Oxycontin Damaged My Teeth (Page 38) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHas anyone else known oxycontin to rot the teeth? I used to be on vicodin until my doctor told me I needed to switch to a morphine based meds. She put me on ms contin but I had problems with it so she put me on 80mg oxycontin. Eventually my body built up a tolerance so she kept raising it, i have am now on from 4-6 per day of the 80mg tabs. It scares me that this is what rotted my teeth because only 5 yrs ago i had only 2 cavities that needed filling and then only 1 yr after going on the oxycontin i had to have all my top front teeth pulled as they where rotting from the inside out the dentist said my mouth looked like a heroin addict's mouth looks. He said it was shocking to him that normally he only saw such damage from someone who abused drugs with so much dental damage, but i have never done any street drugs and have only take my meds as prescribed to me. Now i have lost 80% of my teeth and as a beautiful 41 yr old mother its devastating. I cant afford dentures and sure cant afford implants like i would like to have. I am a single mother and refuse to date because i have lost my teeth now, i had beautiful teeth before i started on the oxycontin and only 2 small cavities that needed filling. Does anyone else have this same problem and if so why hasn't the company making oxycontin warn patients of this possible problem? If i had known this would cause me to lose most of my teeth i would have never agreed to go on it. Of course my family doctor who has been prescribing them tells me she hasn't heard of any other cases, yet when i researched the med online there where others like this why hasn't something been put in the warnings about this med, i sure would have preferred to have lived in pain the rest of my life rather than lose my teeth and be unable to even eat now. My health has gone downhill fast as i cant even chew foods necessary for good health. All I can eat now are yogurts, and liquid type of foods which isn't much. My kids are 7 and 9 yrs old and they watch me cry when we go out to eat and they order steak, and i can smell it but can't order one as i know i wont be able to chew it. This is so devastating for me. I want teeth so badly if i could wish for anything in life besides not to be poor anymore it would be to have a full set of real teeth or implants but i could never dream of having them, and i don't know anyone out there willing to just help me get any either. I have always helped others all my life, but cant even help myself, i have had to have 29 surgeries now since 1991 when a drunk driver hit my car and caused me major injuries with my lower back and knees, i have had a full lower back fusion and 8 arthroscopic knee surgeries until a year ago they finally had to do a full right knee replacement and now they are talking about doing my left knee soon. So my life has been up and down with surgeries and i would go thru one more surgery just to have teeth implanted if i could. but i could never afford it, but i would like to know why these drug manufacturers are making a medication that could cause teeth to rot like this without warning us patients or even warning the doctors about it. This is just terrible of them i think, as now i am the one paying for this by having no teeth to eat with at such a young age now. I am a vibrant young 41 yr old at 5'3, 120lbs, slim woman, nice looking too as i was a model in my younger days, so i keep my looks up. But to have no teeth now... I never smile anymore, I am to ashamed to smile even though it wasn't my fault i lost my teeth. I think they should pay for me to have new teeth but no one wants to admit that the med causes it, but my diet wasn't the problem back when i started the medication and i wasn't drinking coca-cola either or doing street drugs so i know that wasn't the cause either. The only thing that changed within one year to cause this was starting the oxycontin medication. Well, if anyone out there can help me let me know thanks.
It's up to you to ask your dentist/doctor or any other health care professional about health issues. You all are not children and your healthcare professional is not your parent. YOU AND ONLY YOU are responsible for looking after your health. Doctors should be seen as someone who can order tests and write prescriptions...they are not your parents. Doctors see hundreds of people in a week, do you think when you step into an office they remember your health problems? No. YOU tell THEM what the problem is, they look in their notes on you and if they are good, they might see a problem pattern in their notes, but most often they will miss it. They are 1)human 2)overworked. YOU must keep track of your health, look things up and educate yourself on what you need and tell the doctor what you need done. I know it's nice to put your health in someone else's hands and feel like you are being taken care of but it's not realistic and you will end up dead real fast with that M.O.
Get over yourself! You're most definitely NOT the first nor the only one who brought dry mouth up as the potential, but not necessarily the PRIMARY cause for tooth decay among those who've been on opioid pain management.
