Oxycontin Damaged My Teeth (Page 12)


Has anyone else known oxycontin to rot the teeth? I used to be on vicodin until my doctor told me I needed to switch to a morphine based meds. She put me on ms contin but I had problems with it so she put me on 80mg oxycontin. Eventually my body built up a tolerance so she kept raising it, i have am now on from 4-6 per day of the 80mg tabs. It scares me that this is what rotted my teeth because only 5 yrs ago i had only 2 cavities that needed filling and then only 1 yr after going on the oxycontin i had to have all my top front teeth pulled as they where rotting from the inside out the dentist said my mouth looked like a heroin addict's mouth looks. He said it was shocking to him that normally he only saw such damage from someone who abused drugs with so much dental damage, but i have never done any street drugs and have only take my meds as prescribed to me. Now i have lost 80% of my teeth and as a beautiful 41 yr old mother its devastating. I cant afford dentures and sure cant afford implants like i would like to have. I am a single mother and refuse to date because i have lost my teeth now, i had beautiful teeth before i started on the oxycontin and only 2 small cavities that needed filling. Does anyone else have this same problem and if so why hasn't the company making oxycontin warn patients of this possible problem?

If i had known this would cause me to lose most of my teeth i would have never agreed to go on it. Of course my family doctor who has been prescribing them tells me she hasn't heard of any other cases, yet when i researched the med online there where others like this why hasn't something been put in the warnings about this med, i sure would have preferred to have lived in pain the rest of my life rather than lose my teeth and be unable to even eat now. My health has gone downhill fast as i cant even chew foods necessary for good health. All I can eat now are yogurts, and liquid type of foods which isn't much. My kids are 7 and 9 yrs old and they watch me cry when we go out to eat and they order steak, and i can smell it but can't order one as i know i wont be able to chew it. This is so devastating for me. I want teeth so badly if i could wish for anything in life besides not to be poor anymore it would be to have a full set of real teeth or implants but i could never dream of having them, and i don't know anyone out there willing to just help me get any either. I have always helped others all my life, but cant even help myself, i have had to have 29 surgeries now since 1991 when a drunk driver hit my car and caused me major injuries with my lower back and knees, i have had a full lower back fusion and 8 arthroscopic knee surgeries until a year ago they finally had to do a full right knee replacement and now they are talking about doing my left knee soon.

So my life has been up and down with surgeries and i would go thru one more surgery just to have teeth implanted if i could. but i could never afford it, but i would like to know why these drug manufacturers are making a medication that could cause teeth to rot like this without warning us patients or even warning the doctors about it. This is just terrible of them i think, as now i am the one paying for this by having no teeth to eat with at such a young age now. I am a vibrant young 41 yr old at 5'3, 120lbs, slim woman, nice looking too as i was a model in my younger days, so i keep my looks up. But to have no teeth now... I never smile anymore, I am to ashamed to smile even though it wasn't my fault i lost my teeth. I think they should pay for me to have new teeth but no one wants to admit that the med causes it, but my diet wasn't the problem back when i started the medication and i wasn't drinking coca-cola either or doing street drugs so i know that wasn't the cause either. The only thing that changed within one year to cause this was starting the oxycontin medication. Well, if anyone out there can help me let me know thanks.

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I have posted before but this time is different ! If you are just starting to loose your teeth from taking oxy for pain please try this because it slowed my problem some . Keep a bottle of water and sometimes Propel or any healthy drink but mostly water with you at all times and at night on your nightstand . Drink as often as possible so your mouth isn't dry ! Try to fight the drymouth as much as you can ! Swish it around in your mouth and u don't have to drink a lot just drink often ! You may have to go to the bathroom more often and even wake up at night to use bathroom ! I myself have a hard time sleeping at night because of pain as many other you do also . So the thought of waking at night for anything other than your pain is hard but take some water when you do and try to fight the drymouth that I was never told about with this medicine is a factor in destroying your teeth ! It is to late for me and many others because we never had the chance ! I am not a doctor , nurse , nor do I have any medical degree or knowledge of medicine ! But I do know water is healthy for us all so I don't beleive that water can hurt anyone ! Check with your doctor about drinking a lot of water and if he says it's ok try to carry a bottle with you always ! No matter where you go try to not let your mouth get dry ! I carry a bottle of water always ! If I forget one I stop at first store I see and buy one and remember it isn't that you have to drink a lot each time but it is to drink often ! I have lost most of my teeth and the ones I do have look horrible because of enamel chipping away. It has made me a hermit and try to never be in pictures ! That is a problem I should have never had ! My back pain is the biggest problem I have ever had with my health and I am always in pain but having Oxycontin perscribed for my pain and then have it destroy what little social life I may have had and cause tooth pain that at times can hurt more than my back ! I feel like if my back pain being like my car being on fire and the company that makes Oxycotin handed me a bucket with what I thought was water in it . But when I threw it on the fire I find out it was filled with lighter fluid instead of water ! It didn't help it gave me a much bigger fire ! So if this suggestion of fighting drymouth with water in any way helps 1 person then please tell other people so maybe we can do what the company that makes Oxycontin should have done and that is to leave our teeth alone and just helped us with our pain instead of making more money than anyone could ever imagine at the cost of our teeth and dignity ! The saddest part is they could fix us all with implants to fix what they did and we would be thrilled ! We don't want any money we just want our Teeth and dignity back !!!! The mail is delivered !

