Oxycontin Damaged My Teeth (Page 14)


Has anyone else known oxycontin to rot the teeth? I used to be on vicodin until my doctor told me I needed to switch to a morphine based meds. She put me on ms contin but I had problems with it so she put me on 80mg oxycontin. Eventually my body built up a tolerance so she kept raising it, i have am now on from 4-6 per day of the 80mg tabs. It scares me that this is what rotted my teeth because only 5 yrs ago i had only 2 cavities that needed filling and then only 1 yr after going on the oxycontin i had to have all my top front teeth pulled as they where rotting from the inside out the dentist said my mouth looked like a heroin addict's mouth looks. He said it was shocking to him that normally he only saw such damage from someone who abused drugs with so much dental damage, but i have never done any street drugs and have only take my meds as prescribed to me. Now i have lost 80% of my teeth and as a beautiful 41 yr old mother its devastating. I cant afford dentures and sure cant afford implants like i would like to have. I am a single mother and refuse to date because i have lost my teeth now, i had beautiful teeth before i started on the oxycontin and only 2 small cavities that needed filling. Does anyone else have this same problem and if so why hasn't the company making oxycontin warn patients of this possible problem?

If i had known this would cause me to lose most of my teeth i would have never agreed to go on it. Of course my family doctor who has been prescribing them tells me she hasn't heard of any other cases, yet when i researched the med online there where others like this why hasn't something been put in the warnings about this med, i sure would have preferred to have lived in pain the rest of my life rather than lose my teeth and be unable to even eat now. My health has gone downhill fast as i cant even chew foods necessary for good health. All I can eat now are yogurts, and liquid type of foods which isn't much. My kids are 7 and 9 yrs old and they watch me cry when we go out to eat and they order steak, and i can smell it but can't order one as i know i wont be able to chew it. This is so devastating for me. I want teeth so badly if i could wish for anything in life besides not to be poor anymore it would be to have a full set of real teeth or implants but i could never dream of having them, and i don't know anyone out there willing to just help me get any either. I have always helped others all my life, but cant even help myself, i have had to have 29 surgeries now since 1991 when a drunk driver hit my car and caused me major injuries with my lower back and knees, i have had a full lower back fusion and 8 arthroscopic knee surgeries until a year ago they finally had to do a full right knee replacement and now they are talking about doing my left knee soon.

So my life has been up and down with surgeries and i would go thru one more surgery just to have teeth implanted if i could. but i could never afford it, but i would like to know why these drug manufacturers are making a medication that could cause teeth to rot like this without warning us patients or even warning the doctors about it. This is just terrible of them i think, as now i am the one paying for this by having no teeth to eat with at such a young age now. I am a vibrant young 41 yr old at 5'3, 120lbs, slim woman, nice looking too as i was a model in my younger days, so i keep my looks up. But to have no teeth now... I never smile anymore, I am to ashamed to smile even though it wasn't my fault i lost my teeth. I think they should pay for me to have new teeth but no one wants to admit that the med causes it, but my diet wasn't the problem back when i started the medication and i wasn't drinking coca-cola either or doing street drugs so i know that wasn't the cause either. The only thing that changed within one year to cause this was starting the oxycontin medication. Well, if anyone out there can help me let me know thanks.

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If you can think of a way we can all get our heads together im all for it. Im in the UK tho im sure most others are in USA. I dont see why theses pharmacutical companies should get away with damaging our health.

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Medschat.com please allow christine to show her email so we can get together as a group to try to fight these companies. All of us have lost so much health wise and its a lot to have to live with. Pharmacutical companies should not be allowed to get away with destroying lives. I am appealling to your sense of decency, please allow us to exchange email addresses.

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Dear Admin, Thank you so much for supporting us through this traumatic time. I am very grateful that you will allow us to make contact and hopefully get this issue resolved. I hereby give you permission to give Christine my email address. I will keep posting here to keep you updated.

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I would like to get involved also but like stated by many I don't know how ! If someone figures this out please let me know . Maybe It would help me to socialize and have some life even with major back pain it's my teeth that is part of be comeing a shut in stay home person ! I feel all of your pain and my own too ! Good luck to all ! We deserve to have teeth and the meds oxycotin has taken my dignity away ! I don't want people to feel sorry for me because that is the worst ! I can conceal my pain but not my teeth !

