Oxycontin Damaged My Teeth (Page 17)


Has anyone else known oxycontin to rot the teeth? I used to be on vicodin until my doctor told me I needed to switch to a morphine based meds. She put me on ms contin but I had problems with it so she put me on 80mg oxycontin. Eventually my body built up a tolerance so she kept raising it, i have am now on from 4-6 per day of the 80mg tabs. It scares me that this is what rotted my teeth because only 5 yrs ago i had only 2 cavities that needed filling and then only 1 yr after going on the oxycontin i had to have all my top front teeth pulled as they where rotting from the inside out the dentist said my mouth looked like a heroin addict's mouth looks. He said it was shocking to him that normally he only saw such damage from someone who abused drugs with so much dental damage, but i have never done any street drugs and have only take my meds as prescribed to me. Now i have lost 80% of my teeth and as a beautiful 41 yr old mother its devastating. I cant afford dentures and sure cant afford implants like i would like to have. I am a single mother and refuse to date because i have lost my teeth now, i had beautiful teeth before i started on the oxycontin and only 2 small cavities that needed filling. Does anyone else have this same problem and if so why hasn't the company making oxycontin warn patients of this possible problem?

If i had known this would cause me to lose most of my teeth i would have never agreed to go on it. Of course my family doctor who has been prescribing them tells me she hasn't heard of any other cases, yet when i researched the med online there where others like this why hasn't something been put in the warnings about this med, i sure would have preferred to have lived in pain the rest of my life rather than lose my teeth and be unable to even eat now. My health has gone downhill fast as i cant even chew foods necessary for good health. All I can eat now are yogurts, and liquid type of foods which isn't much. My kids are 7 and 9 yrs old and they watch me cry when we go out to eat and they order steak, and i can smell it but can't order one as i know i wont be able to chew it. This is so devastating for me. I want teeth so badly if i could wish for anything in life besides not to be poor anymore it would be to have a full set of real teeth or implants but i could never dream of having them, and i don't know anyone out there willing to just help me get any either. I have always helped others all my life, but cant even help myself, i have had to have 29 surgeries now since 1991 when a drunk driver hit my car and caused me major injuries with my lower back and knees, i have had a full lower back fusion and 8 arthroscopic knee surgeries until a year ago they finally had to do a full right knee replacement and now they are talking about doing my left knee soon.

So my life has been up and down with surgeries and i would go thru one more surgery just to have teeth implanted if i could. but i could never afford it, but i would like to know why these drug manufacturers are making a medication that could cause teeth to rot like this without warning us patients or even warning the doctors about it. This is just terrible of them i think, as now i am the one paying for this by having no teeth to eat with at such a young age now. I am a vibrant young 41 yr old at 5'3, 120lbs, slim woman, nice looking too as i was a model in my younger days, so i keep my looks up. But to have no teeth now... I never smile anymore, I am to ashamed to smile even though it wasn't my fault i lost my teeth. I think they should pay for me to have new teeth but no one wants to admit that the med causes it, but my diet wasn't the problem back when i started the medication and i wasn't drinking coca-cola either or doing street drugs so i know that wasn't the cause either. The only thing that changed within one year to cause this was starting the oxycontin medication. Well, if anyone out there can help me let me know thanks.

771 Replies (39 Pages)

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This is to all that was givin oxycontin to deal with pain problems from my case a bad back injury at work that or for all the different pain issues I feel your pain! 1. You did not ask for this to happen to you 2 . Everyone except your family or friend think you were given a ticket to a life that everyone wishes they could have but they are so wrong ! I am lying in bed with tv off and can't sleep because no matter how I lay it don't matter I can't sleep because I have been on same medacation for ever and If you take a extra pill to take the edge off at the end of the month and you are short pills that is when you get to feel what hell has to feel like because by the time you make it to when you are able to get your medacation I have to ask a family to pick it up and get it filled you are in know shape to leave your bed or go anywhere ! I have gottin to the point because I have just a dental insurance that will do cleaning's and X-rays that I am saving money to get a little done at a time because my kids come first even the older ones because I brought them into the world and they come first even though they say know they know that is the one thing that keeps the small amount of dignity I have left and they don't have a choice because that is what a dad does without the need to tell anyone because that is my God givin right as a father ! I kinda got off track but I concider myself a shut in and only go to my doctors app. and to get food because missing teeth is to embarising for me to try to go out socially ! I have received over 30.000 needles in my back from 1997 and no bull about the number because I get Marcain injections because it helps to keep my meds from going up if it hits right spot for a day or 2 ! I was getting 2 shots a day 5 times a week and now I have it to 2 shots twice a week because workers comp cut me back on the shots ! I hate when people ask are you back to work or fixed yet when they know the answer to that before they ask! So I hope to go to the dentist to start getting some work done this week and he was in my wedding so at least I won't get the he is a drug addict look that I can't stand and I don't ask for a break on the price because he is a friend and worked hard to get where he is ! So that's my great life for the the people who thinks our life's are great ! Anyone that wants to trade I couldn't do that to anyone ! Also Christine I truely hope you feeling better if you ever need anything or just need to vent give me a call I would have no problem with that ! Because I know you have a big heart just seeing what you are trying to do for all of us lets me know you are a good person ! Good luck to all ou you ! The mail has been delivered ! Mailman

