Oxycontin 80mg Op Are Going Back To Oc (Page 13)
Updatedswitching back to original form
I really like the oc better than the op 80s. I have been on them for years myself and they changed them around April 2010 to the op ones and the oc to me are a lot stronger and better in my opinion.
Re: Blackie (# 231)
Pharmacy don’t just add some extra pills for compensation. So I’m either slow or you’re talking about ...never mind to each his own good luck. ??
Re: Ana steveyologist (# 235)
Be nice. They thot they did have a clue lol - Till they were corrected.
Re: Blackie (# 231)
post a pic, I was prescribed 80's for 2 yrs.. I can tell u
Is oxycontin going back two of the original OC formula because the op is making me sick and from what I'm hearing I'm not the only one it's making sick I take the medication for legitimate purposes
I've been shot a few times during the war and I don't have too many alternatives medication wise
This is NOT going to happen in the UNITED STATES. In fact if anything they will change the formula AGAIN, and will make it even worse. Do that the people affected by the anti abuse binders, get even sicker from them. The US has a such a war going on against drugs, OxyContin in particular that several cities here r suing Purdue for lying about them being less addictive. Turns out that was a big fat lie and Purdue knew it! So ah, I wouldn't hold my breath or make any bets. Way to go Purdue.
Re: Postal canary (# 246)
You're exactly right! I got to a point that I couldn't take the 60mg or 80mg any longer because the stomach pain it caused was unbearable after years of use... Plus you're lucky if they worked for 8 hours and a lot of times only lasted 6 hours giving you any tolerance towards your pain whatsoever! I'm so sick and tired of being a suffering victim of an out of control over reaching government. We are the true victims of the lost and futile war on drugs. It's just like our government to victimize a severely injured person a second time with more failed policies, make the victim the perpetrators and then act as if nothing has happened... Business as usual for the American government! The pharmaceutical companies have basically ruined all types of narcotics with the government's help using our tax dollars and big incentives for those who participate in their one size fits all socialist attack on innocent suffering Americans! Almost nothing narcotic works as it did years ago from analgesics, sedatives, stimulants and etc...
Look at all the various threads here on Medschat.com about any type of narcotic medications and you'll see one thing in common, nothing works like it use to! The drug addicts aren't getting high, but people with various conditions are needlessly suffering because of the sheer lunacy of the government's complete overreach into the lives of people who have done nothing wrong! People with legitimate needs for narcotic analgesics, sedatives, ADD meds, ADAD meds and so on have been reduced to 3rd class citizens in their own country! Shame on these looney politicians! Don't go after bad doctors or drug addicts who both break the law, go after legitimate patients and make them suffer and pay for the government's inability to control anything! Welcome to America, where the innocent will always pay for the sheer ignorance of the government!
Re: John (# 241)
Yeah the oc I could swallow op formula bottoms out in my stomach so nobody knows when they're going to switch back to the old formula because I'm Not The Only One it makes sick
Re: Oxycontin right shoulder guy (# 233)
Nobody gives a s*** about your religion or your beliefs. People are going to do what they're going to do. This dumba** war on opiates is going to lose just like the war on drugs has been losing and always will since the 80's.
Re: Never no way (# 28)
Let me tell you something. You're on here complaining just like all "junkies". Guess how I became a junkie? My family doctor prescribed me a wonder drug with a twenty percent chance of becoming dependent on it; as you are now obviously or you wouldn't be on this chat site. And just so you know there is still the same amount of pain medication being released in the same time frame as the original Wonder drug. So stop your b****ing about us "junkies" because I can promise you that a great many of us, myself included, had no idea that by a doctor prescribing us something to stop the pain we were or could still be in from happening would change my life forever. Trust me I would have rode out the pain. But you see now whether you believe it or not I have been given a disease called addiction that I'll have to battle the rest of my life just like you.
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