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WELL PUT AND I SIMPLY COULD NOT AGREE WITH YOU MORE!!! My JUG, as I and my friends and family call it, is either always in one of my hands or within arms reach and has been literally for years. Unfortunately, even taking small sips hundreds of times a day,as well as throughout the night hasn't stopped the progression of my tooth decay and tooth loss but, who knows, I suppose it's possible that it slowed it down and that everything that's happened to my teeth would have happened much sooner and faster than it did. The unfortunate thing, at least in my opinion, is that it didn't stop it and I'm currently awaiting the day when all four of my top front teeth will simply fall out, they're so loose. Thank you for the suggestion and I just wanted you to hear from someone who won't go anywhere, no matter how short the distance or amount of time, without my fluid filled jug. Blessings.....

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I'm currently sitting in the hospital with two abscessed teeth and lost 6 teeth this year alone after 10 years of being on OxyContin. I truly believe that the medication has everything to do with it as my pain group patients report the same problems. I feel for you I really do. I'm a successful business man of 42 and can't smile or like you say even eat properly. Is this medication really worth it when we already have depression issues from not being the attractive and healthy individuals we were.

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I have a question for those who've lost teeth:

Once your teeth have broken do you get the rest if it pulled?

I currently have seven teeth either broken off or in pieces. Sometimes they don't bother me and sometimes the pain is horrible. I want to get the roots pulled out. I don't want to get abscesses. But this is where I'm a bit stuck. I'm already a burden on my kids and with the family I live with for rides and favors. Having only coverage for extractions I'm afraid I'll either have to make multiple visits or will have to endure pulling them all at once with no sedation or anesthesia except for Novocain shots (which don't really work on me—takes fifteen or so shots to numb me).

Has anyone had multiples pulled? Especially the fronts.

: )

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Well, first of all, I can tell you from very recent and first hand experience that you definitely don't want to allow any of those teeth to abscess!!! One of mine did and ended up bursting. Believe me, there's virtually no other pain that compares. But, and much more important is the fact that it can be extremely dangerous as the abscess is a pocket of infectious pus that can become systemic and potentially infect other parts of your body (through the blood stream). The heart is especially vulnerable so I don't have to tell you just how dangerous it can be. I've only had two bottom molars removed aft one time and, personally, I would much rather have it all done at once and only have to recover once then have them removed one at a time, then again, that's only my opinion and preference. That would also mean that you would only need one round trip ride, if that's high on your priority list. Hope this helps.

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I so feel your pain. I was first perscribed lortabs and right before the switch is when they started rotten rapidly. Ive had drs say its because my body will not asorb calcium anymore. I would also do anything for a set of teeth (real or implants). Its so embarressing as well. Ive completely changed the way that i smile, the way i talk, the way i laugh. And the infections, oh my god, they're horrible. It feels like your jaw bone is breaking and you can feel it break strand by strand. The pain is unimaginable and until you go through it, you'll never know what it's like. The worse part of all is when you go to a dr or dentist and they look in your mouth, the first thing that they think/say is things like meth & crack. It's like you get judged before they even know anything about you. It's the worse feeling in the world. And having to take EVERY SINGLE bite cautiously. Scared that you're going to break another tooth with each chew. I've literally had a tooth crumble WHILE I WAS BRUSHING MY TEETH!!! Nothing like only being able to eat a bag of chips by completely crushing every chip inside the bag until its all almost completely powder and then STILL having to squish that up against the roof of your mouth to be able to dissolve them even more! i would literally give up the use of one of my arms or legs for my teeth to be fixed. its so horrible. I break down every day. Every morning when I wake up I have to check to see if any more of my teeth crumbled while i was sleeping. I wish i could even afford STARTING to fix them. Without insurance, all you can afford is to have them pulled..... repairing them is a distant dream....i would be forever grateful for assistance. Ive never asked for anything in my life, instead i have always given and wouldnt ever change that. but at this point, i have to ask, no BEG for help for myself. Please. if you could help in anyway, i would be eterbally grateful and in debt to you. please post a response if possible. i've never wrote this before, only cried to my loved ones (kids), but seeing your story was so close to mine that its scary and lit something in me to make me write this and ask for help. Thank you. And good luck to you as well. You are not alone at all and i will always keep you in my mind and heart.

