Oxycontin 80mg Green Tab (Page 2)
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I came across some green pills that look like OC 80's but they are imprinted with APO on one side and OCD 80 on the other. Can someone please tell me what they might be?

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@discordcandy I think you sre talking about the Ratio brand patches, those are the ones I get and the brand everyone I've met prefers. I don't know about other places but a lot of pharmacies (mine included) are having patients return the used patches because people are smoking them. By the way, my best friend lives in Toronto but I've never been myself

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I can't believe how the friekin drug addicts ruined my life for so long.I had my pain somewhat controlled for a few years on oxycontin and because the bloody druggies were abusing it I had to suffer to the point of almost taking my own life. Now Apo - oxycontin is being made available my doctor perscribed a couple of pills to me and they took my pain away which I haven't felt for a year and a half. OXYNEO don't work. Now I can't get the new apo oxycontin as they are not covered by government drug plan even though they are a third of the price. THANKS to the low life drug addicts for taking away what life I had.

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i got an instant response from the Canada Vigilance Program and they want all the research i did confirming the BHT ingredient. Ironically i received a call right after from Purdue whom said they would forward my legitimate claim to my doctor along with the choking issue on the oxyneo. Suprisingly they seem to be quite unsuprised when i told them i reported the BHT to Health Canada. Like i told them even small amounts of BHT are toxic and get hung up in your organs .He agreed then i said its pretty cold here in Eastern Canada does that mean its ok to consume a little antifreeze to warm up ha ha he got my point. Its time for the Neos to go back on the car tires where they belong.

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@Rdag I'm in toronto seeking fentanyl.. the ones where the plastic melts so that you can take it off when its burned. i can't remember what theyre called. if you have any/are ever in toronto i'd definitely be willing to take em off your hands...

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That s right the Pharmacy Jean Coutu here in NB caused such an uproar about the APO CR to my Doctor he switched me back to the BHT OxyNoes once my private insurance ran out . Only thing is they are 80mg and at least twice they geld up in my throat and i near choked. I will be demanding to get placed back on my 40 mg tabs which are not much better still filled with BHT but i could swallow them. The APO generic lasted longer no sweating bloating itching headaches and much more.These wonder drugs are filled with BHT which my Dr informed me is only outlawed in food products within Canada funny the Government allows this a pass in Medicine which is still ingested and exposed to a persons organs.

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Put your name on a list with Health Care Connect.....311 can give u the # U list ur meds u get or need and your health issues n u will get docs info sent to u. I found a great doc . Also there is a study going on re oxy's . Clinic is at Markham Rd just N of Ellesmere. Pain study n they pay u $50 each week to write a daily diary n pay for ur meds. Located NW on Markham Rd. Can't remember the name. Also Mount Siani (?) Hospital has a walkin pain clinic u can start there till they send u t a permanent doc. Good luck

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If you ask your doctor for Pregabalin They are amazing along side the Oxycontin. Lyrica is another name for them but Disability covers this generic brand. I've been on pain management for years for a severe deteriorating disc disease and fibromyalgia. I asked for them after seeing the change in a friend. Its amazing when takin with your reg dose. I'm only taking 3x40's n 2perks for breakthru pain. It is so worth trying. Good luck. As for increased doses.....so many docs are leery (with reason) but u can ask for a pain study to be done. The specialist there wrote my doc directing him to double my dose. The clinic is on Markham Rd just north of Ellesmere on the NW corner. Big clinic. Hope this info helps

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@DannyD, I personally don't think anyone is on here to score stuff, and if they are, that's not a smart decision. Its a discussion forum, not a place to get stuff online.

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{removed for policy reasons}

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Rdag ive been reading your posts, sounds good. My doctor told me he was having too much problems writting the pain meds, and he told me to find a new doctor or go on methadone and i refuse too. So could you give me some doctor's names please.

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I've had the Teva-Oxycodone CR 40's and the PMS-Oxycodone CR 60's, all generic forms are paid for by gov insurance in Quebec. The government of ontario is freaking out more than the american government did when they came up with the OP....yet australians and the UK (the UK is junky-central) still have regular OC's. Anyways, both of these generics were good.

It's much easier to be scripted Supeudol/Oxy IR's. The 20mg ones (strongest) 2 to 3 times a day covers my incredibly fkd left tmj disorder and compressed/damaged nerves near them. After years of my neurologist scripting me bulls*** like topamax and trileptal for my pain issues he finally gave me generic 40mg tevas without me even asking, here in quebec if there is a generic they will usually go straight for it, he just wrote Oxycodone CR 40 on my first script and 60 on my second which is why I got to try 2 brands. Qc government won't pay (completely) for the Neos, lol.

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U obviously haven't tried getting off them u think your in pain now wait till u stop taking them then tell jay he doesn't no what he is talking about

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I'm interested in finding those patches.....lol.....Any interest in talking??? LOL

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You know all this ignorance of "junkies" is horrible if the people were not selling their prescriptions than there would be no issue of addicts so instead of dumping on addicts why don't u dump on the people who are pretending to be sick and need theses and turning around selling them .they are the real PROBLEM!!!

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Just like it would be to hang 1 innocent person to make sure you get the other guilty people. Nobody should be denied this med if it works best for your pain, addicts will just and always do find another drug to get high on. Hydromorph Contin and Opana are just as abuseable so why are they available? I hope you never have bad pain where you want to die and somebody says no you have to suffer because it is not available because others abuse it. The are over 20 different drugs that have oxycodone in them, plenty of alternatives for the abusers to choose from.

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The Apotex or "APO" tablets seem to be the best or strongest for pain relief out of the three brands I've tried thus far. I've yet to try the "riva" or the "sandoz" brands yet.

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The green tablets you have are the generic oxycodone controlled released 80mg tabs by Apotex pharma. The new generic "OxyContin".

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Hi InPainInWindsor, I was wondering, I'm on the 40 mg APO oxcodone, among my other meds. Apo is the only one I have tried, after the ox neos of course (so glad Perdue's patent expired, hated them and paying DOUBLE for them! You mentioned you'd tried a few of the generics, which in your opinion, did you prefer the most?

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thank you!! i called my reg pharmacy i always speak with the same person she said they would order them for me as long as i pay for them i will until i am accepted or denied the odsp eap!!

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Oh, forgot to mention, for public relations purposes most big name dispensaries will not confirm over the phone that they will order of dispense the new generics, for obvious reasons (I too called Costco and Shoppers before my first script of the new generics and they all denied but continue reading); once or If your dr prescribes you it and present you prescription they WILL IT, EVERYTIME but phone calls or even in general in-person inquiries will be told that generic extended or controlled release oxy scripts won't be filled.

All you need to do is have your dr fax your script over there or bring it in with you (whatever your dr normally does) and VOILLA, YOU'LL HAVE YOUR MEDS, 10000000% guaranteed! It's an appearence thing, or like I said a PR thing. The last thing they need is a headline in a local or national paper saying "Shopper's Enables Oxy Addicts" or something like that ... C'mon people, you're smarter than this...

Again, happy shopping and please use your medication responsibly and don't over do it, death is much worse than a little withdrawal or pain right ;)


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