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Martin - what state are you in? Have you heard anything yet? Thanks for thinking of us when you saw the lawyers!

Christine - I hope you're doing better!

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hello justine, i haven't heard back from the dental law society yet. i only spoke to them early this week and they said it may be a few days, i will update everyone as soon as i do.

i was asked if i have any proof, letter from dentist or doctor, which as yet i don't because i don't know how easy it is to prove? my doctor says he's not a dentist and my dentist has been reserved, though i've not pressed her if she would be willing to put something in writing? she has commented that the dry mouth, which is a side effect of the medication and would have an impact on tooth decay as would any sugar content in the tablets. i'm seeing my dentist this week and will ask her if she may be willing to comment.

i was also asked the nature of the problem i've been experiencing, extractions, fillings, crowns, dentures and the like. i my case it's all of those i've mentioned. i have recently got a print out of my dental records since i've been having this issue and it may be a good idea if everyone does this, if they haven't already, along with any evidence they may have, letters etc, etc.

i don't know how easy it is to represent an individual rather than a group legally? but clearly there must be strength in numbers how many of us are we, where are the majority of us based and would it be a good idea, if logistically possible to meet? if not everyone then maybe just a few who would try to act on behalf of us all?

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i've had a positive feedback from the dental law society, they wish to discuss further. i'll let everyone know when i've had a chance to speak to them.

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I have already posted my story. I am number 316 bettyboop. Please keep me in the loop on everything we can do to fight this. Thank you!

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Why on earth don't you thank God for your Medicaid healthcare? And your probable food stamps? Do you not know there are many Americans like myself who worked hard to only draw SSD and have Medicare insurance, with big copays to pay out of our little SSD checks? We get no food stamps if we provided ourselves with dependable transportation, even if low income. So don't you realize these people are already paying for your meds and everything? I only afforded one child, bc I went to work to provide for me and him. No luxury mind you, but I worked hard as long as I was able and am now disabled. He is now a working tax payer 38 years old. I'm not putting you down at all, as I am disabled and in constant pain too. But thinking someone will read your story, feel sorry for you, and pay your dental bills is a dream. I haven't seen a dentist since I was taken out of work in 2004 and I now have a broken jaw tooth with a missing filling. But taxes are due on my house next, then will be insurance on it and car. New glasses are out of the question too. Medicare doesn't help with that or dental. So I'm just trying to remind you to be thankful. What I can't pay for, I can do without. My punishment for being a disabled taxpayer. Be glad you have Medicaid. I'm not being mean, just honest.

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Oxycodone is what I am taking now. It's not time released but is good for awhile.

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well some of us are trying!

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just to let everyone know that i'm proceeding with my claim, with the dental law partnership. they've suggested that their willing to investigate my case further.

at this stage it means nothing more than them obtaining clinical records from my dentist and doctor. once this has been accessed then i will be advised further.

this is something that could be a slow process, getting evidence from relevant sources and then having them looked over by experts could take a few months. so it's unlikely that i will have anything until november.

i did ask if a claim could be made on behalf of a group but at this stage, they suggested they needed to get evidence of my situation and to be able to prove that i have a leg to stand on, before anything else could be considered because all our cases with be unique to ourselves.

i will keep you posted of developments.