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Hi mailman, like many of us here i see you suffer from spinal pain too, the teeth situation is also a massive problem brought to us all thanks to the pharmacutical companies who make oxycontin.
If you read the comment left by the Admin team, you can give permission to them for your email address to be passed to christine.
I wish you well, karen.

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I am so very happy right now and glad, too, that i just happened to check my email inbox before trying to get some sleep. I actually have the biggest smile on my face, but only because I'm alone and no one can see my teeth ... LOL... In any case and like my earlier post said, I will volunteer to be the single point of contact, to which Medschat has so generously allowed some leniency of their policy so we can all come together, get organized, and get a plan in place in order to achieve our common goal!!! :-D ... So, let me get with this site to find out what they need from me and how to proceed from here so I can share my contact information with y'all, okay? Sorry.... Getting very sleepy now, but I'll get back to y'all as soon as i have more information. And, again, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, MEDSCHAT, for listening to our stories, our pain, and our only wish.... To be able to smile again, even when it seems like we don't have a whole lot to smile about. Good night and God bless you all! Christine

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I cannot thank you enough and I will contract you per your instructions first thing in the morning. Again, thank you with all my heart , God bless, and good night.

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Dear Christine . I thank you for pushing to get this thing done ! You should be smileing because u r giving a place for us to possible talk and help to hold them accountable for taking our teeth when we deal with pain everyday from our injuryes ! It's a start . Thank you !!!!!! You are a angel ! God bless you Christine ! The Mailman

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I am goin thru the same thing. Im not an addict i was hit by a car. Im tired of pieces of my teeth breaking. I no longer smile of even want to go out in public! Plz help me

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What r yall doing cuz i think this is so wrong all my teeth r mess up! I can't afford the dentist

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After reading the above story I feel like this is definitely true. It is happened to me also. To get a better understanding here's a little bit of my past. I was in my mid 20s, never smoked a cigarette or marijuana in my life did not drink alcohol or use any type of recreational/illegal drugs. Having prior dental issues myself as a child of the minor side. I have an understanding of what you might be thinking. Here's a brief background. After serving six tours in the Marines I was injured and needed surgery to prevent severe damage to my back. Minor surgery was done but would not stop all the discomfort and pain that I was experiencing at the time. After my recovery time the surgery did not completely eliminate the problems so the doctor place me back on opiates and other treatments. The doctors placed me on opiates started out in moderate doses then increased over time. Major Surgery was the last thing my doctor recommended or needed at that point. The use of opiates and other treatments was my best option at the time. I managed to do well for over 7 years leading an active life. Working full time, coaching sports and still doing some of the things I used to do. But as time went on and my tolerances grew the medications just seem to increase more and more overtime but not getting rid of the pain like it used to. I started noticing my teeth would rot from the gumline up or sometimes inside out. My dentist and medical friends started to tell me about hearing of opiate use causing dental problems. Eventually no pain in my mouth just breaking teeth or rot and fall out. So after almost 9 years of continued use of opiates at my worst I was taking 20 mg oxycodone pills eight a day plus a long-lasting pill. I had had enough and met with a surgeon about getting my back fixed and being very upset about my teeth. I quit opiates immediately it was very hard and did it without any medication to stop. I had just had enough. I don't regret using the opiates because they greatly help me in my time of need. I was afraid of having surgery and going through all those problems having two young boys and the family being so young. The surgery was successful in relieving my pain but, has left me partially paralyzed and very little range of movement. The concerns my doctor, my surgeon and what I and my family had were definitely justified. The use of opiates for that period of time along with other treatments was the best interest that I could've had or did for myself. The only problem that I see now is the fact that I believe opiates made me lose my teeth. I am now completely medicine free in no pain but now unable to do almost all things that I used to do in the past. I will try to check this post from time to time if anybody post anything different going through that myself. I think that I am a valuable asset to help anybody with these problems. My email is {edited for privacy}

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ANYONE WHO I HAVE YET TO CONTACT: The administrators at MedsChat have been kind enough to allow ONE POINT OF CONTACT for all of you who have been having to deal with one of Oxycontin's life changing side effects (in our case, anything having to do with tooth decay and/or completely losing your teeth) and I AM THAT POINT OF CONTACT. Follow their instructions to the letter so they will then forward your contact information to me and I will, in turn, contact you. We MUST get together, and work together, if we are to make any changes. Thanks, Christine

Please note that this individual is not employed by or affiliated with RxChat.com. Any communication with them outside of this website is your own responsibility and RxChat.com will not be held liable for any information / communication / interactions exchanged.

