Oxycontin Op And Oc What's The Difference (Page 8)
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I've been taking the oxycontin oc for years now. I want to know what exactly is in the new oxycontin op? PLEASE HELP

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I have been on oxycontin 80mg for about 12yrs and went to the pharmacy just to find out that they have done something terrible to the best pain killer i have ever had that took care of my pain. please bring the original ones back , i just don't think i can take the pain. im 51 yrs old and very upset,no sleep so much pain cant think and dont really want to live if i have to be in this much pain every day. please help change them back!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Those who want to contact

Purdue Pharma main # 203-588-8000
Medical inquires/Drug safety # 888-726-7535
Customer service # 800-877-5666
Licencing and Business Development # 203-588-7293

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Hello everybody I just got off the phone with purdue today, I called to tell them of my issues with the new medication. I'm getting nowhere with the new medication as the effectiveness is almost cut in half, you get used to when your meds are suppose to start working and these are not near what the old formula was, I am hit with a headache before I get any relief each time, while I don't go into withdrawal I am starting to feel aches and pains that have been gone for some time. What did it for me was when I finally went to the restroom, I thought the bowl was filled with blood, it was part of the coating and there were gross jelly strands and chunks that looked like little jelly fish, this was actually whole parts of the pill passing through, I can only imagine what this is doing on the inside that we can't see, this is why I called them today. The man I talked to was very polite and actually caring not what I really expected but on to the bad news. He said purdue as a company is completely depleted of the old formula and has no intention of going back, some people posted that if you get your meds from purdue's program your dr. could call or write on your prescription for the old formula, this is not true. he was concered that the needed effect was not happening. He told me he would report my incident and the only way a change back could happen was if as many people who are having issues with it call and tell them about thier issues. His advise was that the dr. change my 60's to a combination of 20's or 40's or 80's to see if the binders in those would effect me differently, he seemed genuine enough. Looks like either we continue using these and keep our fingers crossed that we get suffecient relief or call and tell them your story, if they get enough complaints then who knows what might happen in the future.

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I am 29 years old, I also have a beautiful family and two children one is 9 and my youngest is 3. I've been on the oc formula for about 3 years now due to sever back pain I had, finally I found a doctor that I liked and trusted to help me get off pain meds and to get my life back to the way it was. I went through with my surgery and now I am in more pain then before I had my surgery. I found out the Dr. that I had done my surgery took out discs in my lower back which did not need to be taken out. Infact the Dr. told both my husband and I that there was no need for him to remove anything.
So, after finding out about what this doctor did I have been in more pain I wished I never had it done in the first place.
The oc formula was the ONLY med that could at least help me get out of bed and play with my children as much as I could. After recieving the op formula for the fist time I have gotten so voiletly sick to my stomack that my back just went out completely. Ever time I take the op's I end up vomiting and renching my whole body that I'm just left on the floor without being able to move. I 29 ,and feel like I'm stuck in a much older body. I don't understand how there's nothing us the patiens of the original oc brand have no say in the matter.
These are lives we're talking about, family's who are watching their loved one fall and theres not a thing anyone can do about it? There must be a petition I WILL NOT BE A VICTIM ANYMORE.

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I wanted to add I dont have no ill feeling against Addicts as They have a sickness as Alcoholic do and many have severe medical problem also I Imagine so they turn to alcohol or drugs to Numb Themselves, but the good thing There is help for those who want it
There are many good rehab centers, I know of by watching the TV but there are many bad ones to, but still the addicts have help
WE who suffer from a medical condition and have done everything we can to find help to relieve our suffering and then find out that the only help for most of us are medications taken as prescribed gives us part of our life back
all of us who have found Oxycontin to help our suffering is no longer the same medication and other medications are not working as well or not working at all
Prudue The FDA and the Government seems to be wanting to deprive us , and rather make us deathly ill then to figure something out to make us whole again when it comes to our suffering.