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may be a stupid question I am sorry. How do I contact the administration? I want to be in on this fight against this. Oxycodone has ruined my teeth and my life. Yet, I cannot go without it as it does ease my pain. But, now I live like a shut in because of my teeth. Please help me as I have cognitive problems from the multiple sclerosis and oftentimes have trouble understanding the easiest of tasks. Sounds silly, I understand that but this disease is so unpredictably insane. Please, please simplify instructions for me to help fight this. Thank you so much! (:

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I found that article on saliva and tooth damage very interesting. I may have some information that may help some people who have continued to take pain meds. Here goes..please take extra care of your health!! Only eat organic foods, and get informed about genetically modified foods..especially corn and soy which is in about 80% of all packaged foods.Almost all my money goes towards eating really great food. I drink a super green drink with chlorell, spirulina, and other antioxidants twice a day. I use
bottled mineral drops in my fresh spring water which probably helps my teeth also. I am not into using tons of synthetic vitamins. But I too am on pain meds and the fillers in them are more toxic than the pain meds themselves. It is upsetting to me that this is my life, but baby steps towards getting better teeth are required. Loosing 30 lbs. helped my bad knees and feet. We do have some power to make our lives better. I would be open to helping anyone who is interested in making healthstyle changes.

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i think that eating healthy food isn't the issue for me.

this medication has created the decay from inside out, not what i'm eating. i believe i don't eat that badly but i also feel it's hard to stop something, that is creating this decayed effect, when one is continually ingesting the medication!

i've stopped taking oxycontin altogether and am looking at alternatives and am waiting for an appointment at the pain clinic.

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hello bettyboop, if you scroll to the bottom of this page, you'll see numbers starting from 1 and escalating up in blue. click on page 4 and then scroll down to post 267 which is from admin and there's a link in his post, that takes you to a form, giving them permission to link people together, with their own private email address.

i hope that's simple enough for you any problems then come back with another post.

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I emailed Christine also and didn't get a response. I want to be included and missed something. Why is Christine the one to contact?

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THANK YOU Martin! (;

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I apologize to EVERYONE who has recently tried to contact me in order to also be in contact with everyone else who is trying to get something going about our teeth problems. I have been EXTREMELY ILL for at least two months and just recently got over yet another gallbladder attack that I've been suffering from for quite sometime. I have a list of "things to do" that I've not been able to tend to for sometime and getting hold of those who've yet to have been contacted is number ONE on that list! Tomorrow morning I will do exactly that, add them to the database, and then ask (Mailman?) to then take over that task as I've simply been too sick to be able to guarantee that I'll be able to do much more than keep the database together and make sure that everyone has the ability to contact everyone else. Again, I apologize, but my poor body just isn't cooperating.

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Martin if you get help or need signatures for legal action in 8 months I had 8 teeth break at the bottom of gum line I had beautiful teeth and smile now it's a nightmare I cry a lot been to two dentists and they said they have never seen anything happen in 8 months teeth broken out precfectly at gum line now need oral surgeon and 120,000.00++++ to be able to smile it's just terrible can't no dr understand why so fast have thirteen doctors some say steroids they put me on for sarcoidosis

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I'll keep everyone posted on my progress laura. if signatures are required then I'm sure we can do something.

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yes i was reading your story and had too reply i am a 30 yr. Old male who has been on prescribed pain meds for few yrs as well for back i know how you feel i have allways been vein about my hair and my beautiful smile as girlls would tell me how they loved my eyes and smile aw 2 yrs ago had healthy teeth up untill then went for a 6 month cleaning evey 6 months brushed twice a day then boom it hit mw right after my wisdoms were pulled started decaying badly and half of them had too be pulled allready so i know how u feel i am also far from rich but saved and with the help of gf having the rest pulled in a month and dentures pulled in the same day dear all i can say is u sound alot like myself wasnt on hard drugs very clean my gf says im too clean lol but aw only take my prescribed pain meds dentist did tell me it was the pain meds that caused it i felt like i was being punished for something but for what im not a mean person have huge heart but it felt like like i had lost my best friendd when dentist said they were just going too keep decaying on my 30th bday he is telling me this and that i should go with dentures but like myself you are in alot of pain how were we supposed to know unless warned it would do our teeth like this ty for your message shows me im not alone in a fight i didnt start god bless you and from the bottom of my heart hope things get better for you

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Hi Christine, My name is Richard. I need contact info. Lost most of my teeth from using Oxycontin. I filled out contact form so I hope you or someone sends me info I need. Please help. Thank you. Sorry to hear about your illness. Hope you get well soon.

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