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Yes paineds do rot teeth and the biggest way they do is by drying out your mouth and when your mouth is dry the good protecting bacteria that is in saliva is not on one teeth so the bad bacteria can attack your teeth and cause the rotting effect. Now they sell plenty of products to relieve dry mouth but they can get very expensive so a cost effective way is sugarless gum, when you chew sugarless gum you will feel how your mouth combats dry mouth by making the mouth produce more saliva, so get yourself a lot of sugarless gum, brush your teeth many times a day especially after any meal, and drink lots of water and milk. I wish I would have known those things a long time ago.

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Hi christine I to have no teeth resulting from m.s. contin same manufactureras oxycontin I want to be involved in a legal case suit.I was interviewed by NBC and blew the whistle wanted the public to be alerted. Please contact me ASAP I have so much info.

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Yes.... I agree that if we had all known about how detrimental the drug(s) were to our teeth at the time would have been VERY helpful but that's exactly our point and why we are trying to gather as many members as possible to join us in attempting a class action suit against the pharmaceutical company (who makes the Oxycontin/Oxycodone drug/s). THEY KNEW about this but FAILED TO ADEQUATELY WARN US about the side effect that they innocently and haphazardly (almost as an afterthought) mention in their patient information insert (and, frankly, I would even have to check on that because it may not have even been included in their patient document... the one you sometimes get with your Rx but usually don't unless you needed/bought enough to have received it in its original container). It's only been just recently, at the onset of these new products that patients with dry mouth have been given any clue that it's not only been caused by "those medications that cause it" but that their tooth decay may be a direct result. That being said, a few of us are joining forces to try and get them to help us regain our smiles. Don't sit idly by and assume that this kind of work will be done by others. There is power in numbers and in order to get anything whatsoever accomplished you must get involved.

Please note that this individual is not employed by or affiliated with RxChat.com. Any communication with them outside of this website is your own responsibility and RxChat.com will not be held liable for any information / communication / interactions exchanged.

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I can relate and wish there was some fantastic response. I am 38, known for my smile and laughter. You could hear me laugh a mile away. I have been taking MS Contin for 4 years, I have an extra vertebrae, which caused a curvature in my spine. End of a 12 hour shift on my feet and went to sleep and woke up in excruciating pain when I tried to move or even breath. They called it "drop foot", but my discs were crap and injections failed. The option was to live in that pain or have a bone graft and put screws and rods to hold me together. Which failed to relieve pain just increased it. I am now permanently disabled. I too had never had a filling in a single front tooth. One day, just had a filling on these teeth 2 weeks prior and the entire 2 bottom front teeth just came out in my hands. Not just broken but rotten inside all the way to the root, leaving deep hole to the root exposed. Medicare doesn't cover a penny and Medicaid wants a 1/3 of my income to help me. My son is just finishing his senior year and is 18. I want for him to have a graduation party but the 4 teeth left on top and the 4 teeth on the bottom, makes me cry. I can hardly leave the house now. Try local health departments, that is who is cleaning out all the broken teeth residue and it is a lot cheaper.

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Glad to see changes so we can all work as one. I have posted early in this and have lost more teeth

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Christine I have sent them my ok to send you my email address lets get it done so no one else can wind up like us all

TOOTHLESS from post 287

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I injured my back in May of 2009. I have been on painkillers now for five years. I started out on low doses but now take morphine 30mg and hydromorphone 4mg three times a day every day of my life and still I am in pain. I started haveing teeth problems back in 2012 with one cavatie. Then in 2013 I had a crown to break off in half while eating a cheeze it. In January of this year 2014 I had a tooth to completly break in half and this time I was eating a cracker. I never had problems like this before. I actually had very nice teeth but now I fear that I will be like you and my teeth will all be broken and have to be removed. I can't just stop taking my medication. Nobody could live in the kind of pain I have, trust me. I have no choice in the matter at all. I cant afford to get false teeth either. So whats a person to do.

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