomiting syndrome. I refused to take the OP during the day because I felt wasted on 10 mg. Like I wouldn’t drive it was that bad, so they switched me back to the oxycodone during the day & the few episodes of CVS I had were only at night, after taking the plastic contin. I found better pain management and he switched me back to the oxycodone. I have had a couple mild stomach episodes since, but nothing like the three days of vomiting with two ER visits like before. I have been tested for gastroparesis, and scoped & all other possible lab tests for stomach problems & they’re all negative. While I believe I probably just have CVS, the plastic pills definitely aggravated it & they didn’t even work as well as half that dose of IR oxycodone. It was also super weird that Medicare would only cover the name brand. At this point (2019) the generic were plastic too I think, so that was a pain. Sorry, the point of this long rant is that i suspect these folks would LOVE to refuse to take the Oxycontin but the doctor has to agree. And that’s the hardest part.
Have you been checked for gastroparesis? It can be caused by opiates & the worst part is the slow emptying can make the leftover contents into a stone like mass. Google image pharmacobezoars. Sometimes the masses will form around and with pills. Apparently coke (the soda) can dissolve these things sometimes. I wonder how many accidental overdoses happen because a pill mass dissolves at once.
I’ve taken Oxy for 25 yrs for chronic pain. Started st 20 mg 3 x a day. Now take only 40 my 3 x s day. Get some relief of worst pain which allows me to walk & do some work part-time. Only side effect is constipation and of course Wallet Destruction! DEA has made it difficult to even get Oxy anymore. Genetics seem to be unobtainable in California which drives the cost even higher. If u are really in pain Oxy is a decent choice but stay on schedule. I suggest every 8 hours for new formulation. I have found that taking more than 40 mg per dose does Not eliminate any more pain. Stay on schedule & get some if your life back. Good luck
Studies show oxycontin (slow release oxycodone) simply don't last 12 hours. I have personal experience in this. I demanded dihydrocodeine from my doctor but now I am back on oxycontin. 2 weeks in and again I am going into withdrawal 6 hours later. For a serious injury like mine I keep my opiate proscription to a minimum. However due to this I have had enough and want a larger dose. I will refuse oxycontin and ask for the immediate release oxycodone to be taken every 4 hours. People must bring this to the attention of doctors. It is due to the anti abuse part of the medication which is not helping those in need. Ask for a different opiate, insist you refuse to suffer withdrawals and hopefully this useless medication will be improved. I have to cut mine down. A word of caution. Do not break strong oxycontin (20 mil or upward or if you are not opiate tolerant) and if you ask for a different medication look at opiate conversation charts first so the doctor does not underprescribe you with an alternative. He tried that on me, unfortunately for him my training for opiates exceeded his.
Just ran across this thread and I take oxycontin too. The new OP is more to curtail abuse, but it has also curtailed severe chronic pain sufferers quality of life because it only works 6 to 8 hours and not very well for those 6 to 8 hours either. All they care about is the abuse factor and they absolutely don't care about the patients quality of life. Until the reformulation to the OP version I had never heard of breakthrough pain. Now I have to pay for more medication to cover what the OP version doesn't. I use to only have to take 2 Oxycontin a day and that was it. Also because of gastro issues caused by the OP version I now have to take Protonix twice a day too, so now I'm paying over $250 more a month for 2 other medications because of the OP version! I wonder if Purdue Pharmaceutical gets kick backs for all the extra pills being sold because of the OP version, makes you wonder...
The one thing I have figured out about the OP version is that the polymer that they use to put the oxycodone hcl in dissolves the same whether the pill is whole or cut in half. I'm not suggesting anyone do what I'm about to say, but it's how I now take my OP version. I cut the pill in half and take a half pill every 6 hours. This seems to give me better overall pain reduction throughout a 24hr period. Since doing this I have never seen a halfway dissolved pill in my BM Stools. Which would indicate to me that I'm now getting all the oxycodone hcl that's in the pill instead of pooping out halfway dissolved pills.
My overall quality of life has improved because all the drug is getting into my body because the half pill is fully dissolving. The pill is very hard and hard to cut with a pill cutter. I use a pill cutter from CVS pharmacy, the purple one that costs a little more than the blue one they sell. The purple one has an orange slide bar the pill fits on and will cut the pill more easily in exact halves.
Like I said, doing this has given me better overall coverage in a 24hr period. I'm not recommending to do this, but if you're not getting decent coverage over a 24hr period it might be an option you may want to explore. If you do, don't tell your doctor or they might think your abusing the medication because your cutting the pill. But the reality is this OP formulation dissolves in the same time release manner because of the polymer they used. Cutting the pill just reduces the surface area and assures the half will completely dissolve. Try taking 4 halves, 1 half every 6 hours and you be the judge. I also cut my breakthrough medication in half and take a half with the oxycontin half every 6 hours too.
This is definitely off label, but my quality of life is at least 30% better taking my medicines like this.