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Thanks for responding. I have had an abscess before, so I remember. I've also had 5 teeth pulled at once back when I was 21 and much healthier—it was hell! I could not even walk out of the office afterwards. Someone carried me to the car. I had a hard time coming out of the anesthesia. I had that procedure done on a Friday, then spent the next 3 days flat out. I remember Campbell's soup. Since then I've had the others pulled one by one as they have deteriorated. Not so bad, but I also wasn't under anesthesia for those—just novocaine. I've also been asked if I used meth by the dentist (ya, thanks for that). This latest round of teeth problems started with losing a filling from a front tooth while brushing my teeth. Now with the number of teeth I need pulled it's just a bit unsettling and scary. Plus, getting a ride is hard. Only one of my kids lives in town and she's not been here lately because she attends college in Canada. She's not too keen on taking off work from a part time job then driving 30m to pick me up, 30m to appointment then back again then home. It's rough. She has done it for me though. I've had an ENOURMOUS amount appointments this year; 4 hearings, doctor, optometrist, dentist, HHSA renewals, and the list keeps going on. My other kid drives 120m to do the grocery shopping for me and help out with other appointments. Thankful for them! But, I'd like to just scream!

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most people take these meds because that is what their Dr told them to do without telling them about the oral effects

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I thank the person that wrote about carrying the jug and taken hundreds of sips a day to help with the rotting of our teeth from this medicine . I agree with u that this may slow down but not stop the problem with our teeth ! I should have made that more clear . Just frustrated that we have no way to get all of us together to figure out how many of us have this or to get legal help ! Any idea's are greatly appreated ! Mailman

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As for me I did NOT know this was causing my damage. I kept saying that it had to be and every doctor, dentist, pain support site told me no way. How do we figure it out unless we are all comparing symptoms?? The drug literature sure doesn't say it. And if people can't b**** a little cause if this problem then what is the point of a support board? And if it bugs you why do you read it??

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I am SO sorry!! I get the eating very carefully but to have a tooth crumble brushing your teeth?? That sounds exactly like nightmares I have had of all my teeth crumbling out of my mouth. I am going to try to stop taking the meds but I have no idea if that will help now. My dentist says my teeth are softer and he doesn't seem to know how to fix it. I just wanted to let you know I empathize totally and am so sorry you are going through this. I don't know if this is due to dry mouth or something else-- I used to use Biotene gym but they stopped making the gum and the other products are not any easier than sipping water. I personally think these drugs do something to the body's storage of calcium and other needed things. Its more than just dry mouth-- I don't have dry mouth that much. Anyway I wish you the best which I know isn't much. There isn't much else you can lose in your body and be judged like loss of teeth. Even I was guilty of it before it happened to me. Karma is a b****.

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I realize most of these posts are old but still new to a newer reader.
I wouldn't worry about certain comments cause well, why is this culprit in this forum anyways. They would have to be searching for info on this drug and dry mouth at least so either they are dealing with a certain issue themselves or if not then more then likely they are angry at someone they know in a similar situation, prob a family member. I know cause I have seen it first hand.

Some advice for those with dry mouth, use Biotene mouth spray, it hydrates your mouth naturally with enzymes and tastes a bit like weak Trident gum. and those who have tooth sensitivity, use sensodyne toothpaste. You will be amazed by the immediate beneficial effects. Take care all.

