Oxycontin Op And Oc What's The Difference (Page 5)


I've been taking the oxycontin oc for years now. I want to know what exactly is in the new oxycontin op? PLEASE HELP

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chemistry.79..yes polyethene glycol is in many things..toothpaste..yes..but one doesn't ingest polyenthene in the amount we get in the new op's. The truth is with the overload of many of the questible substances in op's and other thing's we are threatening our health..the rate of cancer has grown exponentially with all the substances we ingest. I try and eat organically..and anything i ingest i make certain it has no or very minute additives.I feel sorry for one who read's the concern and pain and feels the need to ridicue them. iYour loggin in here is suspect .Are you just having a bad day or do you get your kicks out of making fun of those who are suffering?

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May i please share what God tells us in His word? Jesus says that 'by grace are you saved by faith in Jesus Christ,not of works lest any man should boast.it is a free gift. We all do not know the time we have on this earth..Jesus says 'the wages of sin is death..But the gift of God is eternal life in Him. He paid for every sin of ours when He died on the cross..past present and future. And i also know He can heal..restore..and give life. I know of patients with cancer who were told they had 2 month's to live..that was 4 years ago. Doctors were astounded as they found the orginal cancer had melted and the mestasis dyed off. Where there is faith in the promises of God there is healing and grace and peace that passes all understnading. I pray that all of you facing cancer..that God heals and restores you. May God bless everyone of you.

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i have had 2 back suregrys *** an each time it got even more painful. went to pain clinic for six yrs, got shots after shots..had nevers burnt going to my brain to tell me there was no longer pain in that spot bull sh** that didnt work .i finally found a dr. that cared and new i was really in pain he put me on 30mg oxycodone. 2 times a day an80 mg oxycotin 2 times a day .they didnt give me a high in my head but they did in my life ifelt light i could live again. i could make myself a sandwish with out crying.an guess what with the new 80op here i go again.more pain than i fill like i can ***** take . please help what do i do my dr might think i'm, mad just because u cant snort them .i just wont something 4 pain

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What's incredible about this whole issue is test studied did show the new op's deliver less oxycondone per hour than new (am repeating myself) so patients who have started on their new painpill are going through withdrawl's..It's interesting that Purdue's patent on their oxycontin was due to expire ,thus this 'new formualtion'. They now have another 10 years before a generic can be offered. Is it 10 years? or 5..can't remember.I am all for a painkiller that cuts down abuse but please let it be effienct in it's delivery, not make so many ill! I just don't know what to beleive anymore due to so many rumors. I honestly didn't realise oxycontin was so abused to the extent it is.It is disconcerting to go to web forums and read patients ..no shame whatsoever who are now griping they can no longer snort..crush inject their oxycontin..they state after they leave the dr's office they can do anything they want with their pain med's. If they want to crush..then darn it that's what they are going to do. Do they not care that if they overdose..the D.E.A goes after their doctor with a vengence and can lose his entire carer. Simply because he had compassion and wanted to releive his patient's suffering. I lost count from all those who stated they abused their oxycontin. Has the world gone 'mad'?!!These patients who abuse meds don't give a rat's a.. about you and me who respect our medics and take our med's correctly..they couldn't care less.

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You have hit it on the head, And I do believe that another Opana Er has the same idea. They both have added gells which allows the patent to not go to generics. Purdue and I think Endo is for Opana ER if all of us check I also believe that the IR's are either having something added or are off the market? So this is another way to Sue the Millions out of these industries that play with our quality of life.

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And how's this those abusing the drug Oxycotin, have already found a way to abuse the new OPs with microwaving them and still can use a needle. So Purdue will not lose money will they. I tell you, were the only ones being hurt all the way around..Keep records of this incase needed for a Class Action Law Suit, which has to be in the months to come.

