Oxycontin 80 Mg Op Abuse Deterrent (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Oxycontin 80 mg op, will this new formula deter intravenous usage?

126 Replies (7 Pages)

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I have a great idea, Stop buying oxicontion period, Its time to send reprecusions back at Purdue and the goverment, Stop buying the product period, I'm sure 70% of business for oxicontin come from abusers, If we stop or refuse too buy the op's period, It will hit purdue like a ton of bricks, I also have another tip for investors, Short purdue stock if they are on the stock exchange because revenues are about to get slammed, I doubt purdue is going to keep this product on the market if it dont sell, We will see soon enouf. Me I personally am stock pilling now, We have plenty of Big city stores that are taking increase of shelf prices while they can get them, So if you got a trustable city store im sure your local pharma will except an offer with the prescripion i n hand. If there is a will there is a way to get things done.

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You know what is really sad? The government is pushing so hard to get these medications eradicated (because of a few bad apples who can't control themselves), and they haven't taken into account the reason these pills are around. I'm the reason these pills are around! I have 6 blown discs between my neck and lower back, I have bone spurs and disc material crushing my spinal cord and nerve roots. I can barely walk or use my hands anymore. It's easier to list the places where I don't hurt rather than where I do. OxyContin and Roxicodone are honestly keeping me alive - without them I would have shot myself a long time ago! I haven't tried the new formula yet, but if it doesn't work like the ones I've got right now I'm gonna be really ticked off! I hope this new recipe will take some of the heat off this subject, because if it keeps going this way then nobody in pain will be able to live a comfortable life ever again!

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@ Nick O You along with myself and the others that actually get these drugs to help us be able to continue on in a life of nothing but misery are the ones that actually live a life of torture and pain and use these drugs to even attempt to have a somewhat normal life! Unlike the other idiots that can't stand there petty problems in life and try to hide away from reality but taking meds they don't even need or deserve. Life is not fair and never will be and using drugs not meant for you to try to escape is nothing but ignorance over all cause if you had a brain you'd realize overall your making things worse for yourself, sure you may get into a nice feeling and get away for a bit but your coming right back to the reality you tried to run away from and only this time its worse cause instead of dealing with it head on you try to run and it only builds up worse and worse each time, not to mention interfering with family and friends and relationships and strapping yourself even more with financial issues most of the time as well. There drugs turn you abusers into nothing but empty shells of your past self as all you car about is getting your next fix. So you resort to stealing and whatever means to get what you want. Seriously how can you, yourself allow to drop to such a state of living. Clean yourself up and actually make something of your life, you people have no clue what its like to live in pain beyond what you could possibly imagine and have your complete life taken away from you because of actual REAL LIFE issues such as your health destroying you life something you can't change! Those of us on these pain meds at top levels with Oxycontin 80mgs and Methadone and Dilaudid and all the others would love to have such a simple life as yours which you can actually make something of yourself instead of hiding cause you think life is to hard or cause your plainly just to lazy to make something of your life. If I had the ability I would love to be free of meds I've been forced to have tons of meds that I have to take since I was a year and a half old. Its sad for me to see you people choose to make such foolish decisions and give up on yourselves from things that are truly not that hard and your life could be ALOT worse then you realize. We all deal with stress/issues some more then others but its all about how you deal with it. If you try to take the easy way out and try to run from dealing with things then you simply are choosing to make things worse as time goes on whether you realize it or not. I'm not being an asshole in anyway I simply saying life is hard but keep going on and dealing with it and show it your not some weakling being pushed and walked over all the time, Stand Up To Life and show it whose boss!! We all like to have good feeling but you can do that without drugs. On the matter of the OP's this is just like when there was the generic form of OC it was pulled cause another company was making it trying to market it as a generic for people instead of having to pay more for the brand name. But the brand name makers sued them and won and continued there monopoly. I do like the idea of stopping the ability to snort or shoot it but I fear most of them will switch to heroin which is dangerous cause of what its cut with (if one were being evil they could say they were happy cause then some of the abusers would end up dead and then be less druggies out there) but in my opinion i feel by making it this way we are going to end up with more dead or severely hurt people. I did not like the generics when they made them as there was a large difference as they did not provide the same strength the brand name did and was glad to see them pulled as I was afraid I was going to have to switch to another new pain med and worry about a reaction and side effects. I hope the OP proves to be a failed attempt and they go back to the original OC way. Theres something with that gel feature that just in my opinion truly ruins the pill over all. I keep hearing mixed stories as some patients I know take the new OP and see no difference and like them and I see just as many that are not abusers but are having worse sick feelings and claim the pill to be less potent.
In a way it comes to the idea even though I dislike weed i feel they should legalize it. I mean if we allow 16 year olds to drive cars which are machines that weigh at least a ton and are killing machines and yet we wont allow weed which makes them slow and sit on the couch and eat and is alot safer. I could only hope if we would legalize it then less abusers of drugs would move onto weed since it would be legal alot more. Plus the government could tax weed to help our financial issues. Plus the dealers would them be screwed and we wouldn't have as much drug dealers as concerning the weed. I understand why the kids want to try to get away as theres lot of s*** going on there days its no wonder kids are depressed and looking for ways to get away but drugs are not the way and I can only hope they can see that soon enough. Druggies are not bad just misguided and in may cases simply the result of peer pressure.

