Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 4)
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switching back to original form

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the 30 mg. is for break through pain( roxcicodone) taken every 6 hours.
they help more than the 80 mg. now they have me on 2 50mg. ms cotin because of the price of the oxyicotin cost so much more than the oxy, 80 mg. $45.00 FOR MS. C0TIN. OR OVER 500.. DOLLARS FOR THE MS. COTIN BEFORE I HAD

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Your post is so wrong. The op 40mg purdue pharma was forced to put junk in their pills so drug addicts could not abuse it, and they are now so hard I had one pass right through me - and I'm not the only one it happened to. Purdue pharma lied about the 40mg and 80mg lasting 12 hours just to make billions and they did. Companies did trials and proved it was a lie. I did a test: I put HOT WATER in a glass and dropped a 40mg in it the hot water got warm and the pill did not melt so I put more HOT WATER in and still did not melt. I have been through 6 failed lower back operations with damaged nerves, scar tissue on nerve 5, deteriorated disc in upper back, 3 severe multiple bone spurs, and I have another bulging disc at the L3 level under my cages, and 2 bulging discs in my neck, and I need both my knees replaced. And those 40mg do not work. Purdue pharma even said they know that there 40mg do not work good at all and said they're going to file a class action lawsuit to go back to the OC.

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U r so right just a bunch of script junkies who make a living off them anyway.who do they thinkbthey r kidding doctors wouldnt perscrib them and pharms .wouldnt make them if they did not work get a life and a job and quit livin off drug money

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Caggor if you're in America the Sandoz generic 80mg are made by Perdue for Sandoz and it's the exact same crappy pill as the brand name. The only difference is the price.
If you're in Australia the Sandoz generic 80mg are made by Sandoz are comparable to the quality of the original OC Oxycontin

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I have suffered many years with chronic pain from severe neuropathy ,fibromyalgia R.L.S two transplants ,shingles that left with more nerve damage except this was in my face ,I go through 3x a week painful dialysis treatments ,and yet with all the doctors I have including Palliative care doctors ,I can not seem to get through to anyone how awful I have been since they changed Oxycontin .I am just a shell of a person I used to be .I just got home from my pain specialists at Palliative care and informed them that I was giving up and making plans to stop dialysis because I just have absolutely no quality of life anymore . I came home to write this and came across this information about generic Oxycontin 80' s being the same as the original formula .Is this true ? I hope it is but I would appreciate anymore information ,with gods speed .Thanks !

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after 5 failed back operations and 2 neck operations along with 3 surgeries on my r. arm the new oxycoinn does nor work. will the will they ever bring back the original oc's?

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If you're only taking 30 Mg a day you shouldn't need three 8mg subs if that's what you were taking.

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6 mos clean and doing great. Thx to suboxone

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Cmon dude that is one of the biggest BS stories I have heard. The dissolve eventually I mean you are crazy.

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I had 6 failed lower back operations damage nerve scar tissue on nerve 5 deterioration disc upper back 3 severe multiple bone spurs 3 failed knee operations got another bulging disc under my cages in my lower back 2 bulging disc in my neck. And I been on so any different pain meds and the 40mg oxycontin SUCK they take way to long to work and only last 6 hours and I'm on 15mg oxycodone those op 40mg one came out in my stool still round but turn white. They have put to much JUNK in the 40s that they do not work good

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How much is a script for 60 80 mg. Generic oxi's @ Walgreen's?

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How much is a script of 60 generic 80 mg. At Walgreen's?

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You have to ask for generic oc 80s at walgreens. Noone believes me think im wasting mu f'"!:ing breath, been getting since 2011

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They look like thin orange colored rectangles in a blue plastic wrapper. As thin as paper and about and inch long and half an inch wide. The suboxone sublingual films are best cuz cant be tampered with and can easily be segmentized and are 1.5 times stronger than pills (which crumble)

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Exactly what do Suboxonevstrips look like?

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Where can u find the 80oc is Walgreen only place that has them

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Thank you phoenix. Today is day 120 off the s***. Its a huge accomplishment just tapering. The docs who prescribe suboxone to you are fine with you being on it for a year. But thats completely up to you. Im 33...its never too late. Im proud of you and remember to nix all the people who dont have your back...make sure you dont have debt with anyone in the game and get new or more hobbies. Hate to be that guy...but exercising helps. If u can go down to nothing in 20 days and u feel normal again after 30 days since first taking subs you will feel great. If u dont wanna stick to a regimen...just take as needed and at this point wait 2...even 3 days if you can before taking more (very little...then wait i hours before you tale more). The torture is worth it. Methadone still allows you to be drug seeking. Suboxone has cured an 18 yr addiction and i will never look back. Getting over the flu as i type and it reminds me of withdrawal and is a huge reminder.

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Hey thanks for your post. I too started in 92 with opiates, but currently im attempting to detox off of Suboxone. Im on day 5 today and am miserable. Silly me thinking it'd be the worst would be over in 3 days. Your post made me realize I don't have to suffer, having plenty on standby. That taking a half of a half on day 5 is an achievement. I didn't realize Suboxone stays in your receptors longer. I found kicking methadone even was easier than this! But thanks brother, and congratulations on your clean time and crawling out of the hole. Im 40 and started when I was 21. You were very young at 14. Bless you bro...

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You can still get original formula

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The New oc80 r not like the old one it all week week week

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