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Today i called Purdue. The gal i talked with must have ice running through her veins. I know i read Purdue's statement that delivery of oxycontin was 18% 23& yet she declared this was not true. In fact Purdue made no studies regarding the time release just the length of time it continued to work..12 hour's.
Also she said there will be no old formula made..period! sigh and if we patient's don't like it then we can talk to our doctor's and get something else. She also claimed those making complaints beleive this will cause Purdue to go back to old formula and it aint gonna happen. How can someone take patients concern's and complaint's and state they are only doing so to 'manipulate' Purdue. Do you feel that is a little 'nut's'? They refuse to even consider that their new 'wonder drug' may have serious flaw's.

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Prude need to understand that people are suffering and the women on the phone is not the one that makes the calls of whats to come.

I have talked to prudue and have left messages and wrote emails, I got people from Prudue all of the sudden start calling me and I have refused to answer any of there calls

I am going to just let the courts handle itPrudue doesnt realize what they have done to people
Put it this way that Prudue is negligent of breaching Implied warrantyy of merchenabilty
They have failed to excersize due care in the production of it Merchendise and has failed to provide a product that was once fit for its intended purposes as there action has caused injury as a result.
Excuse my spelling errors , but there are lawsuits that are going to start coming up in the near future
Dont call prudue call a Lawyer
It will not stop our suffering but it will keep prudue in court again over Oxycontin as we cant make Prudue do anything , but we can get the media attention as it did when people where abusing it and it was the talk of the country how Addicts and junkies have misused this drug .
Now Its Time to tell the world That we the ones suffering are victims because Prudue wanted to stop abuse but did not care about we who take it as prescribed and it has been a wonder drug, now its making us deathly ill in many cases and we are suffering
The Drug may never come back to how it was, but It should be taken off the market completely as its Poison to many of us

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April 5, 2010 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Purdue Pharma L.P.'s New Drug Application for a reformulation of OxyContin® (oxycodone HCl controlled-release) Tablets.

The reformulation has met FDA criteria for bioequivalence to the original formulation, which means there is no significant difference in the rate and extent of absorption of the therapeutic ingredient.

While similar in appearance to the original formulation, the reformulated tablets have a different marking (OP) than the currently marketed tablets (marking OC) and the 60 mg and 80 mg tablets are slightly larger in size than the currently marketed tablets.

Purdue elected to reformulate OxyContin® to be bioequivalent to the original formulation and in an effort to make the tablet more difficult to manipulate for the purpose of intentional misuse and abuse, however, there is no evidence that the reformulation of OxyContin is less subject to misuse, abuse, diversion, overdose or addiction.

Product Shipment
The Company expects to begin shipping all dosage strengths of the reformulated product (10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg and 80 mg) to distributors and pharmacies during the third quarter of 2010, at which time Purdue will cease shipping the original formulation.

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April 5, 2010 - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Purdue Pharma L.P.'s New Drug Application for a reformulation of OxyContin® (oxycodone HCl controlled-release) Tablets.

The reformulation has met FDA criteria for bioequivalence to the original formulation, which means there is no significant difference in the rate and extent of absorption of the therapeutic ingredient.

While similar in appearance to the original formulation, the reformulated tablets have a different marking (OP) than the currently marketed tablets (marking OC) and the 60 mg and 80 mg tablets are slightly larger in size than the currently marketed tablets.

Purdue elected to reformulate OxyContin® to be bioequivalent to the original formulation and in an effort to make the tablet more difficult to manipulate for the purpose of intentional misuse and abuse, however, there is no evidence that the reformulation of OxyContin is less subject to misuse, abuse, diversion, overdose or addiction.

Product Shipment
The Company expects to begin shipping all dosage strengths of the reformulated product (10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg and 80 mg) to distributors and pharmacies during the third quarter of 2010, at which time Purdue will cease shipping the original formulation.

