Oxycodone Urine Test Shows Negative And I Take It Everyday!
UpdatedI take Oxycodone 30mg tabs 6x daily. I went in for my monthly appt. and had to give a urine sample. My dr called me and said it was negative for Oxycodone and positive for marijuana!!! What the hell??? Now my dr says I have 30 days to find a new dr!! Is there anything I can do to convince him to still treat me? Is there anything I can do to prove to him that Quest labs made a mistake?
19 Replies
I don't have an answer as the same thing happened to me. It was humiliating! Went to another doctor and he refused to prescribe to me. I have been taking oxycodone 5mg 4 times a day for months!! I want to find out how this happened. Supposedly, the lab used the quantitative method but I have no proof of this. I am so tired of being treated like a drug addict by doctors and pharmacies. What can I do about this negative oxy test?
I take 5mg of norco a day at bedtime everyday I had a check up at the doctors..she gave me a urine test it came back negative for any opiates... Y is that anyone know.. I only take one pill a day I weigh 135...
if your still within your "30 day find another md grace period", you can very politely ask if they will run a DNA test on your urine (the lab should still have it) Epithelial cells excreted in urine can be isolated and tested for DNA, the only issue may be insurance paying for this test. It certainly is not unheard of for labs to make mistakes, especially large busy commercial labs. You also have the right to request that they retest you via blood draw- blood doesn't filter as quickly as urine- and should still test positive for opiates.......
How is it possible for my urine to test clean for percocet 12 hours after my last dose? I took them when I ran out of my Suboxone (I Know no judgments) so on the morning of my appt with my doctor I took an at home test which is the same one they use to screen and it came back negative. I had only took them for 48 hours and my test showed negative 12 hours after last dose! I just want to be sure there test will also show up negative. Has anyone heard of percocet flushing through your system so quickly?
I have a first time suboxone appt tomorrow in Louisiana and I have a urine analysis for this appt. I am taking subs not prescribed to me but given to me by a friend to help me get off of pain meds now so I will have suboxone in my system but I will also
Have methamphetamine in my system. Should I use someone else's urine and dip a strip in it? Or should I take the chance and $400 and just be honest? I'm scared he may think that if he prescribes the suboxone to me that I may use again
Sounds like you're about the same weight as I am but the truth is weight and size don't really make a difference on how you metabolize medication. I've had Pee test 7 hours after taking an oxycontin and show up negative for opiates. An hour later when they finally texted my Pee, cuz they forgot about it and saw a negative they took a second test 8 hours after my oxycontin was taken and even it showed up negative. I've also had a DNA test done my doctor's office does DNA test to see how people metabolize medication and it showed that I metabolize quicker luckily. That way I'm able to take 3 oxycontin a day instead of the standard two. No two people metabolize the same so I would suggest did it DNA test done through your doctor it's a very specialized test on metabolism of medication. Days ago I had to get tested for a accident that I got into and the night before I had one maybe two puffs of pot my urine test turned up diluted because it was the middle of summer and I was a delivery driver and I drank a ton of water. So they tested it again the next day and was negative. After that I never put my job at risk again that was scary. My boss had to take me for the urine test and he didn't understand why I was so upset at a minor accident and I told him the truth. When it comes to Dr and bosses honesty really is the best policy. Don't dilute yourself too much purposely though it looks bad. ;-)
Can you tell me the name of this doctor I can give you a different docotr to go to who will see you and give you your meds
I have to take a urinel level test n three weeks .problem is I don't take my meds as directed.question is can anyone tell me how to have my levels show up correctly? Don't want to fail it will mean dismissing me from doctors and I can't have that happen there are very few pain doctors now in my area please help .do I have to take the required amount for days prior? How many days if so ? And is there any way to pass and take one of the urine cleaning products week prior cleaning system then start taking meds few days prior as prescribed
is this doctor you have a name for in British Columbia? I need one
I have been taking norco 10 ~ 4 times a day for about two months. I took two Roxys 15 mg on Sunday and have a urine screen on Tuesday. Will my screen come back positive for hydrocodone and oxycodone? This is a 12 panel test.
That's a lie... stop candy coating real life situations. There is no way after taking all those meds and they don't show up in a urine test. Unless you diluted it, drinking loads of water and pissing frequently; or you used a detox drink.
Hello, how did you ever make out? I have a friend in the same situation and he is upset about it. Pls let me know. Thanks so much.
I'm prescribed Oxycodone 10mg. I took a urine test and my doctor said that it's not showing up. If my doctor dismisses me, how long can I go to another pain management doctor?
I have been taking oxycodone for about 2 years for severe back pain at 10 mg twice a day. I have had 4 urine tests & a blood test and it doesn't show up in any results. My doctor now thinks I haven't been taking them. What reason could there be for a negative result? I'm very frustrated.
I was changed over to Aurobindo Pharmaceutical's Oxycodone/Acetaminophen 7.5-325mg about 6 months ago. Received a drug test last month and was told I had absolutely no Oxycodone in my system! I am on three of these a day along with three Morphine Sulfate ER 15 mg tablets also. I have always taken my medication as prescribed, on time, never missing a dose as I have multiple back and neck injuries and have had surgeries on both areas several times and require more but choose to hold off at this time. I have noticed no relief since changing to this manufacturer, but assumed it was me as I have chose to have my pain pump removed and also had my Morphine lowered quite a bit last year. But my doctor is basically assuming I am not taking my Oxycodone and threatening to take it away if it does not show up in the next test!
I just happened to stumble across this while looking up this new manufacturer and it suggested there may be a possible mix up with my medication; & to check with my pharmacy who happens to be Rite Aid by the way! I had questioned them about how I could possibly not show for my Oxycodone, and they never said a word about any complaints from customers about this manufacturer from India! This could cause me to lose my medications altogether, which I've been on since 1999 and have been told will have to be on for life! And now they even want to put another pain pump back in. Why would Rite Aid not even mention the fact, nor make consumers or doctors aware of this manufacturer and the drug not working, and if that's occurring then it's strong possibility of not showing up in a drug screen would also make sense and should be made aware of for patient's sake and to FDA/DEA!!!
I personally would rather not ingest any more meds than needed, and if they're not even doing their job that's totally unfair, cruel, and what exactly is the patient ingesting if not Oxycodone? Why has this medication not been tested yet? Is saving a buck more important than a person's personal comfort, but mostly their life?
I went to my pain mgt doc and he urine tested me which he does like clock work every three months. I am prescribed 15mg oxycodone as needed (up to 5 per day). I take it every day! I had to drink a lot of water while at the doctor's office because I couldn't urinate. My test came out negative! He said it showed that I had no oxycodone in my system. Is that possible or should I ask for records? This office is being watched by the FBI for Medicare malpractice!
Re: Kristi (# 7)
It was Dr. John Clark in Baton Rouge, LA. I'm planning on changing to a different dr anyway because the FBI recently indicted him for Medicare Fraud and some other things having to do with saving urine samples and retesting them! If you know a good dr in Baton Rouge I would really appreciate a recommendation!
Re: Riley (# 12)
He had me do another urine test at the next appt. I go back in next week and find out what he says. Thanks for asking!
Re: Tina (# 14)
Oxycodone is semisyntetic opioid, not an opiate and will not show on standard 5 panel, 9 panel urine test which test for opiates only. Dr. Should run 12 panel opiate test which includes opioids, including oxicodone!Jan
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