Oxycontin Op And Oc What's The Difference (Page 4)
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I've been taking the oxycontin oc for years now. I want to know what exactly is in the new oxycontin op? PLEASE HELP

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who ever is saying there are generics for years to come is not right, they no longer make them and whats on the shelf is all thats left
do your research not one company makes them Not One

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Marylin, please advise locations, I am in Pasadena/st. pete

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Marilyn, I am in the Tampa-Clwtr. area and I would be so pleased for where to go and my wife needs too. Pre-rotator cuff surgery. PLEASE ADVISE

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1–800–FDA–1088 is the number to call to complain/notify the FDA of the inefficiency of the OP formula that does not work for me either

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I have also heard of all the problems of the new op's and decided not even to try them. I have had no problem getting generics. They are instock and will continue in the following years.

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i also am very upset about the change but for those who feel like ending yourself i have the answer that will get u the old ones!!!!!! i have a friend in the pharm. and heres what u do when u bring in you prescription tell them the op's give you very serious stomach pain the law is if they have a generic they have to give it to u unless u ask for brand this is why everyone wasnt able to find the oc's for like a month or 2 so the flooded the op's in so we think thats all they have when really they stopped making them so we thought they were no longer making them all u have to do is say u have a bad reaction and you cannot take that brand and they will give you the old ones they still make them but they wanted us to think they didnt u just gotta kno ppl to get answers makes sence right!!! so i hope this helps try a few pharmacys if the 1st one doesnt work but i promise there out there my best friend works for walgreens and she showed me all the info just make sure you tell them u CANT take the op's they make you sick give u stomach cramps and also are not affective and they will give u the others they just didnt want us to kno!!!! i hope this helps cuz the new ones are horrible 30mg roxys work better i had to take 3 op's to feel anything or get relief i hope this helps and works in ur area it does in tampa bay area contact me if u live in st.petersburg fl ill tell u where to go god bless you all i hope this helps feel free if ur in my area ill send u in the right direction ok good luck all

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Perdue might as well close up shop because the new pills are just dreadful. Pain level is SUPER HIGH now. Drug users are gonna abuse anything, the people that are really in pain and its helped throughout the years are the ones that are gonna pay for it. Purdue...You pretty much changed my life from bad to worse. You put the drug users demands before ours. I want my old meds back! LISTEN TO US ALL!

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I am a post accident and TBI patient for the last 3 1/2 years or so I've done so many injections in my spine I feel like a pin cushion! I went to a new pain spec. and we discussed long term opioid treatment. If this new Oxycontin has a side effect of headache's it's the last thing I need. I am at Maximum medical improvement and have been told the pain will only get worse. Maybe I should talk to my new Doc about this.
Oh and Anna here is what BHT is:
Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), also known as butylhydroxytoluene, is a lipophilic (fat-soluble) organic compound that is primarily used as an antioxidant food additive (E number E321) as well as an antioxidant additive in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, jet fuels, rubber, petroleum products, electrical transformer oil,[2] and embalming fluid.
Just something we all want in our Bodies.. I have a friend Boyd that is a chemist maybe I'll have him explain all of the inert ingredients to Me.

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Same price for BS..Mess up things for people doing the right thing by a few just wanting a few quick jollies..This country is run by crooks so therefore only crooked solutions will be found..Pat pays paul and so forth and so on...

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That's it..I'm sick of this..It has been a month now and I can't get rid of this nausea...I just threw up yet again..I go see the doc in two weeks and this stuff is going bye-bye..Perdue will hear again and monday I am going to the FDA and FILE a complaint until I get an answer..And If I can't get anything to stabilize this pain, I'm filing for disability noone cares so why should I..I'm not working in pain so some four eyed idiot who has complaints about things completely overblown is satisfied...Screw this country...And I hate to say that I am a veteran who use to love it...

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I just got back from the Doctor's office that has been through thick and thin with me in regards to my pain. It is a progressive neropathy from Lupus (SLE) I have done several stays in the hospital to control the pain then this oxycontin was given to me 7 years ago. Coming from a medical background I was very reluctint to start this drug. My wish Dr. said there is a differance between an additc who abuses a drug and a person who is dependent on a drug to function. I tried it and it was like a magic pill had just been given me but in truth it was a new lease on life. I was able to go back to work part-time and feel productive in life. THANK YOU fpr taking that all away in the last 6 weeks I have been on this new septic pool of a drug. Like many others I have been on many diffrent things and the old OC worked best. It is the same thing over and over punish the ones who use it correctly. Like we are forcing the dead beats who want to sit home and collect a check from God knows where. I will not say wealfere because if you were only on wealfere you could not afford to buy the street drugs from what I have been told. It is the drug pushers who find Drs. who will give them the script and then sell the drug. Are these the people you wanted to stop so did you just wake up and decide that there is a drug problem in this country and guess what it was long before this drug came on the market. Get with the right program and go after the people who miss use the drug and leave me to hell alone. And I want to see who you did clinical trials on and how blind were you? I can't even convay how much you have hurt the people. I thought it was me who had the problem thank heavens my dr knows that I am not alone.