I have been taking oxycontin for 13 yrs. I was in a boating accident many yrs ago, i have nerve damage,severe pain, rls. The propellers of the boat ran me over & almost tore off my leg,crushed my pelvis, chopped my tailbone & left hip. I have been in worse pain now that they changed the medicine. I think there gonna change my meds to opana. I thought it was just me thinking the oxys were different now, i'm glad to know its not just me. What can we do to change this??? I will do what whatever i can. Any thoughts or suggestions? Email me back @ xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy} I hope all of us that have to live with this horrible pain can find help. GOD BLESS!!!
have you asked the DR. FOR medical marijuana? this is no joke in CANADA WE ARE ALLOWED TO USE WEED TO KILL THE PAIN.GOOD LUCK
Thanks for serving our country. See ya in heaven where there will be no more pain.
I been on 1000 80s every 3 months i to would love to sign Already trying different no pain relieve from op
Well, there is now one less patient taking O/Cs as part of a treatment regimen. It may take some time, and some testing, to try and find an effective pain reliever but really no other choice.
PURDUE PHARMA IS MANUFACTURING A VERSION OF OXYCONTIN WHICH OFTEN HAS A DELETERIOUS AND IMPOTENT EFFECT ON THE USER/PATIENT. Purdue has been made aware of this problem and has failed to respond. It seems the lowly voice of the patient is only heard when it's time to get paid. If it's only money that piques their interest then so be it.
Be sure not to fill any prescription for any Pharma meds., whether ther expense is paid all by ins., or maybe only a co-pay, &/or especially if out of pocket.
Please continue to post your experiences with this poorly designed medicine. Also, ask others that you know to boycott Purdue products. And ask them to ask others to abide a boycott and so on.
Hopefully, if enough people stop buying Purdue products, and POST THEIR EXPERIENCES, change can be effected!
As it stands, this small, grassroots of postings shall be brought to the attention of Purdue Pharma. They can not hide behide an alleged ignorance of the great problem that their "fiddling" with the composition of a widely prescribed drug has had. Actually, whether or not they have knowledge of the problem, they SHOULD HAVE knowledge and, that too, evidences their ignornance or negligence.
We can then continually advise Purdue of the damage, in so many forms, that their poor decision making, & product making, has caused.
Good luck and take good care to all of you who must do so.
Well, there is now one less patient taking O/Cs as part of a treatment regimen. It may take some time, and some testing, to try and find an effective pain reliever but really no other choice.
PURDUE PHARMA IS MANUFACTURING A VERSION OF OXYCONTIN WHICH OFTEN HAS A DELETERIOUS AND INPOTENT EFFECT ON THE USER/PATIENT. Purdue has been made aware of this problem and has failed to respond. It seems the lowly voice of the patient is only heard when it's time to get paid. So, if it's money that seems to pique their interest then so be it.
Please DO NOT TAKE OXYCONTIN (O/P), nor ANY PRODUCT FROM PURDUE PHARMA, IN ANY FORM. Ask your Dr. for a different Rx. Be sure not to fill any prescription for any Pharma meds., whether ther expense is paid all by ins., or maybe only a co-pay, &/or especially if out of pocket.
Please continue to post your experiences with this poorly designed medicine. Also, ask others that you know to boycott Purdue products. And ask them to ask others to abide a boycott and so on. Hopefully, if enough people stop buying Purdue products, and POST THEIR EXPERIENCES, change can be effected!
As it stands, this small, grassroots of postings shall be brought to the attention of Purdue Pharma. They should never be able to hide behide an alleged ignorance of the great problem that their "fiddling" with the composition of a widely prescribed drug has had. Actually, whether or not they have knowledge, they SHOULD HAVE knowledge and, that too, evidences their ignornance or negligence.
We can then continually update Purdue as to the damage, in so many forms, that their poor decision making, & product making has caused.
Good luck and take good care to all of you out there who must do so.
Ive got cancer and OC version over OP version made the pain tolerable and wish I could enjoy the last 3 months of my life without pain. Now ive gotta take phyntinol and MScontin together in order to feel some relief. Glad I get to suffer the last 3 months of my life. Thanks you fkn junky POS's. ENJOY YOUR HIGH AS YOU ARE TAKING AWAY FROM THOSE NEAR DEATH WHO NEED PAIN RELIEF! I figured after being shot twice in 2 wars, building two business from the ground up afterward, and being a good person in society that I would, in case of an illness, be able to get what i needed! I did got a while... but my cancer now lures over me and ive got 3 months to live.
Get over your addictions and do something with your lives you fkn bums! I fought for my country, made contributions to my surrounding areas, and expanded my company globally. Atleast stop bein a junky! But thanks to you all.. who are junkies for the suffering for my remaining time here!
I also have been very concerned with all the wierd and dreadful side effects 700,000 patient's are having. (that was the last count).As a result of all the negative side effects i think i have read everything i can get my hand's on for the new formula op's. Apparently there was new data as of jan 1 2011. However when i went over to the links..i think it was the f.d.a. they were pulled.I was on topix reading all the messages from CPP and came across the linx for the new data. That data was pulled very quickly according to the daily bloggers. In essense what the new data was..involved the binder's in the op's. Apparently this new formula pulls in all other med's one is taking and is making ..those med's ineffective. It is the binder in these new op's. Lets say you took an op..at 6 a.m. and at 8am you took heart med's or diabtes med's.the op because it takes so long to digest is still in your stomach.by now it's all gel..with the binders..breakthrough meds..ir..or any other meds are pulled into this gel thus many are finding their daily meds other than op ineffective. This was the gist of this study. Has anyone else heard of this and if so can you explain it better? I have a friend who is taking lisperal..he just had a stent placed in artery..if this med becomes ineffective he will die. I am very worried over this. Help!
