Oxycontin Cr 40mg (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have PD with alot of broken bones. I have been taking Oxycontin for over 13 yrs. I am now taking Oxycontin CR 40 mg 4 X a day. I just had a refill and got the new type. With the old type I have had no problems. I started the new type this Thursday nite. I had a bad taste in my mouth shortly after I took it. On Friday I took my first dose with food still had bad taste and my vision got bured for about and hour or more. When I took my next dose I took it with water and the bad taste came and my eyes when bury again. I don't know what they changed but but something is right. Did they change all of the Oxycontin to this pill form?
4 Replies
Yes, all the time released tablets have been changed to this pill form.
The only difference between it and the original Oxycontin is that the new OP has been designed to help prevent abuse.
If someone tries to crush or chew it, it retains its time released properties.
Several people, however, have said they have problems with it and it does not work the same. I am not sure what is going on.
Have you tried to talk to your doctor or pharmacy?
I have been using Oxycontin for almost a year for VOMITING headaches due to cervical spine injuries and nerve damage suffered from an IED, (roadside bomb) in Iraq. After the first surgery and spinal fusion, C-5 to C-7 I had relief from my headaches and restored feeling to my hands and arms. 4 months after the surgery I was asked to volunteer for another tour, which, being a First Sergeant, I could not turn it down for a number of reasons. I convinced my surgeon I would take the utmost care and be alright. Well, after a couple of months of wearing all of the Army's protective equipment, nearly 60 lbs worth, my headaches soon returned. I eventually lost all strength and feeling in my hands and arms and the vomiting headaches returned. With 7 months down and 5 to go, I thought I could make it through, until one day my Commander (who did not like me to begin with) witnessed me dropping my coffee cup for the 3rd time. Needless to say the jig was up and I was forced to be seen by docs. Finally, after being medically evacuated out of Iraq in late August, I had my 2nd C-Spine surgery in February. I reagained strength to my hands and all, however the nerves were too far gone and the headaches I suffered from Feb 2009 until Feb 2010 were still there, now, to shorten this up, I am using 40 MG Oxycontin every 8 hours with 5MG Oxycodone IR for break through pain, not to mention the 8 other medications I am on for depression PTSD from my first tour and evrything else under the sun. If you knew the VA system, you would understand. I am simply tired of being a Pharmacuetical test dumby. At any rate, the last perscription I received seemed to be much different. I DID NOT get ANY relief from my headache and in a freak of an accident, I found what looked to be the entire pill in my stool. Is it that the pill did not break down at all? Is it coincidental? If anyone knows, please help me figure this out. If this is the knew way of enforcing drug laws, it is certainly coming at a price to those who need this medication to have any sort of quality of life.... Thank you for listening.
Yes, I talk with my DR.. After reading all the posting about the problems people have had. I am going to try to do without the Oxycontin SP 40 mg. I have started coming off my pain med's. I am going to see if i can make it with my PD meds. I hope I can do it with no problems because I live 500 miles from my DR,. Were I live the DR's are not up on Parkinsons. My DR. is up to date with the lates on PD. So I don't mind making the drive. It just make hard with the problems I am having. I have had 3 teeth brake a part and don't anymore to do that. I was shocked with I read about the problems with the teeth. With that and my eyes I think this is the next step.
Thank You,
Living One Step Below Heaven
I take oxycontin 40 mg 4 times a day with narc 10 325's for breakthrough pain. I just got my new refill and I'm having miild to moderate withdrawal symptoms taken in the same dose. Not only that but they are doing nothing for my pain. I have three distorted vertebrae and two discs in my back. The only difference that I can see is that these new ones say op instead of oc. Whats going on with my meds! If this is what I can expect from these new oxycontins I'm going to have my doctor pull me off of them and put me on something else for my cronic pain. Does any one have any ideas as to what I can change too.
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