Oxycodone New Jersey
UpdatedI had broken two vertebrae and dislocated my shoulder in a car accident on the GSP. Was seeing someone way up in N. Jersey. Good doc (but crowded office) but it's too far for me to drive. Anyone know of any other doctors in NJ that would prescribe 15mg or 30mg oxycodone? I was taking 90 15's per/mo. Tried living with out the pain killers but it's almost impossible. Any help would be appreciated!
8 Replies
Hello, Keith! How are you doing? I'm very sorry that you're in pain.
Due to the new regulations that were put in place by the DEA last year, you'll need to see a pain management specialist, if you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis. A general practice physician won't be able to prescribe it for you.
The FDA lists this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there a chance that your current doctor might be able to refer you to someone? If so, that might be the quickest and easiest way to find the help you need.
Can anyone recommend a good doctor?
Thank you Verwon. I was not aware of the new regulations regarding the type of meds I take. That saved me a potential trip to a general practice office. My current doctor is a pain mgmt specialist. Maybe in the long run it's worth the drive every month? I will still be open to any suggestions for a pain mgmt specialist in the ocean/monmouth co. areas. Thank you again!
You are very welcome!
They aren't 'laws', so to speak, but when the DEA puts stuff out to doctors telling them they should and shouldn't do something, they've really no choice but to abide by them, or they risk losing their license to practice medicine, as well as fines and jail time.
I do hope someone can recommend a closer doctor.
Please post back and keep me updated! Thanks!
Hi I was wondering if you can help me I need to find a pain managment dr in nj. my ins changed and my dr of 7 yrs won't honor it and I haven't found a dr that prescribes pills only inj's, please help. God Bless
Hope you found someone :)
Could you please give me your Drs information please?
Hi Keith I was also in a bad car accident but it was on the NJ Turnpike. Drunk driver hit me and boy do I feel the pain daily from all my injuries. I was wondering if you can share your doctors information? I am in north nj and it would be much appreciated. Feel better.
The doctor I was seeing is no longer is business. So I am without a doc and/or meds. What about you guys?
I've been in bad chronic pain for 6 months now. It is with me in the form of a 24-7 persistent headache that never subsides. I've been to neurologists, chiropractors, dentist, eye doctor, 3 headache specialists, even the hospital in hopes of solving this issue but the headache is still with me. At this point it would be considered chronic pain. I did not want to find a pain doctor I only wanted to end the headache and find some sort of cure but I need to be logical. The sad thing is I have tried over 20 diff families of medication and all have failed. There is only one medication so far that has halted my pain and even touched my chronic pain and that unfortunately is from the opiate class which is super dangerous. But I cant live in pain every moment the rest of my days. The last 6 months have been utter hell. I cant go another 6 in pain. Ive had trigger point injections, multiple procedures such as blood patches and nerve blocks, also botox for migraine. Again no pain was relieved. So my neuro wants me to be pain free while I wait to have an mri (I have metal rods in my legs from a major surgery) and he recommends going back onto whatever halts my pain even if it's shorter term. So finally now that you have the background my question is do you know any doc in central nj that wont treat me like some addict when im only looking so be pain free? I cant live much longer with this pain I dont remember what its like to not be in agony. If you know a pain doc who easily prescribes oxycodone or any other opiate on the first visit or 2 then let me know as you could be helping me a lot more then you may think. I refuse to suffer any longer. I cant deal with the pain nonstop anymore. I need a good doc who cares for me and wont give me trouble and will give me oxycodone no problem so I can go on with my life not in agonizing pain every moment I breath. Most docs seem to rather have me suffer than give me the only thing that has worked in the past.... I have all the testing and forms to show the doctor this is a legit crisis.
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