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There has been a reformulation of this drug but due to a Patent pending Prudue is not releasing all the information of what one is ingesting, in fact it has caused digestive track issues and Vomiting and all patients have the right to know what they are taking in case of adverse effects, allergic reactions ETC
This is one for the courts to decide
Many people are suffering from chronic pain in which in fact the old formula did help the new formula has caused more issues and more pain and undue stress and much more suffering in their lives
Prudue may seem to think they found a loop hole but it will come out if its in Indivdual suits or class action suites The truth will be known The testing on the formula was a two year study not the Norms
There has to be something done where a company can not use patients as lab experiments and not label a medication that may cause other chronic problems that will later be found that this new Formula has caused
When something is added to something no matter for what reason Its been reformulated Prudue may have another word for this , but none the less its reformulated
WE can just all wait and see what will come of this
The media I figure by now knows whats going on and once they are able to get the proof they need
I feel the broadcast will begin as it did when the addicts and Junkies where in the new
Now the patients who are suffering the ones that their lives have been turned upside down will be herd
I just pray there are no deaths from the results of this new formula or whatever Prudue wants to call it.
I was deathly ill from it and I have had a set back in which it has been several years before this new Formula things had improved, but after a few days of taking this New Formula or what Purdue calls OP and again back in the trail and error to see if we can get my condition back under control
Why change the OC to OP if there has not been a reformulation add one different ingredient and its a new formula. Its like saying a corn dog is a hot dog sure it has a hot dog in it but there is a new Formula that coats it and its called a corn dog . you can say there is a hot dog in it but you can not call it a hot dog
I guess only time will tell as Prudue may never release the old ones back and may of us are just going to keep suffering , unless God willing they find a cure to our Illness That would be in a perfect world and we can all hope for cures but can not count on them
we once counted on a medication that many of us can no longer take and there is something that can be done, but Do not count on it
Law suites will not give us any relief its not going to stop our suffering, but just maybe Prudue will take this medication off the market or rename it they changed the OC to OP so what is the real name of this new medication
We who all suffer will just have to wait the ones of us who have been on every medication there is and found only the oxycontin to help as many of us take it in combination with other medications and have found out when one medication is taken away and other medications have been tried as a alternative and we still are suffering, Its only Common sense that There has been a change in the formula or we would still be taking it today
Maybe another pharmacutical company will come out with a new medication that works like the old Oxycontin, but we can not count on it
WE just need to accept that Prudue is going to do what they want and they do not have the patients in mind just the addicts and junkies and we cant Blame the FDA they did not reformulate this , but the FDA can take it off the Market at least so Prudue doesnt have everyone Believing this is the same medication
Its not OC its OP

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I agree me..i think we as patients should begin to insist that Purdue take their oxycontin off the market completely and please people refuse to purchase anything from this company. To make a statement such as the women from Purdue did today..stating those who are expressing alarm over op's is manipulating their company so as to change the op's as fact is a non truth..how can they say such a thing!! One concern i had which i shared with this women..was..is it possible that after taking dose..4x daily for a week..could these tablets due to digestive problems remain in digestive tract building up. enough to cause a blockage? Her answer? Yes it's possible. So what happen's if a week of taking meds..that is 28 pills..sits in digestive tract..i shudder.I have been hospitalised twice ..once with intestinal blockage..another with inflamation..high fever..Both experiences were simply miserable and i do not wish to ever suffer through those illnesses again. It's all about greed..Again..i don't know what to think but the wisest course of action is to stop purchasing anything from Purdue.

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I also have been on OC'S for 12 years. I had a fall at work and after 4 pain centers and shots in my back the Doctors decided I have RSD. Pain 24-7. Now with the new OP'S I have less reliefe and sick for 2 hours after taking them. WHAT CAN PEOPLE DO THAT NEED OC'S NOT OP'S???

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purdue you are not going to stop people from abusing drugs all you are doing is hurting the people that really need them and your own company lets think about it all you did was drive prices up for the origanl ocs and caused people to start doing heroin agian great job there has already been one 18 yr old girl who overdosed and died from heroin where i live before you changed the ocs i had never even seen heroin in this hick town of mine at least when people was abusing ocs we new what was in them you tried to turn them to gel we cooked them and you can be someone will find a way to abuse these op

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So let me see if I have this right...the FDA forces Purdue to create a new formula because the druggies are dying. Did anyone force Marlboro to recreate their tobacco? How about Budweiser, did they have to change their formula because of alcoholism??? I just don't get it. All I know is I don't snort my medication and it was all that worked for me. These op's definitely do not work...it's like taking aspirin only it upsets my stomach even more.