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yes matt please enlighten us. i am baking right now, has this worked for anyone?

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If u can't shoot em idont want em i wish there was a way to break em down. Il ne switching. To diladda next month i hate the ops i made my mortgage payment off my script now these ops r f**n worthless

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Purdue lost a law suit a woman sued they found responsable for the overdose death because he chewed OC big case action to follow part of settlement are Ops but there will problems the chemical they use as a binder is Poly ethal congluminate or something which is one of the main componet in antifreeze that can't be good for the body ain't that a kiicker! And the FDA pushed it through because it keeps the the pill intigrity as a time release med even if broken down. If you were using anway but whole this is why they seem weaker.

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These new OP's do suck, thanks to the FDA. And not just to abusers, but also for people who actually are prescribed oxy's for pain. If abusers are upset, I wonder how for example an 85 year old woman is going to feel, when she gets her monthly prescription of Oxy's and gets the new Oxy Op's, and it doesn't work the same? I feel like the FDA was thinking too much about getting abusers to stop abusing..and not at all about pain management. But i guess all in all..it's not even the FDA's fault.. it's the stupid people who think they couldn't overdose on them.. and wanted to sue Purdue for millions. Obviously they are potentially dangerous, being in the same family as heroin. It's like the caution hot that's now on McDonald's coffee cups. Does anyone know if there's a certain way to take them? Like just swallow, or chew? I have witnessed the new OP oxy 80's being eaten, crushed, and tried to be smoked... and it seems like nothing at all works. I've heard to just eat more than 1. But why take 2 pills, when you could've just taken 1, or even half?

