Oxycodone Forums (Page 172)

Recently active Oxycodone forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Oxycodone and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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My father is handicapped and can't get around well, even with all that I have been dragging him around for 2 weeks and cent find them anywhere. Would like to fill at Walgreens due to no money but at this point anywhere would be great! It's sickening watch an older man in so much pain and then going thru withdrawals. Could anyone help? I would be so thankful. We just had to put our dog down on Monday so its like one thing after another. ## Aloha check with the state insurance, ask his doc if he knows of social help including help offered by the pharmaceutical co. they often give assistance to low income or uninsured ? walmart usually has generic for like 3 bucks or so ? but doc has to say a generic can be substituted.... another option is order from canada of if you are just a fe...

15 REPLIES Updated

I filled with CVS for three years and went in to fill my script and the pharmacist told me they have new rules, the doctor has to be within five miles of the pharmacy and you have to live within five miles of the pharmacy and refused to fill them. Then i went to walgreens and was told they didnt feel comfortable filling them at several stores and the others told me that they only had enough to fill there regular customers and were not taking on new people as i was a customer of theirs for at least three years until they were having trouble getting them ## I have been at the same pharmacy for 2 years and now they won't fill my prescription either, Everything is crazy right now, but we have to fight for the right to be pain free, I joined the Fight for Florida Pain Care network, you c...

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I love in Los Angeles County and I need to know where can I get oxycodone 30 mg filled I am in a lot of pain. ## I'm sorry, but there is no database that lists what pharmacies have any given medication in stock, though it would be great if there were. There has been a shortage, though it should resolve very soon. Learn more Oxycodone details here. The only suggestion I can really make is that if you can't get it filled anywhere, you may need to talk to your doctor about using an alternative medication in the meantime. Have you checked various local pharmacies?

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I was taking a walk and I found a sandwich bag full of these little round blue pills that say a215 with a line across them. Should I bring them to a pharmacy or the lost and found at the police station? ## Regardless of which you choose, the pills will be destroyed, no one is going to hang on to them and look for an owner. So, for proper disposal, your best bet is to take them to a pharmacy and tell them you found them and let them handle it. As to what they are, these are 30mg Oxycodone tablets, a generic for Roxicodone. Learn more Oxycodone details here.

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What's the HCL in the oxycodone for and whats it do? ## The HCL just stands for hydrochloride, it designates the precise chemical salt that the Oxycodone has been derived from. So, the actual drug name is Oxycodone Hydrochloride, it doesn't really do anything or change how the Oxycodone works. Learn more Oxycodone details here. Are there any other questions?

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when the supplies run out later this month that will be the end of that. Oxycodone – Market Removal of Unapproved Products On July 5, 2012, the FDA announced the issue of a Federal Register notice instructing companies to stop manufacturing and distributing unapproved single-ingredient, immediate-release oral drug products containing oxycodone. The notice is part of the FDA’s Unapproved Drugs Initiative to remove unapproved drugs from the market. New Oxy ir tamper proof aka Oxyceta courtesy from our friends at Purdue Pharma.... the same ones that fun did the east Force monitoring program in Florida privately ## Really, it's only the end of those certain unapproved Oxycodone products, not all of them, so there is no reason to panic. Learn more Ox...

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pink in colour round with Tec on one side and a line on the opposite side ## Hello, The closest match I can find is a pill that contains 5 mg of Oxycodone and (325) mg of Acetaminophen. It matches your description perfectly except that this pill is white. This blend of medication is a narcotic pain reliever used to treat moderate to severe acute (short-term) pain. Manufacturer: Ratiopharm, Canada Learn More: Acetaminophen + Oxycodone Details If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you.

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what color pill is oxycodine 5mg/235 and for what kind of pain?is this pill good for arthritis? ## Hi Matthew, Oxycodone comes in multiple colors no matter the dosage, therefore I can't identify a pill based soley on the dosage information. In order to identify the color of any pill, I would have to know the imprint so that I could find an accurate match. Oxycodone is used for moderate to severe pain, so it will very likely work for pain caused by arthritis. Learn More: Oxycodone Details I hope this info helps! Please post back if you have any more questions.

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round blue pill with a v on one side and 48/12 on the other ## I cannot post a picture due to copyright reasons with the sites I use, however, I can confirm that this is Oxycodone 30mgs, regular release, a generic for Roxicodone made by Vintage. ## picture of a 30mg oxycotin color purple, time releaseee ## ITS A ROXY MADE BY VINTAGE OR QUAILAIST ## what is the difference between the light blue and dark blue 30mg oxycodone other than the manufacturer? The light blue do not work near as well as the dark blue ones. Can u ask the pharmacist to get them from a different manufacturer with out being treated like a drug seeker?

4 REPLIES Updated

Its the bomb for pain but as it goes some are addicts and abuse them but that's to be expected why the big uproar it hit home and the rich went crazy abusing it and you know the cry for help went out then it got twisted to look like it was a monster look out Its going to look like death im out peace ya dig ## Hello, Are you referring to Oxycodone (30) mg, manufactured by vintage pharmaceuticals? I can confirm that Oxycodone is used in the treatment of moderate to sever pain. From what I can gather, it has been quite unstable in the market the past few years due to abuse and dependance issues. Learn More: Oxycodone Details If you have any questions or concerns regarding this medication or other topics, post back and I will be happy to assist you.

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N over 20 on one side and other side is clear white. Small white round pill. Anyone? ## Someone mentioned that this pill was Oxycodone 20mg, but I am unable to confirm this due to a lack of available resources. I can however say that it is most-likely made by the Canadian company "Novopharm"; which I believe is now called Teva-Canada. They have quite a few pills with the letter "N" over another set of numbers. It may be worth your time to contact them directly about this pill: tevacanada.com/contact-us.aspx I hope this helps!

