Oxycontin All Night Party
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My man used oxycontin fairly responsibly up until the last 8 months. Now, when he gets his prescription filled, he stays up all night doing God-knows-what. The next morning, I've found things in places that make no sense. He breaks and loses things. Often, he continues to carry on this way for a few days and nights. If he sits down, his eyes close and he fades away, but his arms and legs continue to constantly move and reach for nothing visible. He's gone on this way for up to a week at a time, then he'll finally crash into a sleep that lasts for days, waking only to take his oxy. He doesn't seem to remember most of this. Can anyone tell me what's going on here? Is there anything I can do? He won't acknowledge a problem.

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Your guy friend is on a road to self destruction. I've been to rehab on my own terms for a month around people I love (family) who were and still are SUPPORTIVE and knew what I was dealing with after a life altering crash. I partially blame the hospital and docs I dealt with but I went the extra yard to keep taking the stuff. He needs to WANT to get better for HIMSELF and consider what he wants in life and that he can lose everything and everyone around him eventually unfortunately. I would intervene with a doc for one and as to lower his dosage gradually so he doesn't have such a rough time. I quit cold turkey after much oxy n a bit of heroin but it was hell for 2 weeks and every day got better and better slowly but surely. He also needs to get rid of friends and others he comes in contact with that do the same thing. I hope he wises up cause I lost a gf over my problem but made it right but too late. Hope he WANTS to get better or he is just a selfish bastard that doesn't deserve you.

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It sounds like your friend has developed a coke or meth habit. He may be trading pills for powder and then bienging for a few days. He most likely retains enough pills to get by. Combineing pain meds and speed (speed balling) is very dangerous, potentially deadly. From bienging to full blown addiction is a small step so he needs a intervention from people who love him. If that's not you, get the hell away from him before the meltdown starts.

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35 years ago, I was a BAD, BAD druggy. I OD 2 times on speed did heroin and any other drug I could get my hands on. I actually quit on my own after my liver got attacked by Hep A (Infectious) a few months later. After moving to the Islands, I realized that I was playing with fire and decided to quit permanently. To me, since the Hep A was more bothersome and painful than any kind of withdrawals, I managed to get through it on my own without the assistance of any Methadone. I am, in a way, very lucky. No drugs after that for several years. THEN, I got into a horrible car wreck years later and ended up on the table 3 times for broken neck & back repairs. After about spinal injections and “treatments”, I now have extensive back pain and irreparable nerve damage. This was the result from all of the surgeries. Back then I started taking 4 ~ 6 Hydrocodone 7.5 x 500 and eventually, after my body adjusted to those meds, I am now up to 2 x 80mg. Oxy's and 10 x 10/325 Norcos a day. Sad to say but this simply makes me normal and functional so I can get through the day. But, YES, I could actually function now. Several drug free years later, I had “lost” all of my meds after another car wreck but in that one, I was not hurt and fortunately a friend drove us home after we parked the car in a closed mini-mart nearby. Somebody broke into the wrecked car overnight and took all my pills. I thought that I would be OK until the FX of those pills, that I was on, wore out. Then the pain was so excruciating that I ended up in the emergency room to get a dose and some refills. The pain I experienced was FAR GREATER than that of an actual heroin withdrawal. This, I know for a FACT (IMHPO): The powers of Oxy’s are FAR GREATER than that of heroin. Since then, I make sure that I am always with and don't EVER run out. Concerning your hubby: Well, I really think that he is dosing himself to a stupor. Weather or not he is shooting it up or taking more that he should is what you are really asking. The FX of what he is doing is very euphoric, I know, but the result of such experimentations is not good at all. Usually: death. Take him to his doctor ASAP and quietly tell the doctor on your husband if you love him like I know that you do. He will most likely go through a detox program and gradually they will put him back on his meds...with restrictions. With your help and with these restrictions, he SHOULD move on to a better life. It's actually for his own good that you immediately do this for him. Good luck and I hope you guys see yourselves through this.

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*when i mean wont feel a thing i mean they wont feel pain~
what i think your hubby could be doing is loading it in syringes!

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well the oxycontin is a time released high dose pain med (very strong) that gets absorbed in the body throughout the day..well on the street ppl will chew it, crush it and snort it, or crush add liquid and inject to basically get high and u wont feel a thing... this could be a overdose thing happening to him but other than that i have no clue~~
best of luck with him :)

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