Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 3)
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switching back to original form

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Agreed, I had a back surgery and still in a ton of pain. Without Oxy I would not be able to work or do anything

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Thank you for your service but seriously man you need to find a new doctor. I feel sorry for you and hope you find relief soon.

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Are the originals actually available in the US again? I am confused.

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The originals are back! The ops are being taken off due to long term side effects so the original oxycontin 80mg Round BLUE /GREENISH COLOR ARE BACK

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Came across some today. They taste terrible. They just made them so nasty you don't want to use them.

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This is exactly as I feel. I don't like to feel high! I switched to ms contin for believe it or not they give more pain relief without so much feeling sick to your stomach as new formulation of Oxicontin, made me feel. I actually felt normal again with the original oxicontin! I got out of bed and people around me thought I was well again, as I also was able to go back to work!I cannot function as well on ms contin, therefore most days I end up back on my bed. That never happened on the original oxycontin! One thing I liked about the original oxy is it didn't make me feel tired as all other er medications do. At this point Opana is ruined too...no relief of pain & I went through withdrawal symptoms the month I tried them. I had tried them before they changed, but felt that tiredness in my head. I don't like to feel or look dopey. I never wanted to be on pain meds & tried all else for many years! I would love to work again besides selling on ebay, but that's all i can do from my bed because although pain is relieved they keep me tired. I miss the quality of my life on the original oxy. Makes me angry people had to abuse such a serious medication, which helps people who really needed it for serious medical issues. The one medicine which let me feel myself again with no side effects but gave pain relief enough to work & feel a functional person in society. I pray one day the world stops catering to people who abuse meds & put seriously ill patients on top of priorities....

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Walgreens always are ******s and look at u like ur doin something wrong filling ur script. And they do not have oc anywhere, only op. There's no generic.

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You think Dr's and pharmacies actually care if the meds work or not. It's all about money to them. The way you talk you've never had chronic pain or never had to take BS meds to try to relieve it. You should really keep your mouth shut if you don't have a clue what yours talking about. It's highly offensive to the rest of us that do have to live with it.

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Still be grateful, i was shot twice in iraq defending the country and now need a four disc spinal fusion and the doctor even took my tramadol away....i take over daily dose of tylenol and asprin a day and still stuck crying in my bed 23 hours a day

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LOVED YOUR POST, MARY RICHARDS (or is it Chuckles the Clown).... LOL!!!

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Isn't it illegal to fill an out of country script? If it's not it should be!

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I agree that you shouldn't have to live in pain. Oxy isn't the only form of medical relief there are other forms of pain meds that work just as well. I was attacking you my friend I wish the OC where still around for my dad's sake and ppl like him. Now let's be honest a was in the illegal OC Game for over 10 years I only knew maybe 10 ppl who actually needed 5 to 6 80s a day. I respect you and I hope to god you get some relief soon. 1 love

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Do the 80 OC at walgreens still have the stuff they put in the new oxy,because I had to switch ,they were killing my stomach ,with no pain relief ,I don't get much pain relief with what I take now ,but at least I don't have stomach pain also

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Why do you believe it was the worst invention ,when it was helping your father and hundreds of thousands of people around the world with their suffering .When people like you say things like that it really makes me angry .I would not want to give my worst enemy the pain I live with ,but I would like to give it to some people for a week and see how wonderful the quality of thier life is for that one week.I am lucky enough that I have the choice of stopping dialysis to end my suffering .I have already started the palliative care process ,but my family are begging me not to go through with it .I never thought at 54 years old I would give up but how much suffering should one do .I have no quality of life since the medication was changed .I did not know anything about the change until I filled my script and all in one week I was getting litttle to no pain relief and even brought them back to the pharmacy to make sure there was not a mistake and that's when I was told .The next month I went to the pharmacy at the hospital and they asked me if I would not mind if they gave me some of the original oxy they still had in stock .They gave me 14 of them that was the last seven days I had without pain 5 years ago . Since then I have worked with pain specialists and have tried every pain medication available most being up to 10 x stronger than Oxycontin ,iam no scientist but I do not know why oxy worked forme .I was entirely a different person than I am now i used to have energy and able to push myself to the limit now I spend most days in bed except for going to dialysis .Sorry to be so long ,but Please think more carefully before making statements like that .i am sorry there are addicts but they chose it ,I did not but we are all paying for thier mistakes.

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My dad is also 3 or 4 a day for 20 yrs now and he says the same thing 3xtimes the amount to feel relief!

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You can get the OC 80S still, not hard, go to Walgreens if you get a script and ask for generic brand. Takes 4-7 days but old ones

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Walgreens sucks!!! Dr. d*** in savannah will not fill any prescripts that has been written out of the county. Total legal script. I will not go through Walgreens ever again. They look at you as if you are a junkie. I pulled my shirt up and showed him my surgical scars on my back and neck. His reply, I do not care, I will not fill them.

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Did you by any chance also suck out some stomach acids from your innards to see if it dissolved? I don't doubt you when you say one might pass through now and then but the design is based on direct chemistry of the stomach acids reacting with the coating on the pill...any antacid will cause the chemistry to alter and without stomach acid at average strength the coating remains in gel form. Best results with these extreme coatings happen when the pill is washed down with lemonade or taken with any food that increases the acid in your gut. So something you either ate or drank reduced the acids and all the water in the world will simply cause the protective coatings to gel up... that's the point..so you don't abuse it.. some coatings will increase in hardness in absence of acid and some gel up... water is the catylist that sets off the protection..acid breaks through.

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My dad has been on 3 80s a day for over 15 yrs and he says he has to eat 3 to even touch the pain. When he had the OC 1 would last him till dinner. I understand the reasons this happened. I myself fell victim to the Oxy epidemic for over 10 yrs. During those years I made many friends with cancer patients and disabled vets and I feel bad they can't get the relief they need. All because of a bored generation. I honestly believe Oxycontin is the worst human invention besides the atomic bomb.

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If your on subs your not really clean. But congrats

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