Oxycontin Op And Oc What's The Difference (Page 11)
UpdatedI've been taking the oxycontin oc for years now. I want to know what exactly is in the new oxycontin op? PLEASE HELP
No one, I have and infused neck its been infused twice,it was broken from the airbag when a drunk driver ran into me and its been 17 yrs and I've been on ms cotin for 15 of those years,and now as you are saying yes I still hurt with this new oxyicotin that Purdue it making and we have no choice but to take I feel Purdue really should stick with producing chickens and let their competor make meds that are going to help people that need the real oxyicotin so that we don't hurt as much but no one cares not even the doctors!
All I know is that my Dr. prescribes one 40mg. tablet every 12 hours and they only last for an average of 3-4 hours and I don't want to complain because I don't want to be accused of drug seeking behavior. I have been taking 30mg. for just about a yr. and was just increased to 40mg. last week after being left with no choice as my pain is getting worse. I have severe osteoporosis which I found out after falling on the ice and breaking my femur and part of my hip. I now have a metal rod down my leg to my knee with 2 screws. One in my hip and the other below by my knee. The fracture is healed but I'm told that my bones are like straws and I literally cannot walk or stand without pain meds but my tolerance is getting higher or my bones are getting worse. And,my dr. believes I shouldn't need a break through pill after only 4 hours but I do. How can I get my point across without her thinking I'm just looking for more drugs. I'm sorry, I didn't really reply to your question. I am just so happy to find this page where I can express my question............please forgive me for taking up your time.............I'm feeling desperate and don't know where to turn for good honest advise.
Please tell me how to order. Hope this is the same Dr. Jonny who ships from Michigan.
It is the FDA that changed formulations for several pain drugs. It was due to deaths from overuse of the traditional drugs.
I have endometriosis and fibrosis and extremely painful and long periods. I used to be able to get 10mg norco with no problem. Now...it was easier getting into law school. They make me feel like a drug addict. I have this problem long before it was an epidemic. It's just not right. They all just judge you. The pharmacist the doctor, all of them. When I run out and have to wait cause of a stupid pain contract it's the worse day of my life. It's so not fair. Even going to the ER violates the contract. So I just suffer. I suffer in pain because people are drug addicts and misusing the medicine. I have a well documented condition. They won't give me a hysterectomy because I'm too young and will want kids but I have never wanted kids!! It's literally against the law until I'm 35 in every single state. And get this. If you're married, your husband has to give consent, if you're single, your father has to! Umm women's rights movement!?!? My body my choice. So yeah I suffer and I hate the crack heads that put us in this position.
We all feel your pain my friend!!
I feel empathy for your problem. I took zohydro er for a year. But, it cost over $600 a month, and even with the $250 off coupon, I couldn't afford it. I am behind with all my bills. My credit is ruined. My doctor put me on the oxycontin when I told him I couldn't afford the zohydro anymore. I have been sick all month. I thought it was because of the medication difference, you know, going from a hydrocodone to an oxycodone. But, from all you have to say, it seems I have walked into a bad drug. And these cost $400.00 and have no coupon! WOW! I was better off before. He will make me wait before I change again. The insurance company will pay eventually, if I try all the other options. I have tried methadone. That was a disaster. That stuff was so strong. I fell and hurt myself pretty badly. This will be my third medication. I was on a percocete/tramodol compound, but it was dangerous to take with the antidepressant I take, and now I have a medium/strong palsy in my right hand/arm when resting it. Great, huh? I also take a strong medication for nerve damage. It makes my legs swell badly, but it's better than the alternative. It gets scary sometimes, tho., because my left leg is prone to swelling anyway, so it swells 3x to 4x it's normal size. Needless to say, I take aspirin and wrap it up. I wear a compression stocking on the left leg during the daytime if I am out of bed. I invested in a 4 inch foam mattress pad that I found in the Fingerhut catalog. (Not the memory foam. Regular foam.) I feel like I spend my life in bed, so I might as well make it comfortable. The good thing about the gabopenton is that it makes me drowsy. I sleep like a baby when I take it. If I have to drive during the day and someone rides my bumper, I roll the window down and hang my head out the window and play music really loud to stay alert. I hate that you are also having problems. It shouldn't be like this. I put in my years as a special education teacher and was looking forward to retirement. I waited for my severe children to graduate before I retired so I knew they would be well taken care of and would be in good post graduate work programs. Too bad I couldn't do the same for myself.
I preferred the regular ones as opposed to the new ones, they're crap. Luckily I still have several of the old ones since I had my fusion. If the numbness ever goes away, which I imagine it will, I will probably have to start taking them again. But in the mean time I get to enjoy not being in as much pain. If anyone knows about numbness with back fusion let me know. {edited for privacy}
I live in Kentucky. When I fill my Oxycontin prescription they keep giving me OP, but I don't want them. Does anyone know if I can get the ones that say OC and if so, what pharmacy do I need to go to?
Re: Cruthis2 (# 15)
Amen my friend!! They don't give 2 f***s about what these new junks are doing to our bodies not to mention they work like s***, dont break all the way down and have doctor's convinced they're the absolute same and work identically! Smfh! All they care about is the money anyway so give us back wtf works for our pain!! We all don't abuse meds we're not all junked out on whatever opiate can find. The only ones suffering are the hard working, labor intense grunt workers for the man!!! If you want a job well done!? Get me my proper meds and it'll be done twice as good, as fast and absolutely more friendly! I'm not too friendly when I'm suffering from 4 knee surgeries. I have about 45% of my back that still functions and eventually I'll be in a damn wheel chair! But please, while I'm working my 80+hr week bridge foreman job, I need to be able to concentrate and do my job and fit and weld 100%. I can not do that if I'm dying there in pain! Please give us our meds that worked back, please!
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