Oxycontin 160mg Daily. 2nd Medication For Breakthrough Pain? (Top voted first)


Overall this medication & dosage is effective reducing chronic pain. However, occasionally I have severe breakthrough pain.
Does anyone have experience or recommendations of a secondary medication that would be effective reducing the breakthrough pain.
Having taken this higher dosage of Oxycontin for so long, I'm having difficulty finding a medication strong enough to reduce this occasional, severe breakthrough pain.

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Ask your doc about adding methadone altho its a pain for withdrawing from alot of docs add it for breakthrew pain.

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Something else to keep in mind is that your tolerance continues to increase as well with higher dosages, eventually rending each higher dose ineffective (unless you're titrating down then back up, etc). So finding that middle ground between feeling slight pain vs managing how much medication you're taking seems to be equally important when it comes to maintaining a lower tolerance in order to help get the most relief out of what you do take. I tell ya, it's a double edge sword when it comes to this type of thing because on one end you can keep adding more meds and increasing your dosage, yet that same dosage inevitably becomes null over time if you're not keeping the body's tolerance levels in check. I'd be curious to know if chronic pain patients taking their medication in this manner makes a typical daily dose as effective as it was the day they first took it? Does that make sense? I don't mean to get off track.

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The methadone is for drug withdrawal..however some doctors use it as an add on with oxy because it builds up in the system over 5- 7 days and it holds a pain blocking level as long as its taken....however if you dont take it, wham the level drops and it shows on the drug panels...also it has severe withdrawal symptoms such as leg cramps, spasm, joint pain and more..so if you get it perscribed to you...take as prescribed

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