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trying to find a cheaper alternative to purchase my oxycodone 30. I have suffered from chronic pain and arthritis from cervical and lumbar arthropathy accompanied by chronic migraines. I don't have health insurance and am forced to pay cash for my pharmacueticals. Any response would be greatly appreciated. ## What formulation is the Oxycodone, instant release, regular or time release? Learn more Oxycodone details here. There may be some assistance programs available, but they are usually specific to the name brands from the manufacturer, so I need to know which one you're taking, in order to check on this for you. I can also check on them in regards to any other medications you're taking, so feel free to post back with details on them as well and I'll let you know what I...

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Will they help the lower back pain im having ## Hello, Oxycodone is used to treat moderate to severe pain, so there is a chance that it may work for you. I have heard of others having success with this medication, however it can be very harsh on the body and you won't really know how it's going to effect you until you try it. You can follow the link if you'd like some more information about Oxycodone: Learn More: Oxycodone Details Personally, I have dealt with lower back pain the majority of my life and have always had relief after exercising regularly and doing specific yoga moves. I've also read that oil of oregano, when applied to the feet, can be very beneficial to those with back pain and other ailments. I hope this info helps!

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I am a vet injured I have been going to the same pain clinic since 2007 And they lowerd my pain meds so low they dont work anymore Anyone know of a compashinat pain doc nw ga area Dont trust va Need help ## Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I may not have a doctor I can refer you to, but down below are a couple links that may be of service to you in your search for pain management doctors within your general area. Also, when seeing a new doctor just make sure to transfer or take a copy of all your medical records with you. Then, the best approach in my opinion, is to discuss up front and honestly what has or hasn't worked for you in the past. Let them know about the experience you had with your previous Doctor as well. Most doctors will take it under consideration a...

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Hello, my name is susan. I saw a doctor for fifteen years and missed an appointment in september when i had terrible migraines for four days. Somehow my stepmother discharged me because she is the director of nursing?? I can't find many doctors to take me because i'm on tncare right now. can anyone tell me of a physician in maryville or knoxvile, tn. that will prescribe this for me without going to a pain clinic. Susan ## Hi Susan, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. What pain medication are you hoping to get a prescription for? If you let me know, I can surely do some research and try to offer some suggestions as to where you might be able to go to get what you need. ## hello jen. i was on oxycodone 15mg 4x day. but at the least percocet 10//32mg 4xday would be find. th...

5 REPLIES Updated

looking for some kind of pill that looks like a oxycodone 20mg,they look lite gray,small round,4 a count, ## I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at here. Are you simply trying to identify a pill that looks like it might be an Oxycodone? Or are you trying to find a pill to replace someone else's Oxycodone? Hopefully not the latter of the two - for karma's sake, but if you can post back with anymore details that would be great! ## You aren't going to find any that are going to fool someone that's used to what the pills should look like. All prescription tablets have unique imprints to enable their identification and any medical personnel doing pill counts is going to know what to look for to be sure they are real. Learn more Oxycodone details here. Are there a...

2 REPLIES Updated

small white pill Capital M with square box around it and 15 mark on other side ## THIS IS NOT OXYCODONE! This tablet actually contains 15mgs of Morphine CR, a generic for MS Contin. This is a narcotic pain reliever. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth and constipation. ## This pill is a 15mg oxycodone. it is a generic for roxicet. ## 2 people responded to a question asked about a small white pill with an M on one side and the other side has a C thn a line with 15 under it, one of you said it is Morphine 15mg NOT OXYCODONE, the OTHER person says it IS oxycodone, generic for roxicet. WHICH IS IT? ## Is methodone a better way to travel with pain than oxocodone

4 REPLIES Updated

yes,had knee replacement Doctor gave me Oxycodone for pain but it makes me nausea what can I take for the nausea safely.Is it safe to take Pheneragan as they gave it to me in the hospital, ## Propopazine ane methergan, as you mentioned come to mind. So does Famatodine. I'm no Doc but I've tried all 3 with satisfactory results. Best of luck . . . Q ## Famotidine is an antacid, so it will not help prevent the nausea that can be a side effect of a narcotic medication. Learn more Famotidine details here. That said, is Oxycodone the only medication you're on? If so, there can be some issues combining it with the Phenergan, but in the hospital you are being monitored regularly, so they can keep an eye out for any problems. However, mixing them creates the risk of developing severe...

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SMALL WHITE ROUND PILLL WITHN-20 ON ONE IDE OFIT WIH NOTHING ON OTHERSIDE ## I haven't found a definitive match, but my research shows that others with this particular pill have claimed it to be Oxycodone 20mgs, out of Canada. Although I cannot post a photo of the pill due to copyright reasons, their description of it is as follows: "the pill was small, white, had a 20 on one side and a capital N on the other" If this sounds like a possible match, I have no reason to believe that it's anything other than Oxycodone 20mgs. Has anyone else seen this pill before?

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I have tablets that are supposed to be 20mg oxycodone but there are no markings on either side. Just a round white tablet approximately the size of a 40mg oxycontin. The pill came from an overseas pharmacy and is called something like oxycodona. Is there an oxycodone type pill that would fit this description? The pill makes me fell tired but typical side effects of opiates such as itching are not present. ## If you ordered from a foreign pharmacy and there are no markings on the tablet, there is no way to say for certain what it is. It may or may not be Oxycodone, the only way you could be sure would be to pay to have it lab tested. This is a common problem from some foreign sources, there are a lot of posts on here about unmarked pills being received and not working like the ones someo...

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