I do not drink but I know many that do and I have seen it ruin their lives, and have caused deaths around this country not only by consumption but by these ones that go out driving drunk that take innocent lives, But do they try to prevent this , I do not see it as I see more and more commecrials on tv of the variety of alcohol out there for ones enjoyment, and say dont drink and drive, they do not poison the alcohol so it makes one sick so they can no longer drink if anything they find new ways to make drinking more potent and more desirable ,
I do not get it
WE The ones who suffer are being punished because some people abuse the medication, Why not just try to get these abusers in to a rehab why dont they work on that as hard as they did to reformulate a medication so the addicts cant abuse it and we can no longer take

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I do not think any of us that take medication as prescribed for pain can be called addicts no matter how long we have been on it, we may be dependent, we dont catch a buzz we get to live somewhat of a normal life , once you suffer for so long and they find something that works its like we have been givin a second chance in life to have some relief from all the suffering all day and able to do even the simplest things we once could not do as liftint are grand kids, or being able to walk around with out feeling like we are having a stroke because the head pains are so severe
I have had surgeries , brain surgeries that they say are not really brain surgeries but when they connect wires to nerves on your brain stem I call that brain surgery.
we in pain will try anything to feel good again when they said the surgery will help I jumped for it, but then it did not work, so we have to count on the medications again
Then they reformulate the medication and who knows whats to come from what we ingested something that was once safe can now be deadly Thats my thought on this new formula
I called the FDA, I wrote our politicains, I have done everything I could think of to get the word out of what this new formula is doing to us
I even wrote reporters that have handled the News with Prudues law suites, I do not think there is a answer to our problem but just to keep writing informing who ever we can, I Take it as the Addicts life is more Important then our lives.
Everyone just keep doing what you can maybe someone will hear us,
Lets hope there are no deaths caused by this new formula to the innocent the ones who take the medication that has given us hope in the past is now making us sicker and stressing us out,
I know I am not the only one suffering as at first I thought It was just me, But I am sorry its just not me and so many are getting so ill.
All we can do is hope we are heard

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Hi there,I just wanted to say sorry to everyone that is suffering from their own type of pain and also from cancer. I hold that close to my heart because my mother passed away 15 years ago. I was in high school and I was involved with every chemo and radiation treatment with her and the recovery time as well. She was on major morphine pills as well as a morphine drip that was attached to her chest. Back then the treatments were not as advanced as now and was very rough on her body. Good luck to you all. I too have been taking the original OC's at 20mg x2 a day and 10/325 percocets 4x a day for break thru. I had major back surgery back in January of 2010. I suffer from spinal stenosis, lumbar spondelyothesis amongst a list of other health problems. They fused my L4-5 vertabrae and did a PLIF surgery. I have suffered from intense pain for the last 10 years but was actually born with my back problems. I am on SSDI and I am only 32 years old and a single mother of a 10yr, so you can imagine reading all these posts about the new oxy's is just blowing my mind. I just cant believe that these drug companies are first off using the excuse that they changed the drug because they are trying to control the drug abusers. That is so absurd, what they couldn't come up with something better. I mean people that are abusing this drug, really arent just abusing this drug they are abusing many others. People are going to abuse anything and everything and they have. People have abused something so simple as the cleaner people use for computer keyboards and mouth wash, but you dont see companies changing the chemisty of that. If you understand how I explained it right. It just makes me so mad that there are so many people really in legitamate pain and they have to change something that is working, because people have to be so selfish and inconciderate. We are punished for others selfishness. Yet people who use things everyday but they arent punished when people abuse those things. If someone could help me by emailing me what all i should do and who all i should call about getting our old oxy's back. I know im only one person but I will help right along with everyone to help too. I need my old oxy's back just like everyone else because it helps me with interacting with my daughter and everyday life. I know that im not addicted because there are some days i only need I but then days I need 2 but never more. What these people need to realize is that they are never gonna stop and get all the drug abusers ever but dont punish us who do behave. Sorry about rambleing on, but this sure hit a nerve.

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I have been prescribed oxycontin and oxycodone IR for about two years now. The last two years have been the most tolerable since my industrial accident 22 years ago. Bunch of Liars, if these new chemicals are safe, why has Canada and Europe rejected the new formula? I truly hope I don't experience some of the side effects listed by people here - people I have no reason not to believe. And it is not Perdue's fault. It our own government that has forced them to make the change. If you want to b*tch at someone, call the DEA and FDA. It was the DEA that forced this change, and the FDA that just rubber-stamped it through, without anywhere near enough long-term testing. I find it hard to believe that eating plastic and epoxy and rust twice a day won't harm me.