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I have legit pain and am prescribed 80 ocs and 30mg roxies. just got the ops and although i use them as prescribed, I also snort them. I use a hose clamp which is the best and only way anyone should breakup or crush them. If u use a spoon, creditcards or whatever to squish them and crush them its very inefficient, makes the powder condensed like paper, and you lose alot of it spilling out everywhere. With a hose clamp, you can measure the amount you want to use of the pill and makes it a very clean cut. Its amazing how well they work and its almost like they were meant for it! Although it takes twice as long and is twice as hard to grind-the best and my way (crush-you people and fda's terms), you can still get about the same fine powder as the regular oc's. Only thing is, most of the time like some others have said, it does clog up your nose. It seems that not all do though and maybe some aren't made the same. Maybe they only made some tamperproof to get by fda(probly not but u never know with these pharma rockefellers). Good thing roxies are the same though, cuz unless some pharms still have stock of the old ones, i doubt we will see them again. Honestly roxies are better anyway. If you just took roxies and not contins, the withdrawls are far less harsh. I think theres alot of extra stuff in the oc that makes it more addicting and dependence creating than goodol' oxycodone(roxies). Opana grinds up good too and is stronger than oc and i think il change back to that even tho idont likem as much. Basically the new op is a remake of the opana only worse. You would think opana would have op on it right? Dilaudid is stronger too but snorting it doesnt taste too good and burns too. Roxies will take over now and i think we should all demand purdue to change back and boycott them. I know this is almost impossible but if you change your prescription to opana you can do it. Endo is gonna benifit from this BIGTIME! Damn this pharma game is way too outta hand and I wish i never broke my back n had to take these. Its sad we are all stuck withem once we startem. I heard if you getem on the street the price is 100bux now to get an old oc. CRAZYYYY! wtf is going on these days. The healthcare system is only one of our many problems and we are supposed to live in the best country in the world??!!!??? The others must have it REALLYYY BADDD...or maybe thats just our ignorant government and people delusionized into thinking we are the greatest. Canada and Austrailia probly aren't too bad. I don't hear of v ery many problems with them??!! Do you? ObamaCare, ObamaWar, ObamaTalk and NO CHANGE like he said is ruining our country. WE THE PEOPLE need to stand up and make a HUGE CHANGE!!! We need to go GREEN and make for a GREEN REVOLUTION! im not talking bout weed either, im talkin bout solar, wind, hydrogen, electric cars, energy policy, RRR= Reduce Recycle, Reuse! Stop consuming so much. use only what is needed! I think we should recycle our cars instead of buying new green cars (which hybrid gas/electric cars are NOT green cars, they are an excuse to keep us on gas and oil) we should convert our cars to hydrogen fuel cell and/or electric cars...Imagine never having to pay for gas again??!!! would that save everyone some good money? Imagine a car that has solar panels ontop of it. Tiny wind turbines under the hood that while you move they spin from the force and create energy to charge the battery while you drive. There are many things we can do and the technology is there. But go watch Who Killed The Electric Car if you havent and you will see why we are in a recession and why this technology isnt on the market yet. we have known how to use hydrogen for cars BEFORE gas!!!! its just that government ccannt tax and make money on it! How does NASA get into space and to the moon with those spacecraft???...HYDROGEN!!! ITs wayyy more powerful than gas and oil, and completely clean, non pollutant and its assonine that it isnt on the market for energy use. Just watch that documentary movie i said and ul see whats up. I can go for days but it probly took you one just to read what iv said so far so il leave it at this. I hope people read this and take it to heart because we the people need to make so drastic change, a second industrial revolution to get out of this recession...which is basically a depression but they swont call it that until its over(if it ever is). And i tell u this from the bottom of my heart and with everything I know and feel- The GREEN REVOLUTION IS THE ONLY WAY WE WILL MAKE IT OUT OF THIS RECESSION. WE MUST COME TO GOD, BEG FOR FORGIVENESS, AND GIVE HIM PRAISE. HE BROUGHT US THIS FAR AND AS LONG AS WE DO WHAT HE WANTS, WE CAN BE SET FREE TO BECOME AMERICA AGAIN AND GROW TOWARD MORE PROSPERITY AND HIGHER STANDARD OF LIVING WHICH IS WHAT WE ARE ALWAYS STRIVING FOR. PLease I beg of you all to DEMAND your local car dealership to get electric and hydrogen fuel cell cars. Do your research! And if you can get solar panels on your house and/or wind turbine! You can get fountains that use the flow of water to make energy as well for your house! We need to use our imaginations and create new ways of doing thigns better! Do your part! Get of the couch and help do sometihng! Start small and progress to bigger things. Call your representative and senators and demand that they implement energy policy!!! There are a million things we can do u just gotta get up and GO do them! It is our individual responsibility to come together as a people and society, as GOD'S children and do what is right for our world and ourselves. The only bad thing about going green is the cost and if we all demand it, the cost will drop!!! Then there will b absolutely NO argument against going green because in every single way shape and form it is good and exsaCTLY what we need to fix our problems. Invest to save money. Simple as that. As you can tell, I am not dumb. I do oc and it is for pain, not to get high and if i did do it for that obviously it's not hindering my brain and ability to think and produce for society. My pain is unbearable and it is the best thing for it. Many do not understand that because so many abuse it. Snorting it (insufflation) is just another form of intake so that the onset is quicker, and doesnt need to bypass the kidney and gastrointestinal systems. It is actually a safer way of intake, butnow that they changed to op and clogup the nose and have wierd ingredients, I have no idea if that is the case anymore. So just swallow those. Get the roxies to insufflate. Does alot of what im saying contradict myself? like saying come to god, but snort oc?...Well life IS a contradiction with good and evil. Everyone faces it and there is no way to avoid it no matter how hard we try. Jesus was the only one able to do so and all we can do is our best. But doing nothing is not the answer. DO NOT GIVE UP!!! I know its extremely hard and depressing these days but there is hope. Go to church, pray and keep faiith in God. He is in control and prayer is so much more powerful than you think, its unimaginable!!! I prayed intensely one night to be detoxed from oc and guess what?...i woke up with my whole bed soaking wet the nesxt moring and was in no need of oc!!! It really did work! But you MUST believe 100% in the prayer and be completely in tune with Him for it to be true and work. God is the Almighty and wants to help us, but we must make the choice to ask for it. No matter how bad you are, he will forgiive you. Ask and you shall recieve, but you must be completely faithful in Him. Like i said, life is contradicting and we are ALL hypocrits so if you want to call me that, that is fine because you are right :) We all are and we must realize what it is we are doing to harm ourselves, and our world; AND CHANGE IT!!! go to www.hydrogencarsnow.com and you can learn alot from that site under the history column and the rest of the site about hydrogen cars whichis one of the many great ways we can go green. Sorry so long, i hope you read it all and come to grits with what I said.
this is from the bottom of my heart and I LOVE EVERYONE, I LOVE GOD!!! I LOVE THIS WORLD! LOVE is the answer, and when you find that, you will find going green is showing love to our world and ourselves. It is all interconnected. God Bless you all. God Bless EARTH!!!!!!