This will be my last message before I go . Don't blame the doctors for prescribing the blame lays on the patient they tell the doctor what they want and what meds don't work and they complain of serious pain and they tell the doctors they are allergic to certian meds. So that backs a doctor in a corner belive me I have worked with doctor for years also my mom was a DDS. I have friends who are doctors and an uncle that was one. I hate to say this but I know more about meds side effects than anyone on here I have worked with hospice patients. So don't get mad I'm telling the truth. The blame lays on the ppl here that talk about how much they can take or want. It's ppl on here that make it hard for the ones that relly need it . It a damn shame
LISSY: This is a forum about drugs/medications. It is called Meds Chat, not God Chat. Please refrain from expressing your personal religious views on here. That is exactly what it is....PERSONAL. If you want to talk about Christianity, there are plenty of chat rooms for that. Thank you.
MATTHEW: No, it was even worse than that! It was "is 15mgs more than 60mgs"? I think she was just confused. I'm thinking that the doc gave her an ADDITIONAL 15mgs to add to the 60, and she was just confused or something...??
GOD is the only way that I got through it. I will never stop talking about what He has done for me. One day you will see...every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. He is the ONLY answer.
LISSY: AGAIN, talking about religion on a forum that has nothing to do with religion is inappropriate. I don't know how much more clear to make it. And while we are at it, this is not a recovery forum either, although of course when talking about drugs/medication, recovery issues may come up. Whether what you said was "positive" or not, is also not the issue. You even had a post on here that was strictly about your religious views, and NOTHING to do with meds. Please be respectful of those that DON'T want to hear about your religion, and ONLY want to talk about medication. AGAIN, there are plenty of chats for religious topics.
Let me give you some lay person education dear. I too believe in God and the Book tells me man is never to judge man that includes you judging others here who require opioids due to biological intractable pain.
As a licensed professional the pain patient evolves biologic or physiologic tolerance.
The addict who sports a DSMIV diagnosis has addiction which is psychologic causing him or her to continue putting anything in their vein or mouth or nose to 'feel different.' An addict cannot take a prescription of pain pills as directed; a pain patient MUST and will do so for the small decrease in pain he or she will acquire. A pain patient HATES sedation, euphoria and feelings of disconnect (not being self) because the most WE want is to reduce the pain for higher quality of life. An addict needs quality of life but needs mental and psychiatric help (interventions) to learn what life is, how to behave with others in life, and to stop being a VICTIM.
I hope that helps and God bless.
You are blessed with having a physician who will write in the current state of affairs. The government is paying incentives to physicians to stop treatment and not allow pain patients to live. We need several years to reverse this trend I have written more heavily of concerns on the trending post 'who will write pain medicine' as most flock over there for general help and information.
Be careful things are getting ready to go into full blow very soon. Stay very safe.
Lissy no one misunderstood your judgmental and antagonistic attitude here. I am glad you know you are an addict, and if indeed are in treatment then your concerns should focus on you, not others unless that is 'you get out of self and help another person without judging their needs.'
The Lord did not call you to hurt others dear. If you are an addict and you described that you are then realize you are stuck in the "me me" phase of addiction. This forum is not about YOU, please the God of my understanding calls me to care and support all here including you. It might ruffle my proverbial feathers but I do empathize with your disease.
Your wrong.there could be underlying medical reason s,.your just wrong....stick to assisting. .
The pills side effects caused you to lose your teeth my toothless friend. When you take these pills one of the many side effects is "muck mouth" or dry mouth which causes your enamel to break down and over time it causes your teeth to rot.