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There are not any longer any oxycodone 80 mg generics are no longer made Have checked in to this

I am on many triptans as Zomig, axert, maxalt. replax, amerge in which these are for the migraines and I have to alternate them or the Migraines keep fighting back.
I have been on Duragesic as well as 30mg Oxycondone IR as well as depakote and gabitril these with the oxycontin I have been on for several years some over a decade.
Since the oxycontin OP have made me deathly Ill they are trying Opana
It took over a decade to get my diagnosisi right and the medications that work the best
Without the Extended release oxycodone It looks as Here I go again, I sure hope I do not end up like I was for half my life in and out of hospitals in bed crying for weeks
I am in my 50s and I thought Maybe once I got older my condition would get better, but now know just taking away the oxycontin is causing problems and with all the other meds I am on who would think just changing a medication would set me back as it has
Its only been two attacks but Its two in which I havent suffered one for several years until the oxycontin was stopped, but I was so ill off this new formula of oxycontin I was never poisned I think but It felt like maybe thats how it feels to be poisned being on these Oxy OP
Please excuse my spelling errors
I should correct them but its hard typing when one has head pains
Thanks for the suggestion but There is no form of extended release oxycodone any longer
Thanks again

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I have been on Oxycontin for several years on 160mg twice a day for a rare Neurological disorder where I suffer from Complicated Migraines, along with cluster headaches, have had Thunderclap headaches, Hypnic and Paromaxil, they call this all Intractable pain, which the head pain on top of head pain once led to seizures, It took over a decade for the medical profession to find the right combination of medications to control the pain so they would not throw me in to a seizure.I have beat death a few times
I suffer from daily headaches and Migraines which Triptans help for the migraines and I take various Triptans and take then daily
after the right combination was found I have been seizure free for many years
My Last prescription was the OP which I thought nothing of it as I take them as prescribed, so making them abuse proof did not matter to me, but after a couple days on them I started getting severe stomach cramps still never thought anything of it thought it was something I ate, but as my next dose came it was about 2 hours and I was curled over in pain sick to my stomach just felt like I was going to die, I have had kidney stones and this pain came close
My headaches started to get worse
I was having troubles breathing and I am thinking here goes over a decade of finding what works and scared I am going back to where I started in Hospitals weekly, pain meds in a IV and still the pain was there with all the iv pain meds I just did not care. well after finding the right combination My hospital stays got fewer and fewer then they where no longer, even though the pain was daily the head pains wasnt lasting days and weeks, The medication helped control and prevent. Then had a vagus nerve stimulator implanted hoping it would help cut down on medications, even though I was seizure free for years they said this implant would help with Migraines,and the other head pains well it juts made me sick to my stomach 24/7 for over 2 years till it malfunctioned and hasnt worked since, but still the medications I was on including the Oxycontin was the best pain managment I had in years.
Then the OP came out I took them for days until I had no choice but to stop or to be sick curled up with such severe cramps and felt like i was going to die, Then about 4 days after stopping the oxycontin op I vomited what looked to be used Denture adhesive and half way digested Gummy bears. then my cramps started to ease it took about 4 days to where I was able to get off the couch and a few days after to recover from this what I call poison.
The DR started me on a new medication Opana which seemed to be working but have had two attacks since withs Thunderclap headaches or whatever one wants to call them, Migraines, cluster headaches, but the duration of the head pains where only for a day, not a week so the opana is helping to a point and havent had any seizure activity as of yet, but being on the Oxycontin for so many years with very good results and now that I cant take them, I am afraid this is going to set me back to square one
I have been on every medication there is , and the combination of Oxycontin and other medications was the only thing that gave me the best results
I contacted the FDA , Prudue and even a wall street reporter, and my governor, asking what is i this formula what have I been ingesting
I feel like I have been poisoned when I was taking it, I just want to know whats in this formula, what did I vomit up
Why hasnt Prudue label that this is a new formula whats in it , so we know if we may be allergic to it and the adverse effects it may cause for some
Its great Prudue has made it abuse proof, but what about us whom take it as prescribe we are being punished to where its affecting our lives, what damage may it has done that we wont know for years, and what do we do now if we can not find a medication thats going to give us the results we had with the Oxycontin
Are we all be labeled Abusers because there are some out there that decide they want to kill themselves by abusing this, and we who take it as prescribed are going to suffer to save the lives of the abusers, Do we not count
Have we been used as lab rats to help stop the abusers. Their lives must mean more then our lives mean to Prudue.
For all you that are suffering I feel your pain but I had to stop and just hoping that we can find a medication that can help us get our lives back, Prudue is sure worried about the Abusers , What have we been ingesting have we been poisoned ?, I know I felt like I have been and now suffering and hoping That someone cares about us as much as prudue cares about these Junkies

