Oxycodone Prescribing Limitations (Top voted first)


Hi my name is sunny. I'm trying to find out if anyone is aware of the amount of roxy 30mg a doctor can prescribe to a person per month in las vegas?? Please i really need to know and please no guessing if you dont know, it's ok either way. If anyone knows that can give me the right answer that would be wonderful. Thank you everyone and have a good morning.

3 Replies

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120 is the maximum if you don't have a life threatning illness.

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I get 240 30mg per month. but latley pharmacist don't want to fill the prescription because they can't get but somany per month.

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Sun Pharmaceutical (to me) work the best. 240 is a ton. Don’t keep going man. Trust me. Those damn things are so hard to stop. Argh. But besides that yes it's happening to all of us cause of the *****s who do bad things. So we who do because we NEED it to move get totally screwed now. I was at 200. After a yr down to 86. I have to go super slow and it has not been easy. I am to the point where I take for pain not to just get through a day. So at some point I have to stop decreasing but it’s hard to know where one needs to be, etc. It's a tough daily battle even when doing it right.

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