I also took oxycontin for only 2 years due to sciatica. Now i have no teeth left!!! I think im going to sue the pharm responsible myself & see what happens. My dr. was giving me oxys like they were candy. I have sciatica again & now i cant get a script for any kind of pain meds!!! I had to go to a pain management dr. who also refused to give me any pain meds except for a few to last me until my next appt. with him. I had to have nerve ablation done on my back to stop the sciatica pain but i still have daily pain if i try & do any housework at all. Standing & washing dishes & vacuuming is the worst. I mostly just stay in bed most of the time now. I think we should all get together & bring a legal suit against the manufacturer of oxys. Anyone on board with me!?
thanks so much for being so understanding, i wish i had the funds to get dentures but i cant afford them, i want to get implants would be so nice if there was a dentist out there somewhere in this world that would maybe need some extra training on i would let him use me to train on if i could get the full implants for free you know, as i have been told that many dentist out there that are donig training for implants always need like volunteers to work on , i will volunteer if someone out there can donate their time and products to me, as being a single mom its hard not to mention my youngest son is disabled as he has autism, and OCD and my 9yr old son has learning problems, and my 20yr old son has seizures, and ADHD, and speed problems, now i am disabled as i have already had 29 surgeries, all because of the drunk driver hitting my car in 1991, i have survived being physically tortured as a child i was so badly abused that i am writing an autobiography about my life although its taking me a long time to write it, dont know if i will ever be able to publish it though due to cost, but one day i hope to let others know how a person like myself can go thru all these hills and hard times and still survive them, i am a very loving, and kind person, for those out there that want to say bad things look at my : myspace page and you will see what a nice looking woman i am, i just need some teeth so i can smile again, i dont smile i dont laugh i hide my mouth when i talk and i dont go out to eat due to pain when i try to eat, and its embarrassing not being able to smile or eat in public. i pray everyday that a dentist or dentist office will hear my story and want to donate their services to me, i have done everything all my life to help others now i hope someone out there will just give me that small help i need, all i want is a smile thats all i ask for you know this wasnt my fault at all. and i know it wasnt.
i do not beg you obviously have my site mixed up with someone elses, i ask for those to donate not to me but to my charity that i own and run, i want others to donate used computers to my charity you obvioulsy dont read very well, and the photo that is 20 yrs old is only on the opening page if youi had bothered to review my pics under my albums you would see the recent photos of me in there too i have dates on them so i look almost like i did 20 yrs ago , i think i look very good for being 42 yrs old and having had 29 surgeries and already died one in surgery ok, you obviously have an issue with me and my page maybe its jealosy i dont know but your attitude is horrible towards me for no reason, i am the most kind and caring and generous person you would ever meet.
Dear Tomsmom,
I am a health care professional. I live in Los Angeles. I deal with pain using alternative approaches to medication. I would be happy to talk to you and advise you about options to meds. Please feel free to contact me directly.
Ellie Zarrabian
Ellie Zarrabian, Ph.D.
California, United States
I understand Pain and the toll it takes on me personally,Having said that I must remind everyone that EVERYTHING in life Is a CHOICE. You chose to take a medicine rather than deal with the pain,You said that if you had known what it did you would'nt have taken it.When faced with 2 choices,you weigh the consequences and MAKE YOUR CHOICE.You chose not to hurt,and now you have to live with your choice.You can hardly blame the drug or the maker for YOUR CHOICE.And I know your going to say you had no choice,But you always have a choice,unless they strapped you down and force fed you the pills,you made the choice.And was tooth decay listed as a side effect for OXY's?maybe not,But you know that OXY is a NARCOTIC and ANY narcotic has the chance of rotting your teeth.It is your responsability to PROPERLY research EVERY aspect of ANY drug your about to use. I DISPISE people blameing the drug and it's maker for helping people lead a better life,Wich I would'nt be able to do without OXYs.That being said I feel for you,But please dont go tyrading around trying to mess it up for the rest of us who have been helped by OXYs.
I have been taking oxycontin 80mg for years. I have beautiful teeth. I follow my prescription, and don't look for "euphoria", just relief.
Perhaps the amount you are taking has put you in such a stupor you are forgetting to brush.
Remember, oxycontin is like heroin, if you are not strong minded you will never have enough.
Good luck and for goodness sake NEVER run out, at that dose you will sufferer hell on earth like no other hell that has come before.
Get the teeth fixed and stop looking for someone to pay for them. Life it is what it is.
That's a bold statement to make referring to rotting teeth from opioids being a myth!!! Yes, dry mouth does happen but happens with hundreds of drugs. But they don't rot your teeth!!! Unless you've walked a mile in my shoes, keep your opinions to yourself!!!
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