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Kimbery, I just read your post and all your are going thru and want you to know I am Praying for you. I think reading your post broke my heart and in no way would I want God to give you my desease, Metastatc Cancer, no cure and very painful and it seems you have enough pain both body, mind and soul. I can hardly believe there is no one out there that can help you. Can you seek help from a group, a local womens shelter or friend? Not knowing anything but your post, I feel you are a person who cares for others before you do yourself. Remember, you are somebody, you have a purpose in this life and wish I could help, I do know God knows all and if you talk to him, he will hear you. God is powerful and if u have him in your life, you can not loose, just like with all the problems we are all having with the new Oxyicontin OP, God knows and sees what we are going thru, and with a non believer, who would Judge us to say we are making too much of this and lieing and not having side effects, well I Pray for them never to walk a day in my shoes. I am blessed ti be alive, when 2 yrs ago only had 3mths, well I'm still here, not sure for how much more can take, Cancer Pain never goes away, 24/7 for me and so many times I have wanted to stop Chemo, worse pain days, but can't give up. My Grandson needs me and my family needs me and I need them. I am so sick at times, tho its hard, but to fight for what I think is important, I will put my all in it and taking my OPs and keeping good records when this all comes to light, and it will. I just found out one of the Chemos I am taking is being investigated, the FDA may have rushed this thru or someone did not tell us about some very important things I needed to know about this treatment and here I have been taking it every month for the past two years, so just another thing I have to stress about and Onc says no stress, Cancer feeds on stress, but I feel with all my being to all who are having legitamate claims about this new drug something is wrong and to all on here fight, fight, fight. Stick together, they can't hide everything. So many good post and smart people on here, just keep all informed and to Kimberly, big hugs and many Prayers that God will get you out of the depths of hell you are living in. You are a child of God and need to get the help you deserve, not wish to take my desease. I hope you will change your mind and want to live and one day you will be heard!!! Prayers to u all! May God Bless us all and send us the answers and give us directions for all, and he will. Our Government can hide so much, but it always comes out, so FDA, we are taking this meds, making our complaints, as you have asked, since there has already been problems noted by you (FDA) and you put up the webwatch to handle these complains in a quickly manner, there must be more, so again hold on

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Mimi, Where do you live in NH? I can drive you places in my spare time, take you shopping etc.

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What i am wondering about with the new op's..some of the side effect's..could they be withdrawal symptoms? The sleeplessness in particular..the delivery system on the new op's release half again the amount the orginal med's did. So those who are taking op's are not getting the level their bodies are accustomed to. Did Purdue even think about this? Purdue issued a statement that the old oxycontin released 29%-43 % of oxycondone versus 18% to 23% for the newer version.

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Thanks to the Site Admin for the post and removing the post that upset so many. This is a place to come and feel safe with talking, learning from each other and help each other not put us down or call us names and make such acquisations (sp) as that post did, so again thank you for fixing the problem and in all honesty I did not thing my identity or privacy had been compremised (sp). Waiting to have Chemo, so not spelling to well. Again thank you for the response!

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Chemest.i was reading about a patient who takes 20mg.4x daily. She noted that in taking her dose with new oxycontin..the new ingrediants..the polymer..she's dumping 2300 teas. of rubber through her digestive sy. I also read Purdue may have fabricated the data on the time released oxycontin. I must wonder if many of our fear's over new op's is we simply don't trust Purdue ..we do not beleive them..if they lied about the low probability of addiction while taking oxycontin..what else are they lying about. Again and i know i am repeating myself..the side effect's of BHT are..vomiting..nausea..stomach pain and cramping..any one without an education would even know that if you take something that makes you ill..it is TOXIC to your body..Something in these new oxycontin's is making alot of people very very ill. Why? Also those who take oxycontin are suffering from probably an immune system that is fragile and weakened where it wouldn't take much to harm it more.
Kimerbly..it's painful to read that someone is and has gone through so much misery..you certainly have had your share dear..it's frustrating that you live so farway and we who are in here can not give help..wish you lived next door. I know that there is free legal aid..there are advocate group's..have you tried any of the crises lines? Red cross?..there are alot of toll free numbers one can call if need be.What about a church? You might try calling some of the churches around you ..just be honest with them..they may have phone number's and organisation's that will help you.. Our church has a prayer chain..you will be on the list Just know there are people praying for you.

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To all those concerned with post # 42 from 'Xris - 2010' - since it is not relevant to facts or experience with the drug being discussed we have removed it from the site.