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I have more helpful info for us. Buy mineral water. I've been stupid and found out the distilled water I've been drinking is actually stealing minerals from my body. I heard that it did that years ago but never believed it. I'm like, how can water do that? Well it can. Combine that with Oxycodone, and goodbye teeth. Since drinking mineral water a few days ago, my decay is healing itself. It's such an uplifting feeling. I've also cut my Oxycodone dose almost in half. I'm no doctor but what I believe is happening with this drug is #1 dry mouth. #2 mineral absorbation blocking. I use FCLOD (Fermented cod liver oil). A little trick I've learned is to take the CLO as soon as you wake up before your first dose. Try to eat food between doses. Combine that with oil pulling. I'm using coconut oil now for that. I love eating the stuff straight too. Raw organic eggs is another helpful thing to take. Don't beat yourselve up people. Losing teeth is not fun. But we have the power. To at least help ourselves, or get the hell off these garbage pills. Try and think positive thoughts, even though its sometimes is very hard.

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Just received another updated post via email. Been hurting all weekend with another toothache. This one on the top. Feels like my face is cracking. Week before last I had an abcesss on BOTH sides on the lower. Usually it's only one side at a time... kinda like they trade out. One week one side will be infected and as soon as I get that cleared up..... there goes the other side. But last week I had the thrill of having both at one time! Yay me! And now, once I got those cleared up, the top is aching! I hate this. It's hell........

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I'm sorry but I simply can't allow this to be posted without commenting, at least in part, right away because i don't feel it's right to give people false hope when there is none. There is NO POSSIBLE WAY that tooth decay can be healed offer reversed, much less by following your "protocol", and I think today what you're saying is only going to make the situation worse for those who actually believe you. I'll return with more to say after I return from my PM appt. but, in the meantime (and after having talked to a UCLA dentist/professor friend), there is no possible way, no matter what you drink, that this can ever be reversed! Don't try to give people, who are already suffering, false hope!

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Oh wow. Who are you? I'm trying to tell people what worked for me. Who are you to sit there and say tooth decay can't be reversed. Wow, the ignorance Christine. I have reversed my tooth decay by this protocol. #1 oil pulling. #2 cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil. #3 gum at night in your mouth which helps with dry mouth. #4 mineral water. #5 coconut oil. And so on and so on. I'm trying to help people with what worked for me. You seem very upset, and that's a big red flag to me. What do you suggest we do Christine? You seem to be the expert around here. You know what, I'm sorry for trying to help people Christine. I never claimed my protocol will work for everyone. BUT IT IS WORKING WONDERS FOR ME. I could care less if you don't think tooth decay can't be reversed. You are either a dentist or a shill. Teeth are bones. Bones heal themselves in the right environment. Why am I even talking to you?

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I must make sure that anyone that read my post about always drinking water or other drinks . I have found this only delays your teeth problem of rotting and breaking and having the enamel start to dissipate from where the tooth meets your gums and turning your teeth black before falling out or breaking off ! Also remember that the company that makes OxyContin or whatever they changed the name to today charges a enormous , unbelievable amount of money for this medication ! I got injured at work so luckily I don't pay out of pocket for this medicine . But when I was told by someone what this medcine cost I could not beleive it ! What I was told was that a 80mg pill cost at least $80.00 and at one time was taking 3 80mg.pills twice a day . So that is $240.00 twice a day ! $480.00 a day $175.200 dollars for 365 days ! Now the price I was told is the possible price and I don't positively know that's right . I would like to know for sure if anyone knows the price that they cost because at that type money one hundred and seventyfive thousand and two hundred dollars a year ! Then the fact that I have been on this for well over 10 years if that price is right we are talking one million and seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars! Now if that ends up being right you would think that the price of implants for my teeth would be affordable to them ! Also I still have to take this because anyone that has this kind of back pain and has taken this medication for any period of time know's that this is the only time releasesed pain meds that I know of has taken years off my life ! Also if you don't have your meds for any Reason you feel the pain in your back and withdraw pain that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy !
But with seven bad disc problems I am stuck in this spot that no one would ever want to be for all the money in the world ! Can't talk about anymore or the depression I feel will never let me sleep !

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Might I add. How dangerous of you to come on here and state that tooth decay can't be reversed. So you talked to a dentist? Wow. No dentist would ever tell you the truth. Heck 9 out of 10 dentists probably don't even know. Why? Because if people knew they could repair their teeth with expensive, useless procedures. IE: Root canals which create more problems than were there in the first place. Oh look, Mr dentist is out of a job. We can't have that can we? Prove to me you can't regrow tooth enamel. Funny how I did it. With the right diet and nutrients you can indeed help your teeth. Just because you have no luck doesn't mean you paint everything with a black brush.

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I didnt think so either. Once surface is gone, its gone

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Sorry, but am I understanding you correctly? You actually think you can regrow a tooth?

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