Oxycontin 80mg Green Tab
UpdatedI came across some green pills that look like OC 80's but they are imprinted with APO on one side and OCD 80 on the other. Can someone please tell me what they might be?
I have tha same ones. I heard there generic oxy contin 80mg. Not sure I would like to know aswel.
From what I could gather, this pill is in fact confirmed to be controlled release Oxycodone/Oxycontin (80mg). The paragraph quoted below describes it in more detail:
"APO-OXYCODONE CR 80 mg: Each tablet contains 80 mg oxycodone hydrochloride. Green, round, biconvex film-coated tablets, engraved “APO†on one side, “OCD†over “80†on the other side. Available in bottles of 50 and 100 tablets."
Manufacturer: Apotex, Canada
DIN: 02366789
Ref: webprod5.hc-sc.gc.ca/dpd-bdpp/info.do?code=85161&lang=eng
I hope this helps!
Yes they are generic oxycontin. Purdue's patent expired on the original oxycontin formula. Health Canada granted permission to 6 pharmaceutical companies to begin making them available to patients that prefer an alternative to Purdue's "tamper proof" OxyNeo. APO OCD 80's are basically old oxycontin tablets. Let's just hope that addicts and junkies leave them alone so that patients with real needs do not get punished by Health Canada pulling them off the shelves. They are a much cheaper alternative to oxyneo...so to many patients without Blue Cross or some type of health insurance this is a true blessing. Hope this answers some questions for you. Cheers!
Are these pills available on pharmacy shelves now? Cause I have called them and they say that they have nothing on there system showing that they are available. I'm in Toronto perhaps you are in another area than me? Also, has there been any prices quoted for these meds? Thanks in advance to any1 who replys.
I recently had the APO Oxycodone prescribed to me and it was around $50 for 30 of them. I like the new APO ones as they relieve the pain from my car accident 1 1/2 years ago that I am suffering. I am always looking to get more as my doctor never gives me enough for fear of addiction. I am a very strong willed person and never have been addicted. I use what I need and take breaks when I feel my tolerance go up. If anyone on these sites can point me in the right direction to keep my pain away. Drop a line on here for me.
you need to talk to your doctor, dont call the pharmacy, they were approved on Nov 27 2012 so you should have no problem getting them with the proper prescription.
"Let's hope the Junkie's leave them alone."
LOL -- I can tell you the Junkies can't be happier that there back. I hope your in pain, cause more people's lives are ruined by this drug then people's crippling pain is solved. And I hate to tell you, your probably addicted as well and if you think your solving you pain problem by masking it with this drug your wrong.
The green pills you are talking about are absolutely 100% the new generic OxyContin that were just recently released. As far as I know the Neo's and the new generics will both be sticking around but the new generic ones are not covered by medical benefits as far as I know
Yes they are available. Maybe some pharmacy's are receiving them at different times (I'm not sure) but I live in Newmarket and they're available in every pharmacy here!!
You can get them off the street but there about 50$ each
So Jay what are you suggesting, people suffer through pain because you personally beleive pain pills are bad? ...well you obviously don't know anyone that have suffered extreme pain so you can't comment on the subject, ponder the thought of people who have no other fate but death, and just want to live out the remainder of theyre life in peace...
lots of things ruin peoples lives even if somone abuses pain pills, most people abuse or take for granted most things/substances around them, its human nature to be glutonous pigs, who doesnt enjoy a peice of chocolate cake?
what you and most others around fail to realize that the cost of the drug on the street is what overwhelmingly contributes to the ruining of peoples lives, is not so much the actuall addiction!, but instead the financial strain afflicted upon individuals, not to mention the lack of addiction and recovery serveces available for the public, marijuanna is another story all together, but its the same idea anyways, you stick to youre ancient chinese medicine/therapy and allow the health and science experts around the world how to determine what is accepted as cutting edge pain management...
btw the neo's are the ones that are'nt covered by social drug plans, i dont think the generics are either but the generics are cheaper out of pocket anyway...
Where do you guys live that you're seeing these? I live in southern ontario and haven't seen any.
I live in windsor ON and was just presribes the 80s and 40s. I have no insurance so thank goodness for these much cheaper than the oxy neos. I paid $73 for 42 pills of 40 mg. you have to ask your dr about them, they are being very hush-hush about them. I am the first and only patient of my drs to be on them and it took a lot of convincing
Yeah I seen that people in windsor are gonna have a really hard time getting them, but how did you only get 42 40's? Was your doctor only doing a partial script? But that's good that you were able to get them. I'm in waterloo region and haven't heard of any doctors writing scripts for the generics
rdag could you shed some light on a comparison of the cost of a neo to a generic thnx
They're half the price, roughly. L
BBB-yes it was a partial script, he was reluctant to give them to me so he actually initially said he would give me a week at a time. The pharmacy only had the 80 mg available, so he gave me 6 of those and the next day 42 of the 40s. I am sooooo happy, I hate those damn oxy neos and have spent a small fortune paying for them. I'm a student and currently unemployed, and I just maxxed out my university coverage ($2000). A two week supply of oxy neos were $150. I paid $23 for the 6 80 mg and $73 for the 42 40 mg. Actually, my bf paid thank goodness because I didn't have the money. I have no idea what they are going for on the street but I'm thinking 50$ for 80 mg and probably around 25-30$ for the 40s, because they will be so hard to get.
The pharmacy I go to is extremely reasonable they know I am struggling financially. I was waiting for the oxycontin to come back because I knew the patent had expired in 2013. I'm very happy with them, and my doctor is a saint. I asked him if he had prescribed them to anyone yet, he said no. So I am his only patient, but I guarantee most people aren't aware they are back.