Additionally, please note that Xris (whoever they are) is not connected to the site in any way and CAN NOT report any of you to a doctor or the DEA for the simple reason that NOBODY KNOWS EACH OTHERS TRUE IDENTITY on this forum. NOBODY HAS HACKED INTO OUR SITE. No 'accounts' of individuals are even kept here. We do not require users to register or use their full names, and as a result hold true to our strong standards of privacy.

We hope this helps to clarify anybody's concerns. Lastly, please note that whenever somebody clicks the 'Report Abuse' link, it may take several days for your report to be addressed. We can not respond to individuals making abuse reports because in the name of anonymity we do not even know who made the abuse report in the first place.

In other words, you are all safe talking here. Not even us (as the site administrators) know who any of you really are, nor do we have any inclination or reason to report your posts. At the worst case, if a post is absolutely intolerable, we will simply remove it from the site. We are way too busy to come after individuals, and besides, our time is better spent maintaining the community for everyone to use and enjoy.

Best regards!

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Bunch of Liars....you are a polymer engineer? That's great, seriously, what else is this particulal polymer BHT used for in other applications? Does it have a level wherein it becomes toxic or starts affecting cellular function in a negative way. And yes, maybe it is dose related, like you said, you are on 20mg tid, without any ill effects, I am on 90 mg 3 times a day and after the second dose with the new OPs I started getting extreme cramping/abdominal pain w/ burning burps and serious gerd/indigestion/gas and I promplty wrote my physician. My father is also a physician and he said that I should d/c ASAP. I am lucky I have some of the old ones at my other home, 300 miles away, that I forgot about that are being brought to me as we speak but I am going to flush the OP's and keep complaining to anyone who will listen. I know since I stared these things (it's been 7 days) my pain has jumped from a 2 to a 6-7, and have not been sleeping, thankfully I have BT meds w/ oxycodone in them so as to function as my primary contol. To all of you who are in distress, please please don't give up and stay positive. I know it's easy to say but I am on your side. Hugs to all who need them and please talk to your dr.s and Purdue and the FDA and let them know what is happening. Maybe we can figure it out...Take care.

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'bunch of lier's' i have not yet taken the new formula. I too am on a low dose..in fact i can not take the 40's as they knock me out and i feel too drugged. They do work well with pain. I so want to beleive you..due to the fact i have been bed ridden over a recent surgery i have been researching and reading everything i can get my hand's on regarding the new formula. It is the fact's that there have been so many bad side effect's...again where there are side effect's there is something toxic going on. I wanted to tell you..those family member's who are harrassing you over your oxycontin..what if you tell them no1.. it is ILLEGAL to give your oxycontin to another. No2. If you were to 'give in' and give up one of your med's to a family member..they could become ill and die.. and YOU would not only live with the consqences of a loved one's death but would probably spend alot of money on lawyers to kabout theireep you from spending the rest of your life in a federal prison grieving over their death. No 3. if they continue to give you grief..threaten them with telling their doc's that they are misusing. No one should have to live with your constant stress in saying NO. I suppose you have tried all of these tactic's. I too had a 'family member' who gave me grief..there were alot of tear's and sleepless night's . I can happily say this 'this little pill' got her life together and all grief has ceased. See..there is hope!The one thing you can feel good in is the resolve you have shown to your family member's in saying no to them.I can't imagine being threatened by a loved one and to create mayhem for you. Maw maw..keep trying please. I want/need answer's..i want reassurance.Well xchris look's like you have succeeded in driving everyone away..but as maw maw said there is another forum where we can gather..trade 'war stories' lean on one another and commiserate if necessary. Those who have genuine pain issues do understand one another and what one has been put through. I think maw the reason xchris repsonse was so offensive was. we all have been x-rayed,mri'd.cat scanned,intruded upon,poked,prodded,pinched squeezed,cut up,sewn up, stapled,reaaranged,bedridden,green jello, red jello,bland food's, spoken down to,,indignifying position's,dismissed,covered in vomit, in urine or worse,tear's in wee hour's of the night.and crying out in the day.wishing to die yet begging for life..watching our family watch us suffer..seeing their fear..watching them struggle to be strong for us. Hearing everything from..can i do anything for you yet never hearing from them..little nightgowns that never cover you..waddling down a cold brightly lit hall trying to look 'dignified' but not quite making it. And then to be wrongly 'threatened' over asking reasonable question's...well..

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Diane I tried to send this info to you, BUT, got a message that my post has been saved and needed more review before posting. How bout that?????

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