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To Skyjester:
Your last post was the best on this site. Well said. They are making anyone who truthfully complains about this garbage OP atrocity, out to be a drug abuser!
Sad fact it that each of us has allowed it because we have remained like frightened children, afraid that if we make waves or get out of line about the pain medicine, like simply asking a question or attempting to tell a doctor that the amount is not working... that you destroyed.
Let's put aside the real people in need of the old OCs, this so called abuse resistant new OP was defeated 1 month after it came out BUT it has probably been responsible for thousands of deaths and permanent injuries, either directly from blockages or by desperate people trying to inject gel and having a stroke.... sadly all these indirect deaths will be white washed until some poor bigwigs kid winds up one of the statistics.

Don't stop calling Purdue, every chance you get, clog their phone lines as their garbage OPs are clogging peoples bodies.


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Okay. At first I was gun shy giving my name to the FDA..Ever since George Bush and the Republicans Tricky Dick too, I am leary of who promises what...But I will demand the forms from them first thing tomorrow..If I have to work in pain like this for the duration of my career, I will file disability...And I will join you all in a national lawsuit...

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Is anyone out there having a SLUGGISH feeling with these new oxy op's.. Also I HAVE to work and have noticed since I have started with this reformulated version, I am struggling to stand on my feet eight hours ...My job is in a casino ...I called to voice my complaint to Purdue and all the lady did was hit me with question after question then in the end said quote, We have no plans to change it' What? I didn't ask you to change it in the first place...She kinda got mad at me...People here are asking you What can YOU do to help us get the message to those people who didn't check with anyone and I believe don't know what pain is...I can tell you all one thing, KEEP CALLING AND BUG THEM EVERY CHANCE YOU GET!! I learned that from casino gaming...BUG EM

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Me..the last thing i want to do is give someone who is suffering false hope..yet two walgreens in my area adamently insisted the generics i got were current and available in the coming years.As i said i almost arugued with the pharmacist as i wanted the new formula so as to try them..if they didn't work then i was going to try opana..i wanted to get all the coming trial and error over with if the op's did not work ..find something else and get on with my life. Try calling pharmacy again and ask if they have oxcodone er (this is same as oxycontin but generic) I know when one calls the pharmacy and inquires about oxycontin there is hesitation and perhaps they will not be truthful to you.They are frightened. I doubt if one will find a truthful answer if one calls. Please ask about oxcodone er..i wish you could just call my walgreens . I know they would tell you what they told me.

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I just called 5 walgreens with in 150 miles not one has the old formula and they have said generics are discontinued. I explained to them what I have been hearing and they just said they are tellling me what they know of not one company is offering a generic form at this time
But I will still call my local Pharm Monday and see if whats being said is fact as if they can order them
If not just going to have to keep the trial and error system till something works and good luck to everyone I am done posting as what will be will be and not going to spend any more time worrying about this as it just makes one sicker

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I will again call the Pharm Monday and I have contact with Medicaids Pharmacist and she told me also they are no longer
I just got off Ethex, Watsons web site and they are not listed at all only thing listed is the Oxycodone not ER at all.
Maybe you are right and they just have started again but with every Pharmacutical web site I have searched in the last 20 minutes they do not exsist.
I called Walgreens also they said they no longer have the old formula.
So I am not sure what States have what but my State has none, but I will call monday and see if a generic is available as I have been going to them for over a decade and I am sure if they could get them they would, but I will check again
I will call around the State again

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sorry..that's spelled 'oxcodone er'

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For those of you suffering badly with taking the new formula..not getting pain relief and having bad side effects ask your doctor to write 'oxcondone er'. They do have this and will continue in future.This is what pharmacist told me to do. This is oxycontin time released. You will get a generic oxycontin. There is no need for all this suffering!

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pigella..I have been on oxycontin for several years now and like everyone esle they were very well for pain without the bad side effects..one does not feel drugged on these and they can function. When the new formual came out i wasn't too concerned until i got on the internet and found everything written about them. I spent 2 months just trying to find someone who wrote in that the new op's worked well and no side effects..i found a couple but not enough to ease my mind.I called Purdue..i called Pharmacists..first calling pharmacists is a waste of time..they will not speak with you about oxycontin..i do unstand this as several pharmacy's were robbed. I was told what everyone elase is saying..no more generics after old stock runs out. This past week i was disabused of this as 2 pharmacists told me they now have availble the generic..at least Walgreens.I think K-Mart may have them as well as WalMart.These are the generics offered..ethex..watson..opotex. Purdue makes these..sells them to these distributors who inturn sells them to certain pahrmacies. Purdue gets the royalities from these distributers. I think this may be something recently as the pharmacist said..they now have them.Again she (pharmacist..and that makes 2 of them from different pharmacies) insisted that they are and will be available.

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