Oxycontin Doseage


i have been taking pain pills since 1995. i live in tampa but work in nevada so i go btw two drs when im home or working. Well, i guess they are out of the blues here in nevada or the pharm messed up but ive been getting 3 generic oxys a day, which work GREAT for me, i was overtaking the roxies these actually i can take every 8 hours w great results. well, stupid old me decided to be honest and tell this old man dr in nevada about the error. now he says i can only take them twice a day, which results in me feeling like s**t 8 hours a day. my question is are ppl typically / ever / commonly given 3 oxys a day, meaning every 8 hours? this man and i are about to battle it out, because i refuse to live in pain and detoxes when there's no need, and i could have said nothing and was honest. besides, he just got all of my records since 1983, and will soon see i was getting 80mg oxys 3 times a day and fentanyl patches and oxyfast (god i miss doc alexander) so people, has anyone typically heard of this drug being given every 8 as opposed to every 12? i mean basically its the pharms fault for putting my tolerance back up, im feeling much better, and now the plan is suffering? oh no, i will fight him on this one.

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i had a friend getting OC 100 2 times aday after a car accident so ur doc should not have a problem with your script he is just being an old A-HOLE i hope you can resolve your problem and not have to live in pain for no reason

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thanks, ill be home soon anyways for good, and not heave to deal with these people who all think everyone is the earth is dying from pain meds. sorry, its the other way around, were dying without them after many many many years of use. Btw, i go to Dr Vandercar in Tamppa and want to find a new decent pain dr who isnt so on the methadone trip. he must be getting a kickback from them because thats all he wants to do is write me more and more methadone (which in my op is garbage, i only use it when i run out of the other) and i also suffer from SEVERE panic disorder and am tired of getting 3 .5's a day when i used to get the 2mg ones. Like i said, after 20 years of pill use, i think i know my body and what works. the name of a good understanding dr would be great. and i know crumley and thats not an option for me. thanks for any advice and answering the question.

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