Well that's good that your doctor was reasonable with you to atleast write partial scripts. I don't think anyone I know has been able to convince their doctors to switch them back to the old formula. Plus, I couldn't imagine being on the neos. I hear all over that they only cause stomach problems. I used to buy the old ones cuz I can't get a script, due to seizures, but its the only thing that help with my back problems.
Only a handful of pharmacy can have them I get my 80 mg at Recall call around those in your area there called oxycodone not contin
Most Recent Replies:
I have a friend that is prescribed 80mg apo oxys. Usually when broke in half they are white in the middle. She has just picked some up n they are a darker green ..have 80 on ine side n apo on the other. When broke in two they are dark green inside too. Are they real 80mg oxy apo pain meds?
I live is Oshawa they are generic oxycontins just like the the original one's perdue use to make.I've been taking them for over a year thank god the oxyneos didn't work as well caused stomach problems and way over priced the APO are half the price of the oxyneo also..
Well I'm not sure if your aware ' but prior to these Canadian company's coming thru with a generic ' we were stuck PAYING for oxy neo AMERICAN. Company paying outrageous cost for those meds ( oxyneo ) so thank god Canadian pharmaceutical company's took control ' you can't judge people with chronic pain due to junkies ' like junkies abuse cough syrup anything they can get their hands on ' so we should suffer paying AMERICAN company's prices triple cost by the way becuz they designed a pill that was tamper proof ? Oh but let me say the junkies also found a way to manipulate those as well and our Canadian government still to this day cover only the oxyneo and hand our money to the states ! 3 times the cost of Canadian company's Generic ! Pathetic
They type my diagnosis on the bottom right hand corner of a computer generated script, that's how I get no bulls*** from anyone anymore for OxyContin 80. Plus staying with the same pharmacy since 96 helps so your not labeled a pill chaser, they know everything and that works for me.
I'm going out on a limb to say you aren't suffering from chronic intractable pain and most likely don't know anyone who is, because if you did you wouldn't be popping off with such ignorant remarks. Yes addicts abuse Oxycontin but you will find they don't take it orally because they don't feel the high they are chasing. No, people suffering from chronic pain are not addicted they may be dependent on it for pain relief but they are not addicted. Maybe if you did a little research you would know the difference and the difference is day and night. I have been taking it for chronic pain for years at the same dose. It has plain and simple been a life saver. Instead of laying in bed all day day in and day out I now can participate in life. It is a tool to control pain and it's ignorant people and drug addicts that ruin it for honest pain patients that take what they are supposed to with out any problems. But your ignorance and drug addicts abusing it cause such problems that its being taken away from decent people that truly need it. Causing them to be bed ridden in pain out of control taking them from living normally back to being dependent on their families again because they can't get out bed. Suffering in agony or worse they have killed themselves because they can't stand the pain anymore and being such a burden to their families again after having pain relief after being able to participate in life again. So before you spout off like you know how it all works maybe talk to someone who knows first hand. Spreading incorrect info like that is what has caused such a big problem for people that don't deserve being treated so poorly.
If that's true about a walk in pain clinic helping a new resident with appropriate meds until they find you a dr., thats the best s*** since sliced bread as long as they assess your needs from your paper trail properly. Anyone else see the post I'm replying too realize how helpful that be just arrived from outa provience or town
What a great thread; keep it coming folks.
First off, I want to say that the people who have never lived/worked with long-term-pain, will never understand what is being said here, and that the desperation being described here, and in relation to, has to do with the relief of that pain (in the short term) and NOT with getting "HIGH".
Getting HIGH, as described by those who do NOT live/work with long-term-pain is what is causing the confusion and marginalization in the system. Marginalizing those who DO live/work with long-term-pain. The short term relief of their condition and its associated euphoria is NOT "getting high". In fact, it is only the condition of reaching a state of normality. Even if for only a very short interval.
It's 2015 folks (doctors/system), and "Pain Management" is the buzz phrase that will get you started down the right track. (stoners be damned)
Is it addictive? Am I addicted? Yes, I am!
I'm addicted to the pain relief that I get and being/working/living, in a state of normality. Is this addiction? I think it IS, but it should be regarded as the kind of addiction that is recognised, by doctors and the system, as not only being acceptable, but encouraged, as a way to manage life injuries in order to return these people to activity AND as being productive members of our society.
I am one of these people (the latter) that has an MRI confirming the need for such.
So, why do I also get the run-around? Politics; it's all about the politics of the "drugs"; However, WE, should be shielded from this BS by our physicians.
THAT IS THEIR JOB. To determine that we are legitimate (for the system, on our behalf) and then, to give me the G-Damn script.
Rant switch OFF,
Some good info here, and I'd like to continue,
I hold down a 12hr a day job and a 6-fig salary.
I've run the gambit of hypnotics, nortriptyline for example,
TRY IT, and similar (it may work for you) I got GREAT pain relief with it, however, even after giving it a chance (2-months) it still messed with my brain, mood-swings, hot-flashes (NEVER drink alcohol with any hypnotic-EVER) happiness is dependent on dosage. Not for me, but as with everyone living with long-term-pain; you have to try it for yourself, and then say yay or nay.
OXY, no sides, and not high.
I work all day/night, 12-18hr shifts. I push through, every day. Clean, nothing.
I get home, OXY, I get a "break" from the pain, the suffering, I can sleep. Then I get up and FIGHT, all day.
No OXY, no break, from the pain and suffering. Nothing else works for me. Like a toothache that has no ending; EVER. Day after day, after day. It will drive you mad.
I told my doc, the day you stop the oxy, is the day you sign my long-tern dis-papers.
this is so sad and the town your in has nothiung to do with size its the physicians workinng in it they care about themselves moreso than the patients if i were you i would see a pain specialist pain doctor as they will in fact give you what you require and se la vi to the smalltown physicians
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