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This new formula sucks,doesnt work had my prescription filled in september been taking it two weeks and have nothing but bad dreams no pain relief.Plain and simple this is rat poison Purdue lied the first time about it not being addictive they can lie about anything.BOTTOM LINE WE THE PEOPLE WHO NEED PAIN RELIEF ARE PURDUES TRIAL GUIENEA PIGS IF YOU MAY I HAT PURDUE IF IT AINT BROKE FIX IT THERES SO MUCH HEROIN IN THIS COUNTRY IF PEOPLE WANT TO DO IT THEY WILL IF PEOPLE WANT TO ABUSE PILLS THEY WILL.THIS IS LIKE SHOOTING THE GOOD GUY US THE PEOPLE WHO NEED MEDS PEOPLE WILL ALLWAYS ABUSE DRUGS GAMBLING FOOD WHY MUST THE HURT THE ONES WHO NEED IT........DIE PURDUE!!!!!!!!!

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I'd love to know which one of these so-called experts/chemist/company cheerleaders work for Purdue or DuPont. You see this all over the net people paid to drive the topic. Next move; I'll be accused of being paranoid. They'll say no one has the money to pay people to talk all day promoting a product, political, view, religion; what have you, but obviously the top 5% still have plenty of money. My response to those of you who are paid; some of you are very good, talented writers (you go on and on about a topic even you don't believe in and that takes talent or con what ever you want to call it.). How you use it depends on you Find a different gig, be true to your craft and for God/ Allah/ Buddha or who ever or what ever you believe PLEASE, PLEASE quit working for the bad guys

OH and OPs suck

and yes I have 3 herniated, disks bulging on ever level and have had two fusions (didn't help at all. I want to keep working, but I need pain meds to continue. That's the irony of the whole thing is if you are like me and take pain meds then you are a 'no good /nitwit/ pill popping/ whore' however if you stay at home in bed or on you easy chair to avoid the pills, then you are a "no good /lazy disability /food stamp/ welfare queen. I added whore, welfare, and food stamp, and queen because if you're a woman they assume all sorts of things about you.

If you can afford it or have very go insurance Opana is about the best pain pill out there right now.

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I have also benn on 40 mg of OC fpr 5 years. I have had a double knee replacement, A double fusion decompression of my 4 thru 7 with a 6 inch cage and 7 screws. They used cadavar bones. I have severe DDD and DJD. I have bone spur claws on my spine as well. It is inhumame to let people suffer. What is the use to carry on when your quality of life isn't worth facing another day. The abusers have ruined it for the rest of us who genuinely NEED the OC.s I was recently given the OPs without being told and it explains why I wake up in the morning hurting worse than ever. It is not lasting the 12 hours timed release. My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one out there.

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Purdue Safety 1-888-726-7535
FDA MedWatch 1-800-332-1088

I just finished two conversations about the quality of Purdue's new OxyContin formula. My complaint was heard by the safety Department (1-888-726-7535) but when I talked to the so-called Pharmacist to explain why it was changed, I was dismissed as another whimpering Hillbilly Heroin Addict.

I have been taking OxyContin 60mg since two serious MVA's, back-to-back, within 20 days... neither my fault. I have been doing VERY WELL on OC formula but the relief I received stopped working about three months ago. WHen I questioned the pharmacist, he explained the change and asked I give it time... which I did. I visit my Pain Specialist every three months to get new prescriptions and talked about the change. He increased the dosage and said I'm not alone. It appears I am not by all the complaints on the internet.

The only thing I can do is complain and hope my statements are heard. I urge anyone reading this to do the same.

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I just called and I was amazed by the response! Be prepared to give a lot of information. They will ask for your Pharmacy and Doctor as well (it's not a requirement you reply). I gave them everything because I wanted them to understand the legitimacy of my concerns. I had my complaints written down to make sure.

The new formula just doesn't work. I hope upping the dosage from 60 to 80 will help, but from what I've read it may not. What a shame the abuse of a minority has made it literally painful for the rest of us.


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