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i dont think the fda and purdue thought this through they made a big mistake doing this, people will switch to heroin and other drugs to fill that void of the buzz they cant get from snorting or shooting the oc's i have taken this drug for ten years and i take it right it has worked for me good a long time and now these new ones suck and in can tell a big difference, i went from having my pain managed to being in misery and thats the truth,people will take more trying to get out of pain, they will mix them with other drugs or switch to the harder ones, its gonna get worse and the ploice will be sure to see way more heroin and coke,and i think there will be more overdoses from people taking soma and nerve pills or too many im supposed to take ten 80 mg pr day 4 at once at 7 am and im telling you wat use to control my pain these new ones dont come close so purdue and the fda when they say the therapuetic is the same they do not thats crap i have to suffer now and im pissed. purdue also will be losing major profits and cause just read all the posts and pay attention fda people are still abusing them you have done nothing but huet people like me and deprive me of my right to have my pain managed.

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they are crap and no you cant bake them trust me i tried some one said to bake them for ten min it only made the pill more gummy ths sucks

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i broke my back and have spinal fusion with encagement and have been on meds for years noe the oc seem to just cover the daily pain i am persrcibed 6 80ties a day and 4 ir 15 mg daily buy perscription i now just recived my 180 80 mg ops 2 days ago and i havent left my couch yet the pain isnt subdoing so if the say they are the same as oc they are not tell that to the 14 inch rods and hardware holding my spine straight becausr my spine says they dont work

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Ok, so if its crushed we know its near impossible to sniff, it breaks into a million clump pieces...what if you swallow all those pieces? and do this with 4 op 80s at once, shouldnt you be able to get the same buzz? albeit 45 mins later, but oh well, I used to sniff 10 80mgs oc's a day, ususally by crushing 2 at a time and sniffing them, my question is if i swallow four at once, when it kicks in will that be equivalne to sniffing 2?

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all you idiots that are posting about how you used to snort your pills and shoot them and smoke them and payed your mortgage from your script. you are the morons that got the op's on the market , then you have the nerve to get on here and bitch cause they changed them, maybe think if you didnt abuse them and then talk online about how you did maybe this wouldnt have happen, and the sad part is a lot of these people probably dont have chronic pain like i do, cause of you now i have to take pills that dont work half as well and tear up my stomach. thanks a lot

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Thank you for making the op's I'm not a sniffer or a shooter and an oxy 80 used to cost me $50 now since you can't sniff/shoot them my dealer sells not as much soo he dropped the price to 30 bucks!!!!!! Woooo hoooo l

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jrizzle -- did you ever recieve a response to your question?

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No, i got a bunch myself today, and i usually sniff a few oc 80s every hour or so , but today i used a pill cutter, cut them in half, very easy....took the coating off with a razor, (but i saw someone jjust take if off by wetting it), so i broke 4 in half, and swallowed them, at 11 am, it is now 6:30, i feel fine still, a little tired, but i was definetly jammed an hour later, nothing will compare to the old ones, but at least we will never be dope sick....bottom line is it is STILL 80 MG OF OXY CODONE IN YOUR SYSTEM

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I, for one, am really excited about the OP's. My boyfriend has been taking all my money to buy the OC's because he smokes them and then promises over and over it's his last time. I found out AFTER I got pregnant with his kid what he was doing with my money. Anyway, I hope he stops now.

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ATTENTION, stop reading all this bulls**t....i 100%, figured out how to do , I just did it an hour ago , it works, and its just as good, you use a dremel, the specific one i used is to trim my dogs toenails....you take the coating off with a razor blade and use the dremel you get pure regular powder, make sure your nostril is dry, and sniff hard, only difference is instead of a drip, a little of it gets caked to the inside of your mouth like peanut butter, but you get the exact same high as with the old ones, F**K OFF PURDUE, nice try!

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the dremel works thanks jrizzle

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I have to laugh at the whole power tool thing.. At least i believe that is what is being referred to in the past couple of posts!!
But arent there many differnt types of drezels? It is the name brand but what are we talking here! A sander. Buffer! Drill!


And i thought the stoners were the only ones who got creative!!

I am sorry but you kinda have to admit.. It is a bit funny.
I can just imagine my wife coming home after i see the pain managemetn doc... And i am either acting like Betty Crocker baking all of the Oxys.. Or Tim the tool man Taylor using a drill bit on em!
What inquiring minds really want to know is the ratio/comparison.. Does drilling it down/eating whole or sniffing the end result of this new formula OP really provide an equvalent b*zz??
thanks all!

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