Hefty, I totally agree with you, we do need to get a petition together and boycott Purdue. How dare them mess with our pain and health for the almighty dollar. I have taken the oc's for 10+ yrs. They had my pain mostly under control with the help of Percocet for breakthrough. The op's are not helping and makng me having other pain. My stomach hurts so much that at times I double over from it, my bowels hardly function without taking something, I have terrible headaches, I feel like I have the flu most of the time, I itch all over and feel rotten most of the time as to where I can't get much done at all. Shame on Purdue!! Please post if you get a web site up and a petition going. Thanks so much for your in put.
I to have been on oxycotin for about 10 years. To take something away that has worked for me for so long has been detramental to my health. I would love to join forces with u please let me know what u want me to do. The new ops have been not helping at all. Along with other people that I know they do not break down all the way like they are soposed to and on more than several occasions have came out whole if u know what I mean. You might want to watch it because that is one reason why they have been less effective.
I feel your frustration. I have been taking oc for over 1 year for chronic pain related to M.S. I was getting some relief from the meds which my Dr. recommended and which is monitored w/ monthly Dr. appts.
NOW, the "new formulation" is a) seemingly not as effective; and b) causes fairly serious stomach, intestinal and sinus distress! So, now b/c of Purdue's new oc formula, I must suffer new, painful and somewhat embarrassing symptoms.
It's the FDA or local, state and federal LAW ENFORCEMENT who are responsible for handling abuse of drugs issues! IT is NOT Purdue's job!!! Their job/responsibility is to make a drug that works! Once the drug is approved by the FDA and put on the market, enforcement of how the drug is distributed and used is NOT the manufactures job!!! SHOULD ALL COUGH SYRUP/VICODIN/TYLENOL #3 ETC. MANUFACTURERS ALSO CHANGE THEIR PRODUCTS B/C SUCH DRUGS, AND MANY OTHERS, ARE CONSTATNLY BEING ABUSED?! OF COURSE NOT.
I am an attorney, and know many other attys. I am in process of looking for some kind of recourse against Purdue but am not optimistic that the law can help.
HOWEVER, if a large # people could be brought together (online) to agree to go off oc's (and try some other med., for a little while). At same time, a letter/petition to the manufacturer warning of a BOYCOTT signed by hundreds or more patients and hopefully some Dr's, is sent to Purdue maybe we'll see some action and a change to the old formula. HIT THEM IN THE WALLET!!! Seems like that ($) is the only thing that affects the decisions of these large companies.
If enough people go off of the new oc's, the loss of income will surely be brought to the attention of the Bd. of Directors at Purdue.
If you know of others in the same boat we're in, as I do, maybe a "Protest/Sign-Up Petition" website can be created. With enough signatures advising that we are unhappy w/ the new Rx AND that, if they refuse to bring back old Rx, then everyone will ask their Dr. about going OFF OC's!
So frustrating to lose a Rx that gave some relief to chronic pain ONLY b/c of OUTSIDE PRESSURES to change the formula due to a MINORITY of people who abused it!!!
Sorry such a long reply but I too am very upset by this and would love to see if we can get the old Rx back OR IF NOT then hit the company in the wallet w/ a massive BOYCOTT of their current product! I bet we're talking about a LOT of money!!
Please reply w/ your thoughts on trying an on line PETITION AND REQUEST FOR A POSSIBLE BOYCOTT sent out to all those we can find.
Not much to lose. The current oc's aren't good anyway. So, if Purdue won't listen to patient complaints a switch to a different painkiller may be worth a try.
In the meantime, I continue to explore LEGAL OPTIONS. This may include contact w/ Purdue advising of forthcoming Petition and Boycott (if we can get those going). I'll await your reply before doing so.
Thanks and GOOD LUCK TO YOU should you decide not to try and fight back. I'm not looking forward to the work involved in "fighting back" BUT seems someone has to do something!
I read so many complaints about this issue. A good response to the Petition/Boycott idea seems likely. Even the Dr.s might get involved giving the Petition more credibility AND impressing upon Purdue that the threat of a BOYCOTT is real!
Thanks again. Look forward to your reply asap.
I am very sorry to read of the problems you are having, however, this site does not manufacture any medication, we are solely and information website.
There have been many complaints about the new formulation of Oxycontin not working as well and causing odd side effects.
The only thing I can suggest to you is that you contact both the manufacturer Purdue and the FDA to report the issue:
Purdue Pharma number for drug safety/medication issues:
FDA MedWatch number:
Are there any comments or questions?
When you contact them, I suggest leaving out the insults and swearing, if you want them to take you seriously. Such reports should be given in a calm, rational manner, if you want them to pay attention.
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