Oxycodone Blue Pill A 51 (Page 5)
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How effective are the A51 blue oxycodone pills? Does it work like the mbox 30's V's Or A215???

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I need a doctor in the Waterbury CT area who will prescribe me my medication and who accepts Medicaid and New patients please help me

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Actually, although naloxone is an opiod antagonist and "blocks" (not really the chemical mechanism) opiate absorption. It has, in fact, been added to opiates to prevent overdose for many years. Darvocet N-100 was the first, about 40 years ago. The idea is that the ratio of naloxone to opiate is rather small so it only "kicks in" when enough of the chemical is ingested. Furthermore, it also prevents absorption in smaller quantities if used intravenously. This is all moot with regard to the A51 since it contains no naloxone, but seems there was a lot of misinformation being thrown around. Be very careful when calling someone a m****; you may not know all that you think you do.

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I do not take my pain medicine any other way than by mouth. Who cares what number is stamped on the pill. It makes those people making these comments come across as druggies. And ithought these forums are from people who have real pain and want to discuss that pain with other and be supportive to them. NOT always bring up the things I keep reading. On here. The personal attacks towards each other on here toward each other are a joke. So if any one can post a web sight where real people do interact with each other about true pain management and there medical issues in a friendly way. I for one would participate in something like this. And I welcome any one to post links to these type forums. I have been entertained a lot here at posts. People name calling and bragging about how they abuse this drug so. Forth. It's tragic but funny at the same time. Most likely this place is being monitor by big brother. They do do those kind things. I do t want my name associated with these types. Who have nothing better to Do than comeon line. And post this stuff.

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The E8s are put out by Epic Pharma. In my opinion they rank higher in function and deliverance than the Vs and the AIGs. The Mbox and A215s ranking the highest. Followed by the K9s then the E8s, then the Vs and lastly the AIGs. As for these new A51s. I had one...but didn't try it becuz of what I was reading (in this forum), wish I would have tried it now.

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A51 has no naloxone in them. I just called amneal the company who makes them!! They are 100% instant release oxycodone generic 30mg!! Get your facts right!!

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That's not true, there is no Naloxone in the A51 roxys. I just got off the phone with my pharmacist. He said there is still no pill like that yet! Yet being the key word there! There is only one anti abuse roxy out there and it is made by epic is what he told me. He said it's supposed to gel up if abused. Its marking is E 8. I just had a script of them last month. Hope this helps guys.

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It would be like making a bullet with no powder charge.

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Wrong they do nor have any naloxone in them..where ever you got that from is a lie

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New Oxycodone Pill Designed to Prevent Abuse:


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No, it doesn't, Jerky McJerkface. Like practically everyone else has said, 1) the doctor would legally have to inform you of this, and 2) they legally would have to put it on the prescription bottle. Now, maybe you are attempting to deter people from abusing said medication, by making up some lie about it, but if someone is going to abuse it, nothing you say, will deviate them from going out and abusing said medication. Have a splendid day of misinformation.

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Agreed they are stronger I alway take the Ms v,a 214,k9,the really big ones abg I think. .but this ones are stronger..I got a E 8 Im trying later never seen this 51s and the E8s before

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@the truth.. Maybe you should think about changing your username because you have no idea what your talking about.

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Dam 360 a month what state are you from I have an extremely bad back i can't even walk I need a wheel chair and they only give me 90 15s and 60 30mg OxyContin I keep telling them I'm still in pain

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I used to get 360 a month also ..Dr been cutting me down slowly now I'm at 180 n hating life. Where is ur dr located...I'm in San Diego

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Is this Mr. Richie rich from ravens nation? Ok I'm just thinking if u get a pill with the naloxone in it from the TARGON company and happen to cut it in half and get naloxone in ur system, wouldn't that ruin any pain relief for many days because that antagonist remains in the system for a long time? Ps the pain pill with the naloxone is from the TARGON COMPANY AND COMES IN EXTENDED RELEASE. WITH MARKINGS LIKE. OXYN 20 and 40. No oxyn 30 even. God bless and be safe. No need to abuse the meds. For real

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I agree. All the milligrams are the same. It doesn't matter if you have any questions or concerns about the new year to year

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There is not a single oxycodone pill in the world that has naloxone in it. I don't know where you people get your information from or you just make it up in your heads but you were all completely wrong. I don't know how many times I or other people have to tell you the same thing.

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A51 has naloxone in it, dealers do not want you to know. This was done for all the people that like to abuse 30s intranasally. For some of us that have a medical issue and need them, the abusers are making it hard for us to get relief. I heard some dumb a** say, "yeah they are new and they have a kick". People are dying every day by doing the wrong s*** with their drugs. America grow up and take some responsibility. I have also heard people sell their drugs because there are no jobs and they need to survive any way they can. A51 are junk. get your money back. If your dealer has them, your doctor and pharmacist know what you are up to.

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I agree 100 percent. now a days people look up info for drugs on these chat rooms and statements like the one you pointed out has the potential to do more harm than good.

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No, they are not like the m's or the v's....granted they are oxy 30's, but the strength just seems to be very low. They feel about as potent as a 15 mg oxy...if that. The big white ones that say 114 on them are the same way....they feel about half as strong as an m,v,k9, or a215. I have no idea why this is, but these suck in my opinion. I don't understand how the feel